Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 700 Tiankui Realm

Time passed in silence for half a month.

The only way the two communicated every day, apart from simple gestures, was to smile.

This was a girl who loved to laugh. It seemed that because she couldn't speak, she turned all her language into smiles.

During this period, Mo Xun also knew her name, Yunniang!

Yunniang was a poor person. She was born deaf. When she was eight years old, all her relatives left her.

For so many years, she has lived here alone, relying on farming and collecting herbs for a living.

All these things were told to him by a woman next door called Jiang Po.

This place is called Tiankuijie, and the place where they live now is called Nanshan Village.

As for where exactly Tiankuijie is, Mo Xun is still confused. At least he has never heard of this place in the classics of the entire Xihezhou.

I don't know if it's his own recovery ability or Yunniang's herbs that worked.

After this period of recuperation, Mo Xun can already sit up and eat by himself.

The only thing is that his legs and feet are still a little inconvenient.

During this period, he tried to mobilize his magic power countless times, but none of them succeeded.

Without magic power, he couldn't open the storage bag or the green gourd.

Even Xuantian True Fire was severely damaged in the battle not long ago, and he completely lost contact with his mind.

The trouble is that he still can't sense the spiritual energy in the air.

One day, just as he was sitting cross-legged on the bed, preparing to try to mobilize the spiritual power in his body again, there was a sudden noise outside.

Through the shabby window, you can vaguely see a few figures talking to Yunniang.

After a while, Yunniang reluctantly scooped out half a bag of rice from the rice jar and handed it to the other party, and then took out some silver and herbs, and then they went to the next house slowly.

Mo Xun didn't need to think about it, and he could guess that this was probably to collect taxes.

From Jiang Po, he learned that there was a city lord's mansion in this place.

In addition to maintaining local order, the city lord's mansion was also responsible for resisting the invasion of nearby monsters.

Therefore, every once in a while, the villagers had to pay taxes to the city.

At dinner in the evening, Yunniang rarely sat at the same table with Moxun.

I thought the little girl was unhappy because of what happened during the day, but she was like this for several days.

It was not until dinner on the third day that Moxun couldn't help his curiosity and limped out to take a look.

He found the little girl hiding in the kitchen alone to drink porridge.

On the table in his room, there was rice, vegetables, and even a plate of fried meat.

In the middle of the night, Moxun quietly came to the kitchen and found that the rice jar was clean. He searched around but couldn't find any rice.

On the second day, it was the same as usual!

He couldn't help but wonder, how did Yunniang cook such a meal without rice?

In the evening, he finally found that before cooking every time, the little girl would go to Jiang Po's house next door.

Moxun sighed in his heart, but didn't reveal the mystery.

He just put the dining table directly in the kitchen at dinner time.

Seeing Yunniang's awkward look because his thoughts were discovered, Mo Xun snatched the porridge from her hand, poured it back into the pot, and then took out half of his food and handed it to her.

"Actually, you don't have to do this. You saved me. Even if it's a reward, I should repay you!"

Mo Xun knew that Yunniang couldn't hear or understand, but he still said it.

"If possible, I will try my best to cure you before leaving."

The setting sun shone through the doors and windows, leaving two thin silhouettes on the wall.

Yunniang slowly ate the rice in her hand, just watching Mo Xun's mouth opening and closing, as if responding, with a shy smile from time to time.

Mo Xun knew that he needed a little magic power now.

Even if it was just a moment, as long as he could keep him from opening the storage bag, then all the problems would be solved.

After the sun set, the whole mountain village became dark!

The occasional barking of dogs has become the evening bell before every household goes to bed.

Because there are often some low-level monsters here, most families in the village have dogs.

In the dark, Mo Xun tried several methods of breathing again, but there was still no effect.

He had just fallen asleep in the middle of the night when he heard footsteps vaguely.

At first he didn't pay attention, thinking it was the sound of Yunniang getting up and washing.

These days, Yunniang has been doing this every day before dawn. After cleaning up, she will go up the mountain to collect herbs.

When she returns home, she occasionally takes care of the nearby farmland and dries the herbs.

Mo Xun can walk on the ground these days, so he will help.

But soon, he heard something wrong.

The footsteps outside were heavy, obviously different from Yunniang.

Even though he had no spiritual consciousness, his hearing was still much better than that of ordinary people.

Just when he was confused, Yunniang screamed suddenly.

The little girl couldn't speak, so she could only yell loudly.

Mo Xun jumped out of bed at the first time.

The whole bamboo house actually has several rooms.

However, most of them are uninhabited and have been idle for many years.

This shows that this family should have been a prosperous one, but now only Yunniang is left.

In just a few breaths, Mo Xun has arrived at the door of Yunniang's room.

As soon as he entered the house, the first thing he smelled was the stench of alcohol.

Although it was dim under the moonlight, it had no effect on Mo Xun at all.

Yunniang was screaming and was pressed down by a gray-clothed man, struggling constantly.

Her thin body could not push the man away no matter how hard she resisted.

Her upper clothes were torn open, revealing a touch of white on her shoulders.

Mo Xun said nothing, stepped forward, grabbed the man's neck, and then threw him out with force.

When the sturdy body fell down, it smashed the tables and chairs beside it with a thud.

Although Mo Xun's cultivation was not there, the Qianyuan Fruits in the past were not without any effect.

Even though he had not practiced any horizontal training techniques, his physical strength at the peak was no less than that of a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building.

If he was not seriously injured now, this blow alone would have killed the other party!

Yunniang was frightened, and she saw the appearance of the man in the moonlight, and quickly hid behind Mo Xun, her body still shaking.

The man groaned, stumbled to his feet, spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was full of cruelty.

"Asshole, I'll kill you!"

After saying that, a shining short knife suddenly appeared in his hand and rushed straight to Mo Xun's chest.

But Mo Xun did not dodge, allowing the other party to stab him straight.

Yun Niang couldn't help but scream when she saw this, but after the tip of the knife pierced into Mo Xun's body half an inch, it could not go any deeper.


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