Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 604: Strange Wooden Staff

But more than half of this rich blood energy came from He Yunxing.

Those flashing cold array blades, like countless ice knives, spread from He Yunxing's head to his whole body. At this time, the head of the He family no longer looked like a human being. His body was bloody and fleshy, and he became a disgusting mass of meat.

Even his soul did not have time to escape and was directly killed in his body.

Poor He Yaner, who was near the door, fainted on the spot because of the previous blow. If she woke up and saw her father's miserable condition, I wonder if she would be scared again?

As for Lu Ming, Mo Xun did not kill him, but his current state was not much better.

Three inches below his abdomen, he was directly pierced by a wooden stick, and blood gushed out, dyeing most of his body red. After careful identification, the blood hole was actually the opponent's Dantian.

For a cultivator, the Dantian is broken, which is tantamount to taking his life!

Let's talk about other things first. Just the cultivation of more than a hundred years is likely to be wasted!


Lu Ming covered the wound with one hand, with a hideous and painful expression on his face. As soon as he said a word, he spit out a mouthful of blood due to the disorder of his internal organs. He coughed several times while panting.

Seeing Mo Xun approaching slowly, Lu Ming wanted to retreat in panic in the pool of blood.

But the wooden stick was like a huge nail, nailing him to the spot.

The Dantian in his abdomen was like a fragmented reservoir, and the spiritual power accumulated inside quickly dissipated like a flood.

At this moment, the meridians began to wither like plants that had lost nutrients.

The wooden stick that passed through his abdomen emitted a faint fluorescence on the surface.

Mo Xun's eyebrows moved, and he quickly stretched out his hand and pulled the wooden stick out of the other person's body through the air.

Lu Ming howled again, and in the closed hall, he looked particularly miserable and creepy. Perhaps because of the severe pain, his body trembled constantly.

A handful of blood splashed out from his bloody lower abdomen, but the color was abnormally black.

This thing...

Mo Xun held the wooden stick in his hand, feeling the strange breath coming from it, and seemed to think of something, and couldn't help but take a breath.

This thing can actually absorb the true essence of cultivators!

He raised his head and glanced at Lu Ming not far away. In just a few breaths, the other party had aged by dozens of years. In addition to the external injuries, the whole person was so weak that he was almost out of breath, and his body was also dried up, as if he could be blown down by a gust of wind.

The mana and vitality in his body were almost lost by half.

What kind of treasure is this?

Mo Xun didn't look at it carefully just now. Now that he looked carefully, he found that this thing didn't seem to be refined after birth, but a vine or rhizome of some plant.

Could it be the nine sacred trees again?

But maybe because it has been away from the earth for too long, or because it has been sacrificed by someone, there are not many clues from the appearance.

If Gong Yang was here, with the old man's knowledge, he might know something.

Just as Mo Xun frowned and pondered, Lu Ming suddenly took his last breath and shouted heartbreakingly: "I... I am the young master of the Lu family, my father is a member of the Elders Council of Mengtian City, my Lu family... Behind me stands the Red Moon Villa, you dare to destroy my cultivation, I will make you die!"

Mo Xun regained his mind, turned his wrist, and put away the wooden stick.

His move just now seemed to be extremely fierce, but he deliberately spared Lu Ming's life.

After all, many questions still have to be solved from this person.

Fortunately, he stopped it in time, otherwise, with the terrifying absorption ability of the wooden stick, this person might have become a dried man now!

Hearing the name of the Red Moon Villa, Mo Xun's face showed a bit of weirdness unnaturally.

Unexpectedly, he had just come to Mengtian City, and he bumped into the Tantai family again and again.

But since he had offended them once, why should he be afraid of the second time?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun no longer hesitated, stepped forward, and lifted up Lu Ming, then flicked his finger and threw out a fireball, and He Yunxing, who had already turned into meat paste, was immediately enveloped by the sea of ​​fire.

Then he put away the storage bags of several people and prepared to leave first.

When he passed by He Yaner at the door, he wanted to cut the grass and root it out, but after hesitating for a while, he did not do it after all, but rolled up his sleeves and took her and Lu Ming out together.

Outside the house, the servants who were originally waiting around had already been knocked unconscious by Bai Ze's magic.

But in this huge He Mansion, it was surprisingly quiet at this moment.

But just a few breaths later, a petite figure appeared in front of him, holding a bloody corpse in his hand.

This person was Bai Ze!

However, the scene at the moment gave people a very incongruous feeling.

The little girl was only eight or nine years old, only four feet tall, with a white and clean body, and a delicate and delicate appearance. However, in her left hand, she was holding an adult who was much stronger than her, and in her right hand, she was holding a silver sword that was almost as tall as her.

This sword was one of the six magic weapons that Mo Xun got from the place where the old demon Qianji passed away.

He had given this Qingyun Sword to Wen Yue at that time, but who knew that the other party...

After Bai Ze transformed, he gave this thing to the little girl for self-defense. Now, in addition to various rare spiritual medicines, the most on him are probably magic weapons.

Mo Xun looked up and down at the little girl, with some surprise in his eyes.

"Did you kill him?"

"Yes, but it's a pity that he's not tasty, and he smells bad!"

Bai Ze threw the body of the brown-clothed man on the ground, and pouted his lips in dissatisfaction.

Mo Xun's eyes twitched, and he asked in disbelief: "Can you really kill him?"

The little girl blinked her innocent eyes.

"Why not?"

Mo Xun was really shocked.

You know, although this beast is known as a divine beast and has some innate magical powers, since it followed him, it has been eating and sleeping every day, and has never practiced at all. As for the experience of fighting enemies, it is almost zero, but I didn't expect that it could deal with a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building so quickly.

Although Mo Xun guessed that the little girl should have some skills, he didn't know she was so strong!

Previously, he just asked her to entangle the brown-clothed man to buy him some time.

But that's all!

In order to be on the safe side, he had some backup plans, but now it seems that he underestimated this lazy beast.

After a moment of hesitation, Mo Xun suddenly said, "Let's leave this place first!"

As for how strong Bai Ze is, now is not the time to ask.

Of course, the stronger the little guy is, the more help he will be to him in the future.

After simply dealing with the traces of his presence, Mo Xun took Bai Ze and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

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