Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 1190 The Law of Killing (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)

With the end of each battle, the banquet slowly came to an end.

The Queen Mother of the West presented a elixir of immortality to the final victors, the warriors and witches of the human race.

This medicine can not only bring about life and death, flesh and bones, but eating it can also make people live forever and become immortals instantly.

Others didn't know that this medicine was refined by Zhu Guang. Seeing the miracle of this medicine, countless people's eyes were hot.

But what can you do if you can't beat it?

I can only watch helplessly as the great witches hold it in their hands and show off their might.

With this victory, and with the secret support of the Queen Mother of the West and the Prince of the East, the human race let go of their pace more and more, and began to regain their pre-war momentum.

After the grand meeting in Yaochi, not only Dasui gradually recovered, but even Dachao woke up.

With the recovery of the two, the position of the human race became more and more stable.

And the Tianjiao born in various tribes also began to emerge gradually.

Many Tianjiao have been promoted to great witches in just a few hundred years.

Moreover, his strength and superb combat experience are not inferior to those great witches who fought in the Lich War.

It's just that with the recovery of the human race, the cloud of luck has almost turned blue, but there is still a trace of red that has not faded.

Seeing this, the two human ancestors gathered all the big witches and tribal leaders to discuss why this happened?

The great shamans and the leaders of various ministries expressed their ideas one after another, but none of them could be affirmed by everyone.

After Zhu Guang and the others looked at each other, they said, Maybe we should focus on the whole world.

How do you say that? Da Chao and Da Sui asked.

The reason why the Emperor Jun needs us to surrender is to unify the heaven and the earth, so as to peek into the door of Hunyuan.

I think if the human race wants to be completely promoted to Qingyun, it should be the same.

Now we only care about the earth, but we forget that the sky and the sky are still empty.

I'm afraid it's a bit inappropriate to be so heavy on the ground and light on the sky.

Everyone felt more reasonable after hearing the words, Da Chao nodded and said: This statement is reasonable.

Since our human race has won now, we should rule the world.

Now it is really wrong to focus on the development of the earth, but ignore the heaven and the starry sky.

That being the case, let's take a trip to the sky.

Okay!!! All the big witches responded loudly.

After the meeting, Da Chao and Da Sui led a group of people to climb up the central pillar and reach the heaven created by Emperor Jun.

With the means of everyone, it is natural to be able to directly ascend to the heaven.

However, the reason for this is to open up a path for the human race.

So that some ordinary clansmen can also travel between heaven and earth along this road.

Arriving in the Heavenly Court, the place has long been deserted, only some little demons are still greedy for the glory of the past and stay here.

Seeing the two Human Ancestors leading a group of great witches, they were so frightened that their legs went limp. When they came to their senses, they immediately kowtowed and wanted to belong to the Human Race.

The two human ancestors did not embarrass them, but subdued them.

Then the big nest unites the entire heaven with a royal residence, and integrates it into the luck of the human race, so as to unify the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, Dasui lights up the Suiren lamp, illuminating the whole world.

So that the human race in the sky and the earth, no matter where they are, can see this light of hope hanging high in the sky and the earth.

The two human ancestors combined the world with the two holy artifacts of the Nest and the Flint Lantern, completely making the race the protagonist of the world.

At the same time, the ray of red in the cloud of luck slowly receded, and the entire cloud of luck turned into blue, which meant the favor of heaven and earth.

While the two Renzu and Taoist Lingguan were busy, Lingqing was not idle either.

During the great battle, he used the Zhuxian Sword Formation to contain all the murderous aura that permeated the world.

Relying on the power of Da Luo that he borrowed during the battle, he was able to move the Zhuxian sword array freely.

Suppress this murderous spirit and docilely.

However, at the moment when his strength weakened after the war, the endless killing spirit showed its power.

It started to wreak havoc.

Although Lingqing personally forged the Zhuxian Sword Formation, it never backfired on him.

But because of the large amount of unrefined killing power hidden in it, he was already unable to control the sword array at that time.

Seeing that the battle had just come to an end, in order not to cause the killing spirit in the sword formation to erupt, it caused another battle.

Ling Qing had no choice but to suppress the sword formation with all her strength, and then slowly refine the killing aura.

In this way, another calamity can be avoided, and the power of Zhuxian Sword Formation can be greatly increased.

During the retreat, he has been slowly purifying his murderous spirit.

This is much stronger than the murderous aura absorbed by Zang Lingzi when he was in the world of the Eight Immortals.

There is absolutely no comparison between the two.

Ever since Ling Qing practiced the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, this sword has killed several big Luos so far.

It's worthy of its reputation.

From the first half-step big Luo Aiou who lost his life to his hands, he completely refined this sword formation.

After entering this world and beheading Shenjiu, he has mastered a trace of the law of killing and calamity.

Although he never sacrificed the sword with Da Luo's blood since then, the law of killing and robbery has made slow progress.

However, when it came to the Lich War, not to mention the demon soldiers, generals, and kings he beheaded.

Even the demon god who is Da Luo, two of them died at his hands.

In addition to Qin Yuan, there is another Naitie.

It is shaped like a buffalo, has huge horns, and has pitch-black fur. It feeds on iron, and its excrement is as sharp as steel. It can be used as a weapon.

Because the ghost car escaped quickly, he only had one head beheaded, so his own life was safe.

There was a scuffle at that time, and Ling Qing didn't know whether he died in the chaos of the war or escaped.

The fall of the two big Luos made the progress of Zhuxian Sword Formation's control over the killing and robbery advance by leaps and bounds.

Only in this way can Di Jun be beheaded at the last moment.

And because he beheaded Di Jun, the current Zhuxian Sword Formation can be said to have completely controlled the law of killing and robbery in this world.

If he sets up the sword array again, anyone who should be killed will not be able to get around the Zhuxian sword array.

No matter where you are, you must go to the sword array after all.

What will happen at that time will depend on Lingqing's will.

It's just that these laws have their limitations, so Lingqing is refining her killing spirit.

He also started to extract all the fundamental principles of the law of killing and robbery, and integrated them into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

So that no matter which side of the world they go to, they can quickly communicate the law of killing and robbery.

When the two human ancestors occupied the heavenly court to communicate with the heaven and the earth, they completely made the clan gain a foothold between the heaven and the earth.

Lingqing received this luck bonus, and it was logical to re-refine the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

It's just that this formation is too powerful at this time, and he can't take it into his body for a while, for fear of damaging his Dao fruit.

Not only that, but without the help of Linghuang Daoguo to temporarily raise his own strength to the Daluo realm, he would not be able to combine the four swords into one for the time being.

So when he left the customs, he was holding a formation map in his arms, wrapped with four swords.

Because he thought it was too troublesome to hold it, he changed the formation and turned it into a sword box and carried it behind his back.

The four swords of killing and trapping were fan-shaped and lined up behind him.

This added a bit of chill to his usually bland demeanor.

With the Four Swords of Jade Immortals on his back, Ling Qing swept away the Wanhua Whisk in his hand and rested it on his left arm.

It turned into a ray of light and headed towards the ancestral land of the human race.

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