Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 507 Can't afford to lose

Coming out of the casino, Mo Xun walked quickly along the way.

Gu Qingqing followed behind and said with dissatisfaction: "Why are you in such a hurry? I still have something to tell you!"

"Didn't I give you all the spirit stones?"

"That's not what I'm talking about. Since you have this magical power, let's work together. I'll be responsible for listening to the points, and you'll control them. As for the things we win, we'll add 2 and 1 to make 50, and each of us will take half. It won't take long before we can kill all the gambling houses in Xuanyuan City..."

Hearing this series of clacking, Mo Xun suddenly stopped. Gu Qingqing was talking excitedly, and she didn't stop and bumped into Mo Xun's back.

"Then they will be a perfect match and become the male and female evil spirits in the gambling world?"

Gu Qingqing rubbed his forehead, but he was bright-eyed and pondered: "This name is okay, but I still prefer the name of Shuangxia!"

Mo Xun shook his head speechlessly. This woman's head was kicked by a donkey!

"You probably don't know that we have at least three marks on our bodies now. If we don't find a way to deal with it as soon as possible, it won't be long before trouble comes to us."

"Really? I didn't notice this..."

Seeing Mo Xun turn his head away again, Gu Qingqing chased him and continued to persuade him tirelessly.

"But it doesn't matter. I have a way to avoid these beggars. If we have money, we can also secretly hire some thugs. No matter what kind of monsters, we will make sure that he will never come back!"

As Gu Qingqing chattered, the two of them quickly left the black market.

Mo Xun turned around suddenly and was hit by Gu Qingqing again.

"Why do you always brake suddenly when you walk?"

Mo Xun looked around and then threw out a jade box. The one inside was naturally the Lihuo ginseng.

Of course, the rhizome of this thing had been cut off by Mo Xun long ago.

"Fairy Gu, the deal between you and me is done, so let's say goodbye!"

Mo Xun bowed and was about to disappear into the crowd on the street, but Gu Qingqing hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't worry, think about what I said again!"

Mo Xun said perfunctorily: "No problem, I will definitely think about it carefully, and contact you when I have time!"

After that, he dodged and bypassed Gu Qingqing, and disappeared from the end of his sight in the blink of an eye.


Hundreds of miles away from the city, Mo Xun found a tree hole to live in and began to search his body.

When it comes to finding marks, he is very familiar with it.

He took off his clothes directly, and even shaved his hair. All the things that were exposed outside were thrown into the green gourd.

After doing this, he was still worried and carefully searched every inch of his skin with his spiritual sense until he was sure that there was no mark, and then he flew up on the sword.

In the sky, Mo Xun exhaled a long breath of turbid air.

The feeling of depression that had accumulated in his body for these days was finally swept away.

This trip not only solved many troubles that he was about to face, but also laid the foundation for his cultivation path for the next few decades.

Next, he will be busy for a while!

Just when he thought of this, a strong wind blew behind his head. Mo Xun's heart trembled. He hurriedly pinched a Taoist formula with his hand, and his figure suddenly blurred.

At the same time, the strong wind also arrived as expected, shattering a phantom.

When he appeared again, there were three more figures in front of him, one of whom was Gui Tou Qi at the gambling table.

Two were in the early stage of Jindan, and one was in the middle stage!

The most infuriating thing was that the cultivation level of the rotten gambler was even higher than his.

"Boy, I expected you to be difficult to deal with. It seems that I really have foresight. If one person comes, I may not be able to take you down!"

Mo Xun looked at the three people with a serious face. Although he was cautious enough, he was still half a step behind.

"By the way, where's that woman? My money is not so easy to win!"

As he spoke, the three of them slowly approached and formed a triangle, surrounding Mo Xun in the middle.

"Do you want to take it out yourself, or let us do it for you?"

Looking at the hideous smile under the ugly face, Mo Xun thought quickly in his mind, and at the same time, he held the exquisite ring and the wind and thunder stick in his hands at the first time.

It's a pity that the silver ring was damaged by the bronze bell last time, and it has not been re-refined in time, and I don't know how much power it can still have.

At this moment, he regretted getting rid of Gu Qingqing too early.

If there is this woman to hold him back, he can fight one against two. Although he has never tried it, from his previous experience, he is not without the ability to fight.

But facing three at the same time, he can't help but feel guilty!

In this situation, Mo Xun knew that the longer he dragged it out, the more disadvantageous it would be for him.

"It seems that you really can't afford to lose!"

Mo Xun sneered, and the spiritual power in his body circulated. He suddenly rushed towards the nearest person. The wind and thunder stick in his hand whistled out, turning into a sharp arrow composed of electric arcs, flashing silver light, and shot towards the man.

The man did not expect that the thin young man in front of him would take the initiative to attack in this situation.

Caught off guard, he picked up a bone knife in his hand and hurriedly blocked it in front of his chest.

While shooting lightning, Mo Xun suddenly turned his body and rushed towards the direction of another person. At the same time, he slapped the wind with his palm, and the surging spiritual power turned into a raging flame, which swallowed the other person in an instant.

Just as he was freeing his hands to deal with Gui Tou Qi, a sharp pain suddenly hit his back.

Then, he fell forward under the push of a huge force.

His series of actions just now seemed swift and sharp, but he was facing a Jindan cultivator after all. No matter how fast he was, two fists could not beat four hands.

In mid-air, Mo Xun spit out a mouthful of blood. He didn't know what hit him. He felt that his internal organs seemed to be shattered.

Fortunately, there was the protective light shield of Linglong Ring, otherwise, his body would have been smashed into meat paste!

In a trance, he casually threw a handful of things behind him.

There were dozens of various talismans in it, and more than a dozen magic weapons that he had just obtained.

In an instant, the area within a dozen feet was covered by a huge fire and lightning, accompanied by bursts of explosions.

At this time, Mo Xun had already taken advantage of this brief opportunity to transform into a rainbow of light and dash away!

As for whether he could escape, he could only leave it to fate!

Then, he saw four rays of light in the sky, one in front and one behind, chasing him quickly.

He immediately took out the Swift Wind Boat that he had not used for a long time. Although the grade of this thing was not high, at this time, if the speed could be faster, the hope would be greater.

But he was seriously injured, how could he run fast?

But before he had escaped for long, a rumble sounded behind him. Mo Xun's heart tightened, thinking that he was being caught up. Just as he was about to perform the escape technique, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Go east!"

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