"Last month, we stopped purchasing precious medicinal materials. We should have started to prepare medicines!" The woman in black lowered her head slightly and answered in a deep voice.

The man nodded, stroked his beard and said, "Okay, keep an eye on their actions. If there is any situation, go to Siguzhai to inform me."

Hearing Siguzhai, Mo Xun's heart moved. He had been to this shop once.

In the past year, in order to kill time during the day and to cooperate with the practice of Liehuo Jue, he almost borrowed all the medical books from the old gentlemen in Baicaotang. Later, he went to the antique shop several times to look for ancient books on medicine.

However, he had no impression of the back of the man in the distance.

The woman in black responded, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly asked, "Boss, there is something I don't understand."

The man turned his head and glanced at the woman in black. It was this action that allowed Mo Xun to see half of her face clearly.

The square face, about forty years old, with a fierce look in his eyes.


"Since we are aiming for the Heart Pill, why don't we find a chance to get the prescription? Why bother?"

The man stared at the woman in black and fell silent. He didn't know what he was thinking about. After a while, he explained: "Do you know why this Heart Pill is only available once every forty years?"

The woman shook her head and didn't say anything, waiting for the man to continue.

"Because there is a main medicine in it, it takes forty years to mature once, and every time it matures, the fruit must be prepared within a month to be effective."

The man continued: "Even if there is a prescription, it will be useless without this main medicine. If I miss this month's maturity period, do I have to wait another forty years?"

When Mo Xun heard this, he was secretly shocked. Forty years, two generations can only prepare the medicine once, and I don't know what effect it will have!

The two people in the distance seemed to have heard Mo Xun's voice, and the next words completely answered his doubts.

"In this case, we might as well let the Su family help us!"

The black-clothed woman nodded in understanding, but then asked: "But according to what I know, although this heart-protecting pill has some effect of prolonging life, it can only be taken once in a lifetime, and it will be ineffective if taken more than once. Isn't it a bit of an exaggeration for the gang to spend so much effort this time?"

The man sneered: "What do you know? For ordinary people, a heart-protecting pill may only prolong life, but if it is taken by a dying person, it has the magical effect of bringing the dead back to life, and..."

At this point, a trace of heat flashed in the man's eyes.

"And few people know that the greatest effect of this medicine is that for martial artists, only one pill can be equivalent to several years of hard training!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun's heartbeat accelerated a bit. Although he has now changed his way to cultivate immortality, he is unwilling to give up secular martial arts.

If there is such a heaven-defying effect as this person said, he can save a lot of time and concentrate on seeking immortality. Even if he can't go far in the end, he doesn't have to worry about abandoning his martial arts.

But I don't know if this heart-protecting pill can only be taken once in a lifetime for martial artists!

The black-clothed woman also moved. As a martial artist, I'm afraid no one can resist this temptation.

The man saw the expression of the black-clothed woman and smiled slightly: "Do your part well, I won't treat you unfairly!"

While Mo Xun was thinking, the two had finished their conversation. There was a sound of stepping in the air, and there was no one under the tree in the distance.

He couldn't help but touch his chin, staring at the distance, his body motionless.

The next afternoon, Mo Xun returned to the city. It seemed that he was wandering aimlessly on the street, but he went straight to Siguzhai.

This is a shop that sells stationery and antiques, a bit like a grocery store.

As soon as Mo Xun stepped into the store, a servant came to greet him.

"Young Master, what do you need?"

Mo Xun chuckled. This title of Young Master seemed to be the first time he had encountered it.

He looked around the store and asked casually, "Do you have the Nine Rings Needle Technique?"

"Of course we have it. Do you need an old copy or a copy?"

There were no other customers in the store at this time. There were two other people standing behind the counter. One was dressed like Xiao Si, and the other was fat and looked like the shopkeeper!

"A copy will do!"

As Mo Xun spoke, Xiao Si's enthusiasm obviously dropped a few points. After all, although they were all books, the prices were very different.

Watching Xiao Si go to get the book, Mo Xun sat on the chair in the hall, looked at the three people in front of him again, and shook his head secretly.

In fact, he came here on a whim. After all, he was also a little tempted by the heart-protecting pills.

After returning to Baicaotang yesterday, he also went to find the uncle who was in charge of the matter and asked about the "Heart Pill" indirectly. However, Mo Qinghe had only been in Baicaotang for more than ten years and basically did not get any useful information.

He only knew that this medicine seemed to be the foundation of the Su family, but it was too old, and this thing only appeared once every few decades. Some of the heads of the Su family with shorter lifespans had no chance to see it, and even fewer people knew about it.

Since he didn't see the man in black yesterday, Mo Xun naturally wouldn't buy any books. He found an excuse and left.

But just after leaving Siguzhai and taking a few steps, he was stopped by a man.

The man was dressed in shorts, his clothes were dirty and worn, his cheeks were dark, and he was short. At first glance, he looked like a farmer who had been dealing with the land for many years.

When the man saw Mo Xun stop, he ran over with a simple smile on his face.

"Brother, I have a good thing here, do you want to take a look?"

When he said this, the man secretly lifted his clothes and revealed a rusty bronze toad in his arms.

This thing is an old thing at first glance.

In a blink of an eye, Mo Xun figured out the identity of this man.

He didn't know where he got this thing from, so he waited for buyers near the antique shop. However, although this thing looked a bit old, no one knew its use, and the appearance was really bad, so it couldn't be sold for a while, so he had his eyes on him.

In the end, it was because he was young and easy to fool!

After figuring out the connection, Mo Xun didn't bother to pay attention to this man, but when he turned around, he accidentally glanced at the bronze toad again, which made him exclaim "Huh".

He quickly looked closely, but he didn't feel the same way as before.

"Is it because of my eyes?"

The man was delighted to see that Mo Xun was attracted by it, and hurriedly said, "How is it, brother, is this a good thing?"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, but shook his head. The man thought that Mo Xun didn't like his things, and hurriedly whispered, "This thing of mine is definitely not fake!"

Mo Xun shook his head, not to question the authenticity of the thing, in fact, it was not true or false, because he didn't know what it was at all.

Just a moment ago, he suddenly felt that the bronze toad exuded a faint spiritual energy, but when he looked carefully, it disappeared.

He practiced the Fiery Fire Art for a year, breathing and refining qi every day. Although his realm was only at the entry level, he was already very familiar with the spiritual energy, and he believed that he would not make a mistake.

But why did it suddenly disappear again?

Mo Xun ignored the man's explanation, but stared at the other's arms, trying to find a trace of spiritual energy.

At the same time, he thought in his heart that there could only be two reasons for this situation.

Either he was dazzled, or the spiritual energy in this thing had almost dissipated because it was too old, which caused the phenomenon of it appearing and disappearing from time to time.

If it was the latter...

After a year of Qi training, he was no longer as ignorant as he was at the beginning. Although no one taught him, he also knew about magic tools.

Could it be that this thing was a magic tool in the past?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but get a little excited.

After calming down a little, Mo Xun smiled slightly: "Brother, this is not the place to talk. There is a tea stall over there. Let's go there to chat."

"Okay, okay!" Seeing that there was a way, the man immediately followed Mo Xun.

The two of them came to an open-air tea stall on the corner of the street and sat down, one after the other.

The sky was gradually getting dark, and there were no other customers at the tea stall. Mo Xun ordered a pot of tea. Seeing that the man had put away the bronze toad, he smiled and said, "Brother, let's have a cup of tea first!"

"No need for tea, do you think this thing of mine is worth it?"

Mo Xun poured him a cup of tea slowly, and poured himself another, carefully choosing his words.

"To be honest, I still don't know what it is!"

The man frowned immediately. He was probably a straightforward person. He thought Mo Xun was teasing him, so he stood up and said, "You didn't like my thing, but what kind of tea did you ask me to drink?"

Mo Xun quickly held him down and said with a smile, "Don't worry, brother. Although I can't tell what it is, I know it's an old thing. If the price is not expensive, I'm willing to buy it back to study it."



The man smiled and drank a sip of tea. Without Mo Xun's request, he took out the bronze toad again and put it on the table.

Looking at it from a close distance, Mo Xun finally saw the whole picture of this thing.

This thing is about a little smaller than an adult's fist, with a copper-green color all over its body. It looks like a toad, with its mouth open and looking diagonally upward. It looks like a decorative sculpture, but there is no base.

Seeing that the other party did not stop him, Mo Xun took it in his hand and looked around. At the same time, he searched in his memory, but still could not find the corresponding thing.

Putting the bronze toad back on the table, Mo Xun smiled and shook his head.

"It's interesting to look at, but about this thing, do you know what it is used for?"

The man shook his head: "I don't know the use, but it must be old. I won't cheat you. As long as you can afford an acre of land, this thing will belong to you!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun sneered in his heart. He worked in Baicaotang for more than a year, and the wages he received could not buy an acre of land.

This man looked honest, but he would ask for a lot.

If he hadn't just accidentally felt the faint spiritual energy emanating from it, who would spend money to buy this broken thing?

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