Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 585 Distinguishing

However, he had never even thought about such an idea!

Although most of the relationship between him and Gongyang is mutual use, the other party has saved him from fire and water many times. Not to mention the promise he made in the past, this kindness alone makes him unable to betray his trust!

So the question now is how to distinguish the true from the false in front of you!

While Mo Xun was thinking quickly, he cursed secretly in his heart. If the old guy hadn't been running around, how could such a tangle have arisen?

In such a situation, it is difficult to make a judgment even in reality, let alone in an illusion of reality and reality?

Just when the two were about to fight again, Mo Xun quickly called out to them, and then flew between them to separate them.

"Wait a minute!"

Mo Xun glanced around, his brows almost wrinkled.

"You all say you are true, how can you prove it?"

The person on the left said quickly: "Boy Mo, I can swear to my inner demons that I am the real one..."

Before he finished speaking, someone on the right interrupted: "Bah! You are my inner demon. I swear by yourself, it's useless!"

"Old devil, don't be so arrogant. I will die with you even if I give up my body today!"

"Aren't I afraid of you?"

Seeing that the two of them were getting closer and about to start fighting again, Mo Xun hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I have a way to tell you apart!"

"any solution?"

"Yes, tell me quickly. When I look at the face in front of me, I want to skin it and gouge out its heart to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

"Old man, do you think I can get used to you?"


Mo Xun shouted "stop". Listening to the endless chatter in his ears, he felt that his head was about to burst.

The quarrel between two old men who are hundreds of years old is really novel!

But having said that, what is the difference between the other party in their eyes and themselves? How could it rise to the level of personal attack?

As for Mo Xun, there is no good way to do it in this short while, it is nothing more than delaying time!

He let out a deep breath, and after a moment, he said, "How about you let go of your magic defenses at the same time and let me use my spiritual consciousness to explore inside your body?"


Listening to their unanimous answers, to be honest, Mo Xun didn't have much hope. After all, this was an illusion, and everything could be simulated. How could it be easily distinguished between true and false?

It was just that he was in a hurry and had no better way.

Sure enough, after searching their bodies for a long time, they couldn't find any difference at all.

"Boy, is he fake?"

"Old devil, stop talking nonsense!"

Mo Xun frowned solemnly and shook his head to both sides.

"Your physical condition is exactly the same, and your level of magic power is about the same..."

Seeing that the two of them were about to interrupt again, Mo Xun quickly waved his hands and said: "Let's do this. I'll ask a few questions. If any of you can answer them, it means it's true!"

Their eyes lit up at the same time, and they felt that this method was feasible.

You know, he and Gongyang have known each other for hundreds of years. They have lived and died together countless times, and they have countless secrets between them.

Mo Xun asked thoughtfully: "What is the name of my disciple in reality?"

After asking this question, Mo Xun quickly added: "Don't say it out loud, you each write it on the palm of your hand, and then show it at the same time!"

The two glanced at each other, snorted in unison, then blocked each other and wrote on the palm of their hand with a pointing pen.

After a moment, Mo Xun nodded slightly, and they showed their palms at the same time, with golden light flashing on them, each with a name on it.

"Ye Ping!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and asked again: "In the world of immortality, what nickname do I have?"

In fact, he had probably guessed some clues in his heart. The real person and the inner demon should share the same memory, so asking like this is naturally useless.

But there was a trap hidden in his second question.

This trap is the guilty conscience of the fake ram, because he does not have any nickname at all, but the fake party may not think so, but thinks that his memory is incomplete, and he is confused!

After asking this question, he focused his attention on the faces of the two people, observing the subtle changes in their expressions.

After the two were surprised, they wrote the answer on their hands.

When they showed their palms, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel his heart sink. It seemed that this method would not work!

Because the word "no" is written on both of their hands at the same time!

But in a flash of thought, he realized that since the male sheep and his inner demon were divided into two here, it meant that they only shared memories in reality, and their experiences in the fantasy world should be independent!

With this in mind, he then asked: "The third question is, where is my hometown in the mortal world?"

Mo Xun looked at their expressions and nodded silently for his quick wit.

In the real world, he has never mentioned this place. If he had not entered the memory fragments before, even Ram Yang would not know the real answer.

But after seeing the three words "Xunyang County" written exactly the same in their palms, Mo Xun was completely discouraged.

There are probably three reasons for this situation.

First, the fake ram plagiarized the answer!

But soon, he shook his head. With the two people's cultivation at the peak of elixir formation, the chance should be low.

Second, when they returned to Xunyang County, the fake ram secretly followed behind them.

Third, this illusion is the lair of the inner demon, so the other party can clearly perceive everything that happens inside.

But no matter which one it is, it means that this method does not work!

Unless he can see through people's hearts, he cannot distinguish them simply by asking questions.

At the same time, he was also secretly surprised. Could it be that the inner demon of a person is really so omnipotent?

Mo Xun paced left and right for two steps, and suddenly slapped his waist. There was an object in his hand. Looking carefully, it turned out to be the magic seal found in the Cangkuo Dojo that year.

Even in the daytime, this object still emits a charming and frightening blue light.

After showing the magic seal in front of the two people, Mo Xun immediately said: "You two inject your magic power into it respectively to identify the authenticity!"

In Mo Xun's opinion, since it can be called an inner demon, it can probably be classified as a demon.

Following this line of thought, the fake ram should carry some demonic energy more or less.

Of course, this was just his imagination. As for whether it would work or not, it was just a method.

The two of them naturally did not show any resistance, but after they tested it separately, the results were still hard to judge. There was no trace of demonic energy left in the magic power of the two.

Mo Xun sighed heavily. Did he really have to watch the two of them fight each other to determine the result?

If so, there was a high probability that both would suffer losses or even perish together!

What was even worse was that if the inner demon won in the end, what should he do?

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