Cultivation Began Three Years Ago

Chapter 213: Demon Meteor

In the void, the Rat Demon's wings were completely fractured, and under the tremendous pressure, it almost sank into its rotting body.

It was horrified to find that it seemed to be restrained by nature, and the power of the devil in its body was tightly locked in the body, and it could not be released and used at all.


The Flame Demon fought with Gu Jiaen, the two who were no longer at their peak, still fought to death.

The ancient tree in the center of the battlefield withered quickly, turning into a strong life force, rushing towards Gu Jiaen, and it recovered strongly in an instant after being seriously injured.


Gu Jiaen released the mysterious black mist, covering his body to protect himself from the fire, and at the same time, it seized the breathing opportunity of the homeless old man, and punched the opponent's chest fiercely.

The Flame Demon frowned, facing this blow that could be avoided, he went forward without hesitation, fist to fist, bone to bone.

"Boom!!!" A jet-black crimson light burst out from between them, and the power of the two demons intertwined and twisted, each trying to completely defeat the other.

After a few breaths of stalemate, the demon of flame roared, and the power of the demon exploded wildly. Relying on a ray of almost negligible advantage, Gu Jiaen was knocked back and flew backwards.

The bloody sea of ​​flames was burning, and the homeless old man was panting heavily, showing his fatigue. His hands and feet trembled slightly, and dry flesh and red stubble could be seen on his bleeding arm.

The fiery demon was dying, and his vitality recovery power was not as good as before. A stream of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he felt an indescribable discomfort all over his body, as if an invisible leech was constantly sucking his vitality. The ghost, but there is no way to stop it.

Not far away, Gu Jiaen was equally miserable, the bloody flames devoured it into a shapeless form, and the piercing pain seemed to destroy its soul along with it.

Xu Che watched everything that happened on the battlefield. He was waiting, not only waiting for the other demons in the secret to dare to come out to save the rat demon, but also waiting for North's arrival.

Suddenly, a deep shadow appeared in the distant sky, and hoarse voices spread throughout the battlefield.

"My lord, I'm here."

The person who came was North, and now it has undergone indescribable changes. The original gray-black body is now wrapped in bloody lines one after another, and its pupils have turned into a strange dark green.

Seeing the hounds approaching, Xu Che was unceremonious and clenched his right hand tightly. The mouse demon in the air let out a roar of life demon's doom, but it was of no avail. With the broken heart of the demon, its pupils dimmed quickly.


Xu Che swung it hard, controlled the spiritual power, threw it out of the barrier, and landed in front of North.

"Jie jie jie jie—what a sumptuous banquet."

North opened his bloody mouth wide, biting the rat demon, and his aura became stronger again.

Gu Jiaen looked at the figure outside the wall, as if falling into an ice cave, it couldn't believe this scene.

"North?! How could you!!"

"Nothing is impossible. After I swallow this mouse, I will go in and pull out your bones."

North sneered again and again, with a terrible fierce light in his eyes. It was the hatred accumulated for decades, and he would soon have a chance to liquidate it.

Gu Jiaen's face was serious, the situation fell into a one-sided situation, its allies had no power to resist, and it was still restrained by the demon of flame, unable to escape.

North, who is outside the realm, has the terrifying power of demons emerging from his body, which is not inferior to it, let alone a human being who doesn't know how deep he is.

At the thought of this, Gu Jiaen's heart was ashamed, and all kinds of hatred suddenly hit him. He looked at the homeless old man unwillingly, and suddenly smiled strangely: "There is no way out, so you can be buried with me."

"Really? Then you have to have a skill!"

Carl Sass looked at it coldly, and the raging sea of ​​flames swept down, trying to burn Gu Jiaen into ashes.

One after another, ancient trees rose from the ground, and the sea of ​​fire and the sea of ​​trees clashed fiercely. At the critical moment, Xu Che, who was watching the battle, suppressed it with a palm of his hand with a big laugh, and directly crushed thousands of ancient trees into powder.


The sea of ​​flames covering the sky and the sun engulfed Gu Jiaen, Xu Che looked at Lucasti at the bottom of his feet, without any delay, he punched through its back.

Then, he disappeared in place, and he traversed the void, even though the sea of ​​flames raged, he still couldn't hurt him at all.

The young man came to the center of the sea of ​​flames and looked at the tree demon struggling fiercely. His eyes were cold, and the domineering spiritual power gathered in the palm of his hand into the shape of a spirit sword. The sword swept away, blasting Gu Jiaen's head and body, Can't die anymore.

The moment Xu Che's eyes fell, before the homeless old man stopped, the surrounding sea of ​​flames suddenly extinguished.

Looking at this horrific scene, the demon of flame fell silent, and an unprecedented fear couldn't stop rising from the bottom of his heart.

Looking at the entire empire, it is the most powerful group of demons. Relying on the fire of purgatory, they have plundered the lives of countless enemies, and the human body in front of them is so terrifying that they ignore the blood and fire.

The blue restraint in the sky began to dissipate slowly, and the young man was holding a decayed and ferocious head in his hand. Within a moment, North finished devouring it and rushed over immediately.

"Put it away, the first one."

Xu Che calmly threw the demon's head over, North took it with a complicated mood, and said, "Thank you, my lord."

Afterwards, the young man grabbed the half-dead Thunder Demon in the pit and threw it in front of North.

Unexpectedly, North refused this time, saying: "My lord, due to certain characteristics of the race, I can no longer devour it."

"Really? It would be too wasteful to kill directly."

Xu Che was thoughtful. He looked at the homeless old man in the distance, with an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Old man, it's done."

After saying that, the young man grabbed the dying Lucasti and threw him over.

"Boy, I owe you two favors!"

The Flame Demon took the food, his pupils were like torches, trying to see through Xu Che, but to no avail.

In the next moment, the Thunder Demon was ignited by bloody flames, and within a few breaths, it completely dissipated, and the aura on the old man's body also surged a lot out of thin air.

"Long time no see, old man." North greeted Carl Sass with a smile.

"Are you still alive? If you become stronger, that's good."

The homeless old man patted the dust off his body and looked at the junior in relief.

"Thank you for taking care of me." North bowed slightly to salute.

"Okay, don't be like a child, do what you want to do."

Carl Sass smiled lightly, he looked at Xu Che and North, waved his hand, then turned and left.

"You know him?" Xu Che looked at another area and was about to set off to sweep it.

"Well, when I first came to this world, I was taken care of by him for a while, and I respect him a lot." North said without hesitation.

Xu Che nodded slightly, and said, "Nuo Si, divide the troops into two groups. There is still a demon in area b2. Go and kill it."

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