??? Is it just the challenge level of the upper limit of level 10?

Ling Qing looked at the information in front of her and was a little puzzled.

According to that person, if there is a ghost world, it must be at least level 11 and up.

After all, it is a land of one realm, and it is impossible for a person who has not yet become a ghost fairy to sustain it.

However, it is not yet known what the opening conditions are, and there is no rush.

Find a place to live first, and then think about it slowly.

Even if it's just an ordinary copy of the martial arts world, as long as it lasts long enough, it will be enough.

At the moment, Lingqing no longer struggled, turned around and left, and found a hotel to stay in the nearest place.

From time to time, I use the network of the Special Affairs Department to search for dungeons near Jinhua, trying to find some clues.

At night, Ling Qing, who was sitting on the bed and flipping through her mobile phone, suddenly looked up at the door, and then heard a knock on the door.

Boom boom boom~

When he opened the door, he saw a fair-skinned woman who was about 1.6 meters tall and only reached his chest.

About 20 years old, although he answered the saying that women in the south of the Yangtze River are made of water, but he didn't have the kind of mellow, gentle, virtuous and dignified temperament.

On the contrary, there is a refreshing breath of mountain spring after the ice and snow melt.

Ling Qing could feel that this was not only due to her own personality, but also had a lot to do with the exercises she practiced.

Shui Yingxue, Director of the Third Department of the Religious Affairs Bureau of the Jinhua Special Affairs Department, has met Daoqing Daoist.

Seeing him open the door, the woman named Shui Yingxue spoke.

The voice is cold and crisp, like a mountain spring in early spring, jingling and crisp.

The news from the Special Affairs Department is really well-informed. You have found Pindao not long after he arrived.

Ling Qing said while letting him in.

Today, the Taoist priest frightened those two people. He thought he had encountered a ghost.

Shui Yingxue pulled out a stool and sat down and said.

Everyone who does something has traces, especially a person like the Taoist priest.

I don't know why Director Shui is looking for Pindao?

Ling Qing smiled and asked instead.

Ming people don't say dark words, the Taoist priest came to Jinhua for the suspected copy of Nie Xiaoqian.

I don’t know if Chang Ke would like to share with us?

Shui Yingxue also said bluntly.

Because of the story of Nie Xiaoqian, Jinhua has always attracted many people, but it has been fruitless.

Originally, the Jinhua Special Affairs Department didn't particularly care about it, but after all, Lingqing had already had a copy of Laoshan Taoist beforehand, and gained a lot from it.

Here, the Laoshan sect prepared the stall for the establishment of the sect, restlessly waiting for the grand ceremony to be held in their own land.

Instead, he came to Jinhua not far away, and not long ago he exchanged detailed information from the Special Affairs Department.

If it is said that he just came to see, this is not convincing.

Pindao is looking for that copy, but only for the benefit of time.

Ling Qing had nothing to hide, so she opened up and said.

As for whether it is a copy of Nie Xiaoqian, Pindao doesn't care. If there is another copy with a suitable time ratio, Pindao doesn't mind turning around and leaving.

Although he was telling the truth, words alone were not so convincing.

Shui Yingxue naturally didn't believe it, she just thought he was trying to evade.

Don't refuse, Daoist. My Special Affairs Department has studied it for so long, and naturally I have gained something.

Immediately, some details discovered by the Special Affairs Department were directly stated.

It turned out that the talented person went to attend a classmate's wedding, and got in in a daze after being drunk.

So much so that I forgot some of the details.

Based on this detail, the Special Affairs Department deduced that the opening of the dungeon might be related to the wedding.

But no matter how hard you try, you can only feel some slight fluctuations.

So naturally the existence of the copy can be confirmed, but the main element is so lacking that it cannot be opened.

Lingqing's heart moved when she heard this, and she made some calculations based on this information.

Then he asked some details, and promised that if he found a way to open it, he would naturally not leave the Special Affairs Department.

If you can successfully open the copy, the Taoist leader doesn't have to worry that we will drag you down.

Before leaving, Shui Yingxue turned to look at Lingqing and said seriously.

On the contrary, if the Taoist priest encounters any danger inside, he can come to us for help.

So, thank you very much.

Seeing her serious appearance, Ling Qing bowed her hands to show her appreciation.

After sending Shui Yingxue away, he thought about the few known clues in his heart.

I contacted Zhu Guang and asked if he was free to come to Jinhua.

After getting an affirmative answer, he began to wait.

Speaking of the five temples, except for Lingqing who built the Taoist temple early, everyone else is busy.

As for Zhu Guang, the main reason is that his family has strong capital.

Unlike Li Li and Tian Yong, he didn't need to worry about these chores at all.

The next afternoon, Zhu Guang flew over directly by plane.

At this time, besides being more white and tender than before, he also has a pearly and jade-like feeling.

It is more commensurate with his title of Zhu Guang, Bao Qi.

The two found a place to sit down, and after exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zhu Guang asked.

I heard that your Taoist temple has been built?

I can't compare to you, I just built a small temple, it's not that troublesome.

Brother and sister Tian Yong were fine, they didn't plan to make a big deal.

It's just that Tian Ying still has to go to school, and Tian Yong has been watching the Taoist affairs, and he can't get away.

Others, no matter the Li family's uncles or nephews, Zhu Guang, and Sun Yuling are all members of the same family.

Unlike Lingqing, they just selected two boys and reserved them for inheritance.

The stalls are huge, so the project is naturally slow.

I didn't want to show it like this, but my family promised not to bother me, so I just let them go.

After the two chatted a few words about their recent situation, Zhu Guang asked.

Are you sure it's a copy of Nie Xiaoqian?

I don't know, but the people in the special affairs department seem to be very sure.

Ling Qing shook her head, I invited you here to ask if you have practiced the Ghost and White Bones Technique.

Zhu Guang looked around, and after finding out that there was no camera in the box, he said in a low voice.

Naturally, but after Brother Zhang's instruction, it is a little different from the original method.

As he spoke, he turned his backhand and held out a bead that was scorching white and rising with precious flames.

This is the treasure I have practiced by combining the Jingye Mingguang Orb Sutra and Ghost Soul Bone Technique.

Then it was thrown to the side, and it turned into a horse-faced skeleton with a long gun in mid-air, about ten feet tall, and covered in armor.

Standing there with a low head, the originally spacious box was a little crowded.

It's just that the skeleton's body is as white as jade, and its body is wrapped in bright flames.

He looks like a god general from the immortal family, but he doesn't have the slightest sinister aura.

If the exposed head didn't look like a horse's skull, Ling Qing wouldn't even be able to tell it was a skeleton.

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