Cultivation: From the Inauguration of Druid

Chapter 1090 Mind and Tao (Please subscribe! Please ask for a monthly pass!)

Natural Life God Cave Xuan Jing is Lingqing's foundation based on the ten thousand kinds of spiritual species and the ten thousand flowers and indetermination, and the alienation and all things of alienated plant power as the principle, fused into a magic talisman, a pearl, and an aura true species.

Keep this true seed in your heart, wait for it to grow with the essence as the soil, and nourish it with the vitality as the rain.

Taking all kinds of principles related to the way of nature as nutrients, it takes root, sprouts, breaks the ground, and grows into a precious tree of primordial spirit.

Just like when Lingqing preached to a group of female ghosts in Lanruo Temple.

At this time, Miao You planted the talisman of longevity in the hearts of the trees, silver dragons and others, so that they could visualize and see themselves from time to time.

Nurture this talisman with your body and mind, and turn it into a true seed.

The Griffin Paladin has his own beliefs. Seeing that Miaoyou's camp and temperament are not evil, he hid in the temple with his Paladins and did not come out.

The Balrog Lord and the hill giant checked the longevity talisman in their hearts, and their hearts were tangled.

They could sense that they could obliterate this strange rune at any time.

However, will doing so anger this legend who is so powerful that he is almost a god?

And if you don't do this, what if this strong man wants to use this rune to control them, and even rob them of everything?

Even Miaoyou seems to be approaching the camp of kindness.

But let's not say that they don't trust anyone by nature, even in their lives, they have seen many lawful and kind people who use vicious tricks against them.

Unlike their entanglements, Silver Dragon is fearless.

She regards everything as a challenge, and if Miaoyou really wants to control or rob her through this rune, she is not afraid to accept it.

See if it is your own mind and ability that can overcome the crisis in the end, or whether you will just fall and be manipulated by others.

In her life, she didn't often fight until her life was exhausted, and she still killed the enemy.

Life and death, for her, are a different kind of adventure.

Therefore, after she understood the function of this longevity talisman, she couldn't wait to visualize it.

On the other hand, the tree man was worthy of his race. He could feel the natural aura of Miaoyou, and he could also understand the mystery of this aura, no less than some gods.

Therefore, he really regarded himself as an apprentice, and came to learn from Miao You to practice Taoism.

To know it, but also to know why.

Whenever you encounter something you don't understand, ask respectfully to seek clarification.

Seeing this, Miao You was never stingy, allowing him to ask questions and answering them so that he could understand the way of practice.

Not to mention learning the new by reviewing the past.

It was everyone's attitude that benefited Miaoyou and Lingqing a lot.

There are paladins who are firm in their beliefs and turn a deaf ear to the truth outside their hearts.

With his thoughts like this, Ling Qing didn't feel that he was underestimated, nor did he feel that the other party didn't know the way, and it was his loss.

Whether it is a practitioner or an ordinary person, sometimes it is extremely rare to be able to see clearly one's own heart and see the situation clearly.

He was different from Fei Changfang back then. Fei Changfang flinched and avoided, while the Griffin Paladin was firm in mind and faith.

Even if there is something wronged by Miao, he still has his own gods to protect him.

The suspicion and caution of the hill giant and the Balrog lord are also in his nature.

Yinlong's disposition is more suitable for practicing the way of swordsmanship, rather than the way of comprehending the soul of nature.

However, Miao You also wanted to take a look.

This kind of temperament that sees through life and death, ignores life and death, but keeps challenging.

If it is combined with this way of comprehending all things and incarnating nature, will it be able to collide with different sparks.

As for the tree man, even though he was born in this crystal wall world, Miao You still saw the appearance of a real seeker.

At the same time, there is great wisdom and great decision.

It is wisdom to be able to see that the way of Miaoyou is higher than oneself, and it is decision to abandon one's own practice to follow the Tao.

The tree man and the silver dragon also followed the Tao taught by Miaoyou, and poured all their experiences and energy into the longevity talisman.

But one is the momentum of breaking the boat and retreating if you don't advance.

And the other is to understand everything and move forward step by step in a down-to-earth manner.

Sure enough, xinxing is the root of cultivating the Tao! Miao You secretly said in his heart: Desire is the most original driving force.

The heart is the root of all ways, and faith is the foundation of all practice.

But the speed of progress needs to be driven by a strong enough desire or persistence on the basis of faith.

Not only the treant and the silver dragon, but also the red dragon Sakri, the green dragon Evelina and other creatures living in this Forest of Existence can hear Miaoyou's preaching.

Both the tree man and the silver dragon already had great strength and a solid heart.

So once they set their minds on it, their practice speed will be very fast.

Among the other living beings, the ones who were most touched by Miao Youyou's words were those native aborigines who saw the wasteland turned into a forest with their own eyes.

There were tree people blocking them, and these natives could not get close to the most central world tree of the plane.

But hearing the voice from the World Tree seems to be the way to become stronger. Based on their strong trust and belief in becoming stronger, they learn the most seriously.

The little orc of the ape tribe named Allen who ate the fruit first.

With a determination no less than that of Yinlong, he became the third creature who comprehended the talisman of longevity after the tree man and Yinlong.

Miao You could clearly feel that the energy in his body was converging towards the gleaming Longevity Talisman in his heart, slowly consolidating.

In Alan's heart, the world tree of the plane is the creator, the god who saved him and the ape family from suffering and made them live in abundance.

The longevity talisman and the truth heard in their ears are the gifts given to them by God and the Creator.

In addition, since he can be the first to eat the fruit in the forest, he must have curiosity and mobility far beyond ordinary people.

This kind of firm belief and action without thinking made him far surpass ordinary people at the beginning of his practice.

There are thousands of ways, and there is no certainty. No one can clearly say who is suitable for cultivating the Tao and who is not.

No one knows the achievements of a cultivator in the future.

What can achieve it is the mind and the Tao, chance and luck.

Miao did not take Alan, the ape, to his side, but let him practice freely among the group.

When it grows up, has more knowledge, and can still strengthen its own Dao heart, it will not be too late to guide it.

Just like Lingji and Wenjun back then, Lingqing never deliberately guides others to practice.

Only when he really has the heart to practice and seek the Tao, and is unwavering, he will give advice.

If he hadn't reached this point, no matter how much he had Dao heart in the early stage, no matter how talented he was, it wasn't worth his trouble.

After coming to this side of the world and setting up a game, chess players from all sides have also started to appear on the stage and make moves.

Now is the time for everyone to develop silently.

The torrent is surging secretly between the sky and the earth, but on the surface it remains calm.

The world tree of the plane established by Miaoyou, after the main material plane grew to the extreme, also began to protrude its tentacles to other outsides.

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