But there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't betray his promise and silence this woman.

After pondering for a moment, Mo Xun then spoke: "If anyone asks about your appearance, feel free to blame it on me, but the only thing is that you cannot reveal my identity as an immortal cultivator, and you can also tell them in a subtle way. You are my new disciple, and this is also a kind of protection for you. As long as they don’t find out my details, they won’t touch you for a while.”

As Mo Xun spoke, he suddenly took out his gloves and put them on without any warning, and then blatantly grabbed Qi Ruyan's head.

This sudden strangeness frightened Qi Ruyan and her face suddenly turned pale.

I thought Mo Xun was going to kill her to silence her!

"Mr. Mo..."

Qi Ruyan exclaimed, but the next moment, she was stunned again, because Mo Xun just touched it lightly and then withdrew his palm.

On her side, apart from a slight numbness in her head, she felt no other abnormalities.

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"Don't worry, I'm just checking to see how the medicine works in your body, so that others don't find out the clues from you."

Qi Ruyan was stunned for a long time before she seemed to react.

Although it was only a short moment, cold sweat broke out on her back!

She most likely didn't believe what Mo Xun said, but she couldn't figure out what was wrong, so she could only nodded with a pale face.

"Excuse me, sir!"

Seeing the faint smile on Mo Xun's lips, Qi Ruyan's heart skipped a beat.

I wondered if the other party had done something to her, right?

The more she thought about it, the more she thought it was possible. After all, she had seen the other party's supernatural power with her own eyes.

The fact was indeed as she guessed!

Mo Xun's touch placed a restriction in his mind with his spiritual power. Once the woman wanted to reveal his identity, it meant that her death was coming.

This trick was learned from Lu Ming.

However, he could not guarantee that it would definitely work. On the one hand, it was done in a hurry, and on the other hand, spiritual energy and spiritual consciousness could not exist here, which meant that even the restriction might be ineffective.

But having this layer of insurance is better than doing nothing.

It's not that he is evil, it's just self-protection. As long as the other party doesn't betray him, this restriction is useless!

Qi Ruyan left with anxiety.

Originally, she came here to ask Mo Xun to help her come up with an idea to deal with the various forces she was facing.

But she didn't expect that the problem was not solved, and it seemed as if she had been poisoned, which made her even more frightened.

Mo Xun returned to the backyard, thinking about how to refine the blood puppet, while continuing to pretend to forge.

There were many suspicious faces outside the shop these days, and he naturally noticed them.

Although he didn't like being watched very much, he didn't pay attention to it.

It will be open for business as usual every day, and at night people will go into the gourd to practice or refine weapons.

As his business gets better and better, he collects more and more beast cores, and his body-refining skills can be described as growing by leaps and bounds.

As for those messy people or things, he seemed to have forgotten them all.

The moon was high in the sky, and the hustle and bustle of the city that had been bustling for a day finally came to an end.

In the darkness, two figures appeared quietly outside the wall of the Southern Xinjiang Armory Pavilion like ghosts.

After the two looked at each other, they jumped up at the same time and disappeared immediately.

When he reappeared, he was already in the backyard of the store.

All the rooms were dark and quiet!

But it seems that because of this, the two of them frowned in unison.

With their level of body refining, any disturbance within a radius of more than ten feet cannot escape their ears.

But the strange thing is that they clearly didn't find Mo Xun and Yun Niang going out during the day, but at this moment, there was no sound in the entire courtyard and the shop in front, and there was no sign of being inhabited at all.

The two of them sensed it again, but still found nothing.

This is a bit weird. Could it be that the other party can fly into the sky and escape?

One of them said in a deep voice: "Look around!"

These two people were the shadows beside Fang Fengyao before.

Although the cultivation level of these two people is not as high as that of the Fang Sect Master, judging from the speed of their movements, they are at least body-refining cultivators above the fifth level.

The two of them had been hiding around the store for several days. On the one hand, they were monitoring, and on the other hand, they wanted to explore the depths of Moxun.

It wasn't until tonight that I decided to try it myself.

The two are about the same height. If you look closely, you can see that there are nine points of similarity between their eyebrows, making them look like twins.

This is indeed the case. Although the two of them are only in the fifth realm, they may not lose to a sixth realm master if they join forces. This is why they dare to come here late at night.

After a cup of tea, the two of them came to the door of a room at the same time.

They searched around a lot and found no one. They even checked carefully to see if there was a tunnel or a secret door here.

The two of them were extremely suspicious!

Even though they had guessed many possibilities before, they never expected this to be the case.

Things are so weird that it makes people a little hairy!

The man and woman seemed to disappear out of thin air.

They originally thought there was some kind of ambush or trap, but apart from being quiet, there was no other abnormality in the entire courtyard!

The dilapidated room with almost no roof in front of them was the only one they had never entered.

This room is too shabby, there are no doors or windows, and the walls are about to collapse.

Who would live in it?

When they walked in, the surroundings were in a mess.

However, in this mess, there was a strange thing.

This thing was square, about one person tall, and seemed to be a large iron cage.

Various strange runes were carved on the iron cage.

The two looked at each other, with the same doubts in their eyes.

What is this?

They did not rush to approach, and looked around in the faint moonlight, but there was still no sign of a secret door.

After opening the iron cage, the two hesitated for a while, and finally did not go in cautiously.

They were afraid that there was something strange in the cage. If they could not get out after entering, it would be troublesome.

However, the sharp-eyed two soon found a green gourd the size of a palm in a pile of rubble.

There were two clear black and white textures on its surface.

It was as smooth as jade in the hand, and looked like something of great value.

After a brief conversation, one person put away the gourd, and the other directly carried the iron cage, and soon jumped over the wall and left the courtyard.

At this moment, Mo Xun, who was concentrating on absorbing blood and energy, was completely unaware of what was happening in the outside world!


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