A secret passage leads directly to the outside world. Under the guidance of Hou Ye, Xu Che left the auction house.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, in a deserted street, a side door of a grocery store that had been sealed for a long time suddenly opened, a black shadow passed by, and the man behind him closed the door respectfully.

In the vast night sky, someone walked with a sword, shuttled between the sea of ​​clouds, and headed for the western outskirts of the city!

Mojia Village, an ancient village, welcomed guests who did not belong to it.

A few minutes later, on the flat asphalt road outside the village, looking at the brightly lit village, Xu Che was slowly approaching.

Information related to it also appeared in his mind. He Bo once mentioned to him that this is the headquarters of the 'Wugou Underground Office', where a large number of warriors are hidden.

The young man released his spiritual consciousness, covering the entire village in an instant, seeing every plant and tree in sight.

He saw nearly a hundred faces, including women with bright eyes and bright teeth, strong and burly men, old men who were dying and withered, and so on.

All of these people had more or less true martial arts power floating on them, sixty-seven people at the Blood Throne Realm, sixteen people at the Tempering Realm, and three people at the Transformation Realm.

During the investigation, several practitioners sitting cross-legged at home were inexplicably flustered and opened their eyes one after another, just as they were about to contact the person in charge.

Spiritual knowledge flooded into their minds instantly, stunned them, and fell to the ground, unconscious.

In a short time, Xu Che found the most powerful warrior of the organization, in a bright and spacious meeting room in the most remote corner of the village.

Moyue's appearance in the early stage of Huajing even showed signs of a breakthrough.

At this moment, the Huajing Grandmaster is waiting for a message from his subordinates.

At the beginning of the operation, he sent Feng Gan and a group of tempering masters to go, and combined with the two offices of 'Twilight' and 'Dawn', it was enough to wipe out the Deadwood Tavern when the old ghost was out.

As an emerging underground force, Lixiao also has a strong background, and sent a master of transformation to go there.

And dusk is short of manpower recently, so it can only send a few top tempering masters to arrive.

Logically speaking, it should be effortless for two masters and dozens of tempered warriors to attack a declining underground force.

But right now, he couldn't wait for any news to come, and he felt irritated for no reason, his face was gloomy, and he had a faint feeling of bad premonition.

Just when he wanted to contact his subordinates, Xu Che outside the village activated the power of the spell.

The top person in charge of Wugou Office shuddered for a moment, his hands were frozen in mid-air, and he failed to grab the communicator on the table.

Almost at the moment of appearance, Xu Che pinched the magic formula with his hands, surging with spiritual power, and set up a restriction and blockade in the house.

Li Heng looked at the mysterious black-robed man in front of him, who unexpectedly appeared here without anyone noticing, which made him startled and angry, and immediately became murderous.

"Your Excellency?"

While speaking, the true martial arts power in Li Heng's body boiled and roared, turning into a pair of battle armor, protecting his whole body.

"I'm here to fetch something." Xu Che said unhurriedly, already holding a long sword that was dark all over in his hand.

Li Heng blurted out subconsciously, "Are you from Deadwood?!"


Hearing this, Li Heng's face changed drastically, and he was about to explain the conversation.

Xu Che didn't give him a chance, and directly swept out with a sword, and the raging sword energy instantly engulfed him.

At the time of Luowu Mountain, in the late stage of transformation, many great monsters whose physical bodies were far stronger than humans could not withstand the young man's sword.

This is only a human being in the early stage of transformation, how can he compete with it?

In the enclosed space, before Li Heng could react to this terrifying blow, he used his strongest killing move.

The battle armor on the body surface was already shattered, and the astonished gaze was frozen, and then, with a "bang", the flesh and blood burst and the blood sprayed.

The beheading was successful!

Li Heng, who is well-known and painstakingly managed the Wugou Office for many years, walked on thin ice. Once he made a mistake, he died tragically in the heavily guarded headquarters.

Xu Che didn't stop there, he locked another house and disappeared.

In the gorgeously decorated villa, an old man was sitting in front of the hall, wearing a yellow shirt, flipping through an ancient book in his hand.

Suddenly, a thin figure appeared, and the old man narrowed his eyes slightly , hoarsely said: "Fellow Daoist, where did you come from?"


Hearing this, the old man looked like a frightened beast, his aura rose rapidly, and his martial arts strength went berserk.

Regarding tonight's actions, as one of the elders of the Wugou Institute, he is naturally clear.

It's just that a week ago, he fought fiercely with a certain law enforcement officer and was seriously injured. It was inconvenient to participate, so he could only heal his injuries in the headquarters.

"Old man, why are you so afraid of me?" Xu Che asked with a smile.

He was hiding under the black robe, and that strange bronze mask made the old man frown and feel uneasy.

"call out!"

The old man did not reply to the mysterious person in front of him, but chose to run away immediately.

Although he didn't know what the situation outside was like, asking for help was undoubtedly the best choice. He was wrapped in the pitch-black battle armor and slammed into the rear hard.

"Boom!" With a sound, the wall shattered under his impact.

It's a pity, after all, it was a step too late, the old man was unable to escape, and was blocked by an invisible barrier, causing his blood to surge up, his battle armor flickering and flickering.

"Da da da"

The heavy and slow footsteps, like the death knell of death, echoed in the old man's heart, making his nerves tense.

Xu Che controlled the release of spiritual power and did not crush it directly.

The old man who found that he couldn't move, his eyes were about to split, like the broken wooden boat in the depths of the raging sea, desperate and frightened, but unable to return to heaven.

No matter how he roared, Xu Che didn't seem to hear it, he slowly came to the old man, stretched out one hand, and the extremely hard battle armor was torn as easily as paper.

In desperation, the old man realized something, trembling all over, he shouted in fear: "No! You can't do this!"

Xu Che always looked calm and undisturbed, and pressed a piece of pitch-black talisman paper to his forehead.

The talisman paper was covered with obscure inscriptions, and the dark red characters slowly lit up.

Not long after, the old man experienced a terrifying change, his life was passing away rapidly, his flesh and blood turned into ashes, and fell from his body bit by bit, his painful roar resounded throughout the villa.

In just a few breaths, the old man disappeared without a trace.

Looking at the village outside the window, Xu Che lowered his eyes and said to himself, "There is one more."

Under the monitoring of spiritual consciousness, he knows the real-time dynamics of the entire Mohist village and the distribution of all personnel.


A gust of wind blew by, and Xu Che's figure disappeared again.

After changing scenes, he came to another villa, where a female warrior was waiting for him.

"You are?!"

The female warrior has a delicate face, her lips are delicate and charming, her eyes are like autumn water, she is only thirty years old, and she is dressed in purple.

For the black-robed man who appeared, she felt wary, leaning her back against the bookcase, pressing the mechanism behind her with her slender left hand, already quietly releasing poisonous gas.

"Pfft!" "Wow!"

Someone came out with a sword, and the female warrior was killed by the owl on the spot, and she fell to the ground, dying with regret.

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