Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 750 Yuan Jingtian

Mo Xun thought, and with a deafening roar, a huge stone immediately fell in front of the two of them.

"Is this the kind of rough stone you're talking about?"

Cheng Mu felt excited, but also a little sad.

This stone was the original stone that he wanted to open.

At the same time, it was precisely because of this thing that he was finally caught.

"Yes, there is that kind of stone inside."

Mo Xun walked up to the boulder and slapped it hard. He shattered the boulder with his physical body without using any magic power.

In the barrier, smoke, dust and gravel suddenly filled the sky.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, dozens of dim crystals shimmering inside were revealed.

"That's it!"

Under Cheng Mu's excited eyes, Mo Xun picked up a piece casually, and as soon as he felt it, he let out a soft "Eh" in his heart.

There is indeed a thin spiritual energy in it.

However, this spiritual energy is mixed with some other breaths. It seems that it is precisely because of the existence of this breath that the spiritual energy does not collapse.

He couldn't help but his eyes lit up. If he absorbed this breath into his body, wouldn't it be able to resist the dissipation of spiritual power?

Thinking of this, he quickly grasped the crystal.

But after a moment, his brows frowned again unconsciously.

Unable to absorb it!

He tried several times in succession, but he could only absorb the spiritual energy. The strange aura seemed to be repelled by his technique and could not reach his body at all.

It seems that this thing has some skills.

While pondering, he put away all the dozens of crystals, showing Cheng Mu secretly anxious.

I thought you might as well leave a few for me!

But after a second thought, he sighed again.

Now that there is spiritual energy all around him, he can't even absorb it, so what's the use of the stone?

Thinking of this, he quickly asked tentatively: "Fellow Taoist, I don't know where this place is, but it can have such abundant spiritual energy. Could it be that it has left the Tiankui Realm?"

This is what Cheng Mu is most concerned about right now!

Especially when he finally met a comrade, he was extremely looking forward to this person taking him away from that barren land.

Mo Xun did not answer, but asked: "Where is your original sect? I have been traveling in the Central Region for many years, but I have never heard of it. Could it be in other remote regions?"


Cheng Mu frowned, and there was some confusion on his face.

"I have never heard of the Central Realm, but it comes from Yuan Jingtian!"

This time, Mo Xun was surprised again. This name was obviously even more unfamiliar.

It wasn't until a moment later that both of them were shocked at the same time.

The so-called Yuan Jingtian is not in Xihezhou at all, but on another continent.

Like Xihe Prefecture and Dongsheng Prefecture, it belongs to an isolated world with numerous immortal cultivating sects and scattered cultivators all over the world.

It’s called Nanfanzhou!

Mo Xun didn't realize it for a while. Could it be that Tiankui Realm is a place common to all four states?

According to what he said, it is very likely that he will live in other big states when he goes out this time.

Ordinarily, if he is a casual practitioner, it will be the same wherever he practices.

But here in Xihezhou, he still has some things to deal with.

Furthermore, only by returning to the Eastern Region can he return to his hometown of Southern Xinjiang along the same route. If he goes to other states, he may have to wander for the rest of his life.

Faced with this sudden situation, the two of them fell silent at the same time.

Especially Cheng Mu, he misses his hometown more strongly than Mo Xun. After all, he still has a legacy in Yuan Jingtian.

There were his family, disciples, disciples, and a large group of people waiting for him!

"Fellow Taoist, since we are still in Tiankui Realm, then where is this place?"

At this moment, Mo Xun didn't have much thought to answer his question, so he waved his hand and knocked Cheng Mu unconscious again.

After leaving the barrier, his mind had not been calm for a long time.

There were many things that he had to think about before he could figure them out again.

The situation in front of him was really beyond his expectation, or it directly disrupted many of his plans.

After a long time, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Mo, what's wrong with you?"

At some point, Yun Niang sat next to Mo Xun and just kept looking at him quietly.

This girl was mute before, but that doesn't mean she doesn't understand anything.

She felt that since she left Nanshan Village, the smile on Mo Xun's face was no longer as much as before.

Although she learned to speak, the communication between the two became less and less.

She knew that Mo Xun had an extraordinary origin, and she could also realize that Mo Xun was not from this world. She even vaguely guessed that what the other party was teaching her now was not the same thing as those magical magical arts.

But the only thing she can do is practice hard.

Because only in this way, she thought she could help Mo Xun and prevent anything from happening, but she could only stay in this small cyan world.

The two looked at each other. Mo Xun looked into those clear eyes and didn't know how to speak.

Because even he couldn't figure out the reason for the whole thing.

"Yun Niang, if you encounter something you can't solve, what will you do?"

"Can't solve...?"

Yun Niang raised her head and thought for a moment, then said: "Then...just let nature take its course!"

Mo Xun fell silent again. It was easy to say these four words, but how difficult it was to accept them inwardly.

If he had just let nature take its course, he would not be in such a state now.

Longevity is a kind of going against the will of heaven, and letting nature take its course is a kind of Tao mentality. These two seemingly contradictory things wonderfully constitute the Tao of longevity.

What is the real Tao?

"Mo, are you... homesick?"

Mo Xun did not speak, but Yun Niang smiled bitterly.

"I... no longer have a home!"

Mo Xun did not understand the meaning of this for a while, and only heard Yun Niang continue to say: "Home is not... a house, but relatives!"

These words inevitably aroused Mo Xun's emotions again.

More than two hundred years have passed, let alone relatives, I am afraid that even the residence where he lived at that time no longer exists!

Two people who have no relatives or friends just sat together quietly.

Just when Mo Xun was about to get up, Yun Niang suddenly asked: "Mo, will you abandon me?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, he did not quite understand why the other party suddenly asked such a question.

But before he could answer, Yunniang said again: "If... one day, I... won't blame you!"

After that, Yunniang went to practice on her own.

Mo Xun looked at her thin back and stopped for a long time.

Perhaps he was too busy during this period and neglected the little girl a little!

After throwing these messy thoughts aside, he immediately took out the jade plate he got from the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion.

There was an obvious strange groove on the jade plate.

On the surface, a lifelike dragon was engraved.

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