Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 591 Late Stage of Jindan

In addition to this, he also needs to take time to re-cultivate the newly acquired "Xuanling Jue". This non-attribute technique is also his main technique in the future. He not only needs to comprehend it deeply, but also needs to slowly transform the true essence in his body to make it more compatible.

In addition, there is Jingyuan Gong!

After practicing in the illusion for a hundred years, he has realized that the spiritual consciousness has unparalleled benefits for refining tools, refining pills, breaking through bottlenecks, and fighting against enemies.

With a strong spiritual consciousness, no matter what you do, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Before, because he was devoted to the formation of the pill, almost all his energy was spent on the realm improvement, and he didn't waste too much time on the Jingyuan Gong.

But even so, the occasional intermittent practice still made him higher than the cultivators of the same level in the condensation and range of the spiritual consciousness. This is also the advantage that he can control the Hundred Swords Formation in the early stage of the formation of the pill.

I don't know where the old demon Qianji got this technique from.

Mo Xun has been traveling around in various immortal cultivation cities and secret realms over the years. He is definitely knowledgeable, but he has never seen any secret techniques for spiritual cultivation, and few people he knows have heard of it!

Although he has no way to distinguish the level of this technique, he thinks it is definitely not low!

The whole technique is divided into six levels, and Mo Xun has only practiced to the first level!

He suddenly remembered the bottle of "Yangjing Dahuan Dan" at the Jiuxuan auction!

The only pity is that he does not have the spiritual consciousness pill formula, and the only few pills he has are the ones he got from Hua Qingyan after saving her.

If he could know the pill formula, it would be great!

The effect of the pill combined with the technique will definitely be greatly improved!

However, he has a bold idea next, which is to decompose the pill to see if he can analyze the main medicine through a few Dahuan Dan.

Sometimes, when refining pills, you don't necessarily need to know all the medicinal materials. As long as you have the main medicine, you can refine similar pills. The only difference is the efficacy!

Of course, this difference may be very close, or it may be a thousand miles away!

Since Mo Xun started practicing, almost all the pills he made were made by himself. Not to mention his own huge consumption, the pills he gave away and sold, how many pills were wasted?

In the way of alchemy, he dare not say how high his level is, but in terms of the number of times he opened the furnace, it is definitely not less than those top alchemists!

All this, of course, has to be attributed to the heaven-defying green gourd.

So he has some confidence in decomposing the true ingredients of the nourishing essence pill!

His requirements are not high, as long as it has one-tenth or one-twelfth of the original efficacy. Although the effect is poor, he can refine a large amount!

At that time, take this thing every few days and eat it as candy!

In addition to cultivation, he also takes care of the medicine garden, guides Ye Ping in cultivation, and occasionally refines pills to reserve enough pills for future cultivation advancement!

He now has several kinds of pill recipes for the Jindan stage, and the bottleneck pill recipes are also fully prepared.

He refines each pill evenly to avoid the emergence of drug resistance.

The Qianyuan fruit tree in the medicine garden has also grown leaves. Once it matures, he plans to restore it to its previous state, swallowing one every few days.

After being nourished by hundreds of spiritual fruits, he can already clearly feel the changes in his body. From the inside out, it seems that both the internal organs and the bones and flesh have become tough and tough.

Perhaps what he lacks now is this body refining method!

However, he did not force it. After all, the people he met and heard about were all mainly practicing the law. So far, he has not met a body cultivator, so he is just playing a leisurely chess move in the way of body refining. Anyway, he does not need to waste energy, just occupying some area of ​​the medicine garden.


There is no time for cultivation. The red leaves on the mountain turn red and green, green and red again. The dynasties in the world have changed for generations. The children in the mortal world have also grown from children to old men. In the blink of an eye, a sixty-year period has passed.

Until this day, a loud noise suddenly came from the belly of the mountain.

Then, the originally clear sky was quickly covered by thick dark clouds. A flash of lightning also streaked across the sky, and a rumble sounded.

The wind blew up, rolling up pieces of fallen leaves and branches.

The world seemed to transition directly from day to night. Countless thunder and lightning flashed, illuminating the surroundings, as if it was the end of the world.

At this time, a man and a woman, two young people, passed by in the wilderness at the foot of the mountain.

Both of them were sixteen or seventeen years old, and if you look closely, there is still spiritual energy flowing around their bodies. They are actually cultivators who are considered to be immortal masters in the mortal world.

However, their cultivation is pitifully low, only the second or third level of Qi Refining.

Judging from their eager steps, they must be in a hurry to go somewhere.

The boy looked at the dark clouds and lightning in the distance, and hurriedly stopped while pulling the girl beside him, shouting excitedly: "Senior sister, look, someone is going through the tribulation there!"

The girl looked in the direction of her gaze, and then suddenly slapped the boy on the back of his head.

"What tribulation are you going through? What are you thinking about all day? It's going to rain. Come home with me and collect your clothes!"

As she spoke, the girl took out the bamboo hat from behind and put it on her head, and then ignored her.

But the boy not only did not keep up, but became more excited.

"Senior sister, I really didn't lie to you, there is really someone going through the tribulation there, look up in the sky, is there someone flying in the clouds!"

The girl raised her head and looked again, but saw nothing. She couldn't help but feel angry. She picked up the boy and was about to leave.

"You big-headed ghost, be careful if you go back too late, the master will punish you again!"

In the end, the young man was dragged away from the place, but his reluctant eyes still stayed on the dark clouds in the sky, as if he wanted to find the figure just now and prove to his senior sister that he was not lying.

But soon, he realized that he seemed to have guessed wrong.

Because not long after, huge raindrops fell from above his head, drenching him to the core.

He was indeed dazzled. Where could it rain during the tribulation?

As the two people left, the entire mountain range was instantly shrouded in white rain and fog.

Although the young man guessed wrong, he was not dazzled because the figure on the horizon he just saw was Mo Xun who had come out of seclusion.

But at this moment, Mo Xun was already dozens of miles away, like a rainbow light, and his trace was hard to find.

If Mo Xun heard the young man's surprise, he would probably feel bitter in his heart.

Because his cultivation at this moment has already reached the late stage of pill formation. Not to mention overcoming the thunder tribulation, even the peak is still far away!

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