Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 1101 Beating the Gods and Conferring the Gods (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pa

Emperor Taiwei unfolded the treasure scroll in his hand, and the treasure scroll turned into nine rays of light and flew out, turning into nine dragons.

The dragon danced and formed an formation to fly towards the paladin John Cohen.

The dragon chant burst out, and countless spells turned into dragon breaths and shot at him, colliding with the power of disaster attached to him to create infinite sparks.

The nine dragons themselves are transformed by Zhang Yuanbai's nine magic systems of protection, incantation, casting energy, and transformation, which were inherited by the mage, and the eight bodies of the Jade Emperor.

It represents the result of his combination of Taoism and crystal wall magic.

As soon as he came out at this time, he stopped the charging Disaster Knights.

The most important thing is that the endless magic spells neutralized the disaster force of the Knights and John.

Let the Taoist soldiers around them no longer be affected by the power of disaster.

When each other rises, it weakens the opponent's power of disaster, which is the best blessing for Dao soldiers.

Under the blessing of countless mages themselves, the power of these Taoist soldiers is extremely powerful.

The number of people is far more than that of the Knights who have been rushed for a while.

At this time, as soon as Emperor Taiwei made a move, he suppressed the knights who had greatly increased in strength.

It's just that under the protection of David and Genesis, the knights were completely unable to break through the extremely thick defense.

It could only chop on the light in vain, unable to splash the slightest ripple.

Seeing that there was going to be a stalemate, Pastor David Paul was still holding the Bible in one hand, while reciting incessantly.

Freeing up his right hand, he took it off at his waist and held a claw hammer.

As soon as Fang lifted it up, the hammer emitted a golden light and turned into the size of a human head.

Against the backdrop of the golden light, the huge hammer head was thick and powerful, and the horns bent backwards shone coldly.

David picked up the claw hammer, jumped up suddenly, and smashed the nine dragons surrounding John with lightning and thunder.

The divine dragon transformed by the protection spell soared into the air, opened its mouth and let out a roar.

A gate of several hundreds of feet high, green and bright, appeared between it and David.

There is a plaque on it, and the book has three big characters Nantianmen.

As soon as the Nantian Gate came out, all attacks and forces were blocked outside.

Afterwards, the divine dragon transformed by the necromancy spell swung its body and turned into an immortal sword, and slashed at it.

Alarm bells rang out in David's heart, and the claw hammer in his hand slammed on the Nantian Gate, and a powerful force bounced back.

He took advantage of this rebound force to jump up abruptly, dodging the slashing blow of the Immortal Zhan Saber.

At the same time, when it passed by, the claw hammer rose again and dropped it to the side.

The dragon of the Confusion Control Department opened its claws, showing a shining list, and was about to cover David with its head covered.

The Bible held in David's left hand flashed with light, deflecting the light of the list.

Falling in the Knights Guarded by the Holy Light, dozens of knights were illuminated by it.

The divine dragon of prophecy flashed out, holding a wooden whip and whipped lightly on the list.

With a flash of mysterious light, dozens of knights in the photo on the list were instantly reduced to dust, and only a little light fell into the list.

This list, this wooden whip is exactly the list of gods and the whip.

David and John were startled when they saw this scene, not knowing how this thing could avoid the protection of the Holy Light of Creation.

When the magic dragon of the control department used the list to cover the two again, the two did not dare to touch it because they did not understand the principle, and dodged away.

However, the light was actually blocked by the Holy Light of Creation of the Guardian Knights.

With a thought in David's mind, he compared the difference between the two times, and instantly discovered that the first time seemed to be the light that was drawn in by himself with holy light.

In other words, as long as you don't give it a chance to borrow strength, don't fight against it, and just simply defend yourself, don't you need to worry?

The nine series of dragons refined by Zhang Yuanbai can be transformed into various secret treasures of the heavenly palace to show their power.

For example, the protection system is the strongest defense, and in the Tiangong, as long as the Tianmen is closed, no one can communicate.

Therefore, this Nantian Gate is the first for protection.

It's just that these treasures are not real heavenly treasures after all, and most of their principles are based on the mage's nine-line spell.

The reason why the Conferred Gods List of the Confusing Control Department can have this function is because everyone who is photographed by it will be confused by it, and then entrust their own life and death authority to the Conferred Gods List.

And the Divine Whip of the prophecy department can use this authority to predict his life and death.

When the whip falls, that is when the prophecy comes into effect.

At the same time, because his life and death rights are in the list of gods, after his death, the remaining true spiritual light will also be controlled by the list of gods.

Of course, the other party has to have a true spirit, like that kind of phantom that has no power of existence and is just an illusion, it just disappears.

Of course, just as Miaoyou will manifest the creatures of the Forest of Existence, David and John will naturally manifest their own guarding knights.

It's just that the reason why the list of gods and the whipping of the gods can kill the dozens of knights is indeed what David thought.

The defensive holy light alone is enough to immunize all charm spells.

However, when he took the initiative to deflect him with the holy light, the means of the control system followed suit, and he used his will to deceive the holy light that protected the knights.

Just knowing it doesn't mean he can break it.

Encountering the divine light shot from the Conferred Gods List, he could only defend with firm will, and it was impossible to even counterattack or resist.

As long as there is a trace of other thoughts, the confusion control dragon can twist it into the way it wants, and then break the creation of the holy light.

It is difficult to confuse David and John with spells of the control system, but the dragon of the control system will not think of confusing them with the list of gods.

The Holy Knights under their command did not have such a strong immunity.

After being beaten by the God Whip Curse several times and killed hundreds of knights, the two of them have completely learned their lesson.

It's just that, the two of them, together with the knights, were tripped here, fighting with the Taoist soldiers.

Advance, can't advance, retreat, but not reconciled.

Seeing this, Zhang Yuanbai was not in a hurry to capture and kill the two of them.

He could sense that there was a powerful presence guarding them behind them.

If you kill it with your front foot, the one who exists will be able to resurrect it with your back foot.

Only when the faith that exists here is completely wiped out, David and John will become rootless.

Below, Zhang Yuanbai's avatar blocked Priest David and Paladin John.

In the midair above, a battle of gods is unfolding.

The god of justice, the god of the sun and other petitioner armies of the kingdom of the gods faced Zhang Yuanbi's Taiwei Jinque celestial soldiers and generals.

Relying on the power of faith, both sides are almost inexhaustible.

The army of petitioners was only in a hurry at the beginning, when they stabilized their formation.

Although there were still some disadvantages, he was not beaten back to his hometown anyway.

And when the avatars of Tire, Pei Luo and others were sent up by Zhang Yuanbai, the army of petitioners suddenly gained infinite strength.

Under the leadership of several powerful god clones, push the front line to the thirty-sixth heaven victory.

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