Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 583 The Boundless Sea of ​​Demons

On the Xuanyuan car, a young man with demonic energy was controlling the car to speed through the air while looking into the distance with a cold face.

His eyes were a little dull!

This man was one of Mo Xun's incarnations, but his cultivation had reached the peak of foundation building!

As for Mo Xun himself, he sat in the car with his eyes closed and his expression restrained. A faint halo lingered around his body, and his realm actually leaped directly to the late stage of Jindan, but it seemed that he had just broken through and was a little unstable.

This car was in the clouds, and it was as fast as lightning, but the surrounding scenery was as still as before.

For fifty years, Mo Xun almost spent his time practicing on the road like this.

At this moment, he was not only thin, but his face was also covered with frost.

Because he went to the boundless sea of ​​monsters this time!

Since he left the Five Elements Sect, he knew that he had to visit the land of the demon race. For this reason, he specially selected the largest demon beast colony in the entire Central Region and made a trip in advance.

In the past few decades, he dared not say that he had traveled to every corner of the Demon Sea, but at least half of them had left his footprints.

Except for the territories of the demon kings who were comparable to the Nascent Soul Stage, he did not dare to go too deep, and he did not miss any sea area where the Qingming grass might exist.

But unfortunately, he never found the magic grass.

Who could have expected that this Qingming grass was not only extremely rare among human cultivators, but also extremely precious in the demon land.

In fact, it is understandable to think about it. How can something that can cleanse the soul and transform the soul into the body be so easy to get?

However, this trip was not completely fruitless.

Not only did he find a lot of good things, but he also became familiar with the distribution of various forces in the Demon Sea and the terrain conditions, and also found some clues.

Once he returns to the real world, he is at least 70% to 80% sure that he can find this thing.

He felt more and more that this Wuhuan Pill was simply a great cheating artifact.

The only pity was that the time was a little short. If he was given a few more decades, he would definitely be able to cultivate to the peak of the Jindan stage, and even try to form an infant, which was not impossible!

Even if what he got in the end was just a little experience, it was already a treasure that countless people wanted but could not get.

In addition to cultivation, his alchemy skills were once again improved to a higher level.

He believed that as long as there were sufficient spiritual medicines and soul essence, he would be able to make most of the pills in the Jindan stage.

Now, if he was judged by the grade, he was at least an eighth-level great alchemist.

Moreover, he also found a lot of precious spiritual herbs that were lost in the human land in the boundless sea of ​​monsters this time. Since he was going to go there next, he would naturally not let go of them.

With these things, refining pills is many times better than the so-called soul essence.

Presumably, with time, he can truly cultivate to this level.

After dispersing his energy, Mo Xun held his chin with one hand and looked out of the car.

Now it depends on whether he can return to the first level of illusion safely.

When he entered the second level of illusion, he woke up in the secret room, so if he wanted to go back, the first thing he thought of was to return to the practice room.

As for how to go back, he did think of some ways in the past few years, but he would have to try them out to know the details.

When he returned to the cave, everything around him was almost unchanged from before he left.

Although he had been away for fifty years, it was only seven or eight days in reality.

To say that this thing is really magical, it can actually create two worlds with different time flow speeds.

Fortunately, it can only be taken once in a lifetime. Otherwise, becoming an immortal would probably be like eating and drinking water.

Mo Xun also went to Gu Qingqing and Ye Ping's secret room to take a look. The two were still in the practice state when he left.


Looking at the "self" sitting cross-legged in front of him, Mo Xun was somewhat emotional.

He suddenly wondered if there was anyone in the world who had the same opportunity as him, who had also used the two illusions of the Wuhuan Pill and had walked in the world like this?

If there was, had this person tried the third illusion?

Although he was very curious, he did not dare to take this risk again. It was a great fortune to have a hundred years more time to practice than others. If he was greedy, it would be unforgivable!

But then again, this feeling of being a bystander and seeing the world was really wonderful.

All people and things were still paintings in front of him.

It allowed him to appreciate the beauty, ugliness, good and evil in the world and read all the living beings in the world.

After a while, he was like a soul entering his body, and his figure completely overlapped with the "him" in reality.

He slowly closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Time passed slowly bit by bit!

Ten days, one month, eight months...

He had gone through a long period of anxiety from the initial calmness, and now his mood had completely sunk to the bottom.

According to normal calculations, he has spent a full fifty years in the second illusion, but there is still no sign of awakening.

During this period, he did not do nothing.

He tried to take the illusion-breaking pill, tried the method of returning to the body, and tried the method of using illusion to fight illusion as Gong Yang had said before, to break the second illusion, but all of them were useless.

In fact, he thought of a possibility in his mind, which was the medicinal properties of the illusion-free pill.

Before entering the first illusion, he had done a lot of experiments to accurately determine the fifty-to-one time potency of the drug, but before entering the second illusion, he took it according to the previous potency.

Perhaps the results of the drug in the two illusions are completely different.

If this is true, it is not bad. Even if the drug is really stronger, it is nothing more than staying in this illusion for a longer time.

The only thing to consider is what Gong Yang will do if he sees that he has not woken up!

In his message to Gong Yang, he not only explained in detail what he had done, but also how to help him get out of the illusion, etc.

What he fears most now is that his consciousness is still in the second illusion, but the first illusion is solved in advance.

Then he will be trapped here forever.

Or, this second illusion is a world where there is no return.

Mo Xun took a heavy breath, and then suddenly took out a pill in his hand.

This is not a pill to eliminate illusions, nor a pill to eliminate illusions, nor a pill for cultivation, but a dark and extremely poisonous pill.

He tried almost every method he could think of.

Except for this last madness!

As the saying goes, one must be reborn in the face of death. Since it is to escape from the illusion, then dying in it, from a certain perspective, is it not also a kind of escape?

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