Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 33 Dreamland: I Will Save The Sky And Fight Against 30,000 Troops Alone "Up"

The stars are shining brightly, and the bright moon is shining across the sky.

On a short hillside somewhere, with little flames, beside an old tree with only branches left, a young boy sat leaning against him. He was disheveled and looked like a lonely ghost. There was another person sitting opposite him, It's Xu Che.

Xu Che found that the boy's appearance was very similar to his own.

The flames and firewood were burning fiercely, staring at the flesh and blood hung in the orange flames, when it was roasted until golden, charred on the outside and tender on the inside, sizzling, and a tempting fragrance came out, the sallow and thin boy couldn't care less Get dusty, grab hot food and gobble it up.

Looking at this scene, Xu Che felt bitter. Just when he was in a daze, a hand covered with dust and dirt held a piece of barbecue and handed it over.

The boy suddenly smiled and said, "You've been hungry for a long time, haven't you? Come, let's eat together, it's okay."

Xu Che took the barbecue, looked at the young man's pure eyes, he felt an indescribable soreness, he could only silently eat the barbecue one mouthful after another.


At the end of the distant horizon, several flames soared into the sky.

Suddenly, the young man's expression changed dramatically, like a bird frightened, he got up quickly, smashed the bonfire, carried the wolf's body on his back, and with a few pieces of barbecue in his pocket, he shouted to Xu Che: "Follow me! The army of the Great Chu Kingdom has arrived tonight!" "

"What?" Xu Che was puzzled, and the next moment, the boy pulled him and ran down the mountain.

The cold moonlight, the cold mountain wind, the two kept running away in the forest, the young man's face was very anxious.

The fire behind him was getting closer and closer, and even the faint sound of fighting could be heard.

"Where are we going?" Xu Che asked.

The complicated terrain in the mountains couldn't stop the young man at all. He was agile and fast, and said out of breath, "Flee, flee to the south, and don't be encountered by Chu's army, or you will end badly."

Xu Che suddenly realized, and then fled with the boy all the way. When the two came out of the mountain, the flames had already lit up the entire sky not far away.

The young man stared blankly at this scene, with tears in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "They slaughtered the city!"

Seeing that the army was getting closer, the young man put away his sadness and led Xu Che all the way south, fleeing. After a night, it was dawn, and they came to a city.

After years of fierce fighting, this place is already a bleak scene. The ten-foot-high wall is covered with dense cracks, and dark brown blood has already seeped into the wall.

The gates of the city were dilapidated, and there was no one in the city. In the distance, the sky was gray and silent, and ugly birds and beasts fled across the ground.

As the sun rose, at the end of the horizon, a mighty army appeared. Tens of thousands of horses were galloping, shaking the yellow sand all over the sky, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

The young man slumped on the ground weakly. He unloaded the wolf's body numbly, with a look of despair on his face.

Tightly holding a broken iron sword in his hand, the young man was pale and trembling. He knew very well that Chu's army was a famous executioner.

At this time, a hand was placed on the boy's shoulder, soothing his emotions.

I saw Xu Che gently said to the boy: "Don't be afraid, it will be fine, I'm here."

"Can you give me your sword?"

The boy was taken aback, his eyes were moist, and he said with red eyes: "I want to go with you."

"I'll be fine, trust me." Xu Che smiled slightly, majestic spiritual power poured out, and the terrifying aura terrified the young man.

"Give me the sword." Following the sound of a warm and jade-like voice, the young man passed the iron sword in his hand blankly. For a moment, he seemed to have a glimmer of hope rekindled.

"And wait for me here, I'll make a bright future for you!"

Xu Che's eyes were sharp, and he stood with a sword in his hand, his spirits flying high.

"call out!!!"

In the distance, the Chu army launched a fatal attack. The arrows were tied with fuel and burned, and the arrows rained down, almost covering the entire sky, trying to destroy the city in front of them.

The young man had already been frightened to the point of disorientation, he clenched his fists, filled with grief and indignation.


A violent explosion occurred in the sky, and Xu Che made a move, erupting with the most invincible force.

A beam of sword energy flew across the sky, tearing apart all the arrows in the air.

Faced with this sudden situation, Chu's army was not surprised, but instead blew the horn to charge.


A desolate, simple voice came, and the army became more and more excited, and countless soldiers were roaring, "Kill!!!!"

Facing this monstrous killing intent, Xu Che showed no fear at all, standing tall like an insurmountable moat.

At this time, the general at the rear of the army seemed to have noticed this scene. He sneered and said, "A martial artist from the Great Zhou Kingdom? Our army has tens of thousands of soldiers, and you want to stop it with your own strength? What a joke!"

"Turn into dust!!!"

The war horse roared, and the torrent of cavalry charged wantonly on the plain, trying to engulf the figure not far away.

"I'm here to save the sky!" Xu Che Zhang Yang laughed loudly, raising his broken sword, like a bright meteor entering the battlefield.

"Boom!", a majestic jet-black sword energy shot out, instantly chopping down the thousands of cavalry charging at the front.

Exploding flesh and blood flew all over the sky, blood rained down, and the scene was tragic. The general was horrified, he said angrily: "No! What is going on?!"

The once invincible army formation, which had gone through hundreds of battles, was so fragile at this moment, that a corner was torn apart by Xu Che.

"Come on!" The young man roared from behind, in his eyes, Xu Che was already like a god.

"Bang!", like a devastating tsunami, the sword energy seemed to shatter the land. No one in the army could withstand this blow. Kill, in an instant, thousands of cavalry died tragically on the spot.

Countless attacks came, Xu Che used his broken sword to block in front of him, his eyes were determined, and he swung his sword with his backhand in the blink of an eye.

This time, he, who was decisive in killing, fired with full firepower.

The dazzling pitch-black sword energy instantly turned a corner of the battlefield into a scene of purgatory. Thousands of Chu soldiers howled in terror under the sharp sword energy and were reduced to fly ash.

The general had blue veins on his forehead, and his heart ached. He lost nearly 20% of his troops in less than a moment of fighting. You know, the opponent was only one person!

damn it! Could this be the Martial God of the Great Zhou Kingdom? But isn't he already old and his blood is withered, how could he be so terrifying? Who is the young man in front of him!

With the confusion of thoughts, the general was confused for a while, not knowing whether to retreat or fight.

The army suffered heavy losses, Xu Che stood in the blood, with an indifferent expression, like a Shura, the cavalry never took a step, and the youngsters in the rear were well protected by him.

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