Mo Xun came to the bronze bell. It was really big, seven or eight feet high, and it would take at least four or five people to hug it.

Mo Xun pinched a Taoist formula on his chest, and after silently reciting a few spells, the bronze bell quickly shrank and fell into his palm, and his exquisite ring was trapped in it.

In just a short while, the exquisite ring had been damaged and lost its former luster.

Mo Xun couldn't help but frown. This thing actually had the effect of polluting magic weapons!

Gu Qingqing was extremely depressed by Mo Xun's behavior of collecting the spoils without saying hello.

In her opinion, she killed the person, so these things should belong to her.

Mo Xun then flicked his sleeves, collected the scattered flying knives on the ground, and then looked at Hua Qingyan who was unconscious at his feet.


In the dim cave, the sky had cleared up, and the air was full of damp smell.

Hua Qingyan sat cross-legged against the wall, eyes slightly closed, forehead covered with sweat, body surface faintly glowing, obviously practicing Qigong to recuperate.

Although her face was still pale, her complexion had improved a lot.

Next to her was Anu, who was a little thin and sitting with her knees hugged. The little girl would wipe her tears from time to time, and her eyes always stayed on Hua Qingyan, as if she was afraid that if she closed her eyes a little, her sister Hua would disappear again.

As for Mo Xun and Gu Qingqing, they were guarding the entrance of the cave.

The two sat opposite each other, surrounded by a circle of isolation restrictions, wrapping them in it.

In front of them, there was a pile of various treasures, including the previous pile of flying knives, Wu Bo's golden elixir, and the bronze bell.

In addition to these, there were dozens of bottles of various elixirs in the Jindan period.

In addition, there were some magic weapons and instruments, jade slip materials and the like.

Mo Xun looked into her eyes and said, "Fairy Gu, how should these things be divided? Do you have any idea?"

"Of course, half for each person!"

Mo Xun had no opinion on this. Although the other party did not contribute much in the previous fight, he helped him after all.

From this point of view alone, such a request is not excessive.

When he saw these things, Mo Xun felt a little disappointed.

For him at the moment, except for the spiritual herbs, other things were not very useful even if they were valuable.

It seems that the spiritual herbs obtained by the Wu brothers should all be in the hands of Wu Laoer.

Thinking of this, he touched his chin unconsciously, turned his head slightly, and looked in the direction of Hua Qingyan.

"Okay, but there must be a way to divide them equally."

Gu Qingqing looked at the treasures on the ground, and her beautiful eyes almost flashed.

Mo Xun was speechless. It was really rare for a woman to show greed without caring about her image.

"It's easy. You and I can take turns to choose!"

Mo Xun nodded, without any objection. Then they divided all the things into small portions according to their value.

After doing this, Mo Xun asked again: "Who goes first?"

Gu Qingqing blurted out without thinking.

"Let's decide by rock-paper-scissors!"

As she spoke, she had already raised her white and tender fist.

Seeing her serious attitude, Mo Xun was slightly stunned, and then he coughed and said: "Forget it, you go first!"

Gu Qingqing hurriedly said: "You said it, don't regret it!"

As soon as the voice fell, as if she was really afraid that Mo Xun would break his promise, one hand quickly grabbed a fist-sized black crystal.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun secretly raised his eyebrows. This woman is indeed a weapon refiner.

If it weren't for the "Hundred Refining Ten Thousand Treasures" he got from Ye Ping, he would definitely not recognize this thing.

This thing is called Brahma Sand. Any magic weapon, when refining, just add a little bit, can increase the hardness by 30%.

This item is as valuable as gold among many refining materials. Even if ordinary shops sell it, they are calculated by "money" and "cents". Such a large piece can be sold at a sky-high price.

The other party liked this item at first sight. If she said she didn't understand, Mo Xun didn't believe it at all.

This boss Wu, I don't know what kind of shit luck he had, to get such a treasure.

But since he said that others should choose first, Mo Xun didn't have the intention to regret it.

He just saw his robe sleeves brushed past, and the bronze bell in front of him disappeared.

This bronze bell is neither a magic weapon nor a magic tool. What Mo Xun values ​​is its restraining effect on magic weapons.

Next, Gu Qingqing put away the golden pill.

Mo Xun secretly twitched his mouth. After all, he was a step late.

Helplessly, he had to choose a pile of jade slips. As for what was inside, the two agreed not to look at it, so it had to rely on luck.

He always valued jade slips and ancient books the most. Sometimes, the value of these things is not lower than any treasure.

Gu Qingqing took all the elixirs and remaining materials.

In a few minutes, most of the treasures on the ground were divided up.

When there were only tens of thousands of spirit stones and hundreds of flying knives left, Gu Qingqing fell into a dilemma.

These flying knives are mainly valuable because they come in sets!

But then again, no matter how good the treasure is, it has to be used, otherwise it will just be a pile of scrap metal!

Just like the Wu brothers, the two of them used the same sword formation, but the effects produced were very different!

Many times, the power of treasures does not depend on things, but on people!

But the spirit stones are different. They can be used wherever you go.

After thinking for a while, Gu Qingqing suddenly asked: "If it were you, what would you choose?"

Mo Xun smiled slightly: "Of course it's the spirit stones. I don't understand the sword formation, and I will have to take the trouble to sell them."

Gu Qingqing pondered for a moment, then picked up the storage bag next to her and began to count the spirit stones inside.

Mo Xun smiled imperceptibly, what a silly girl!

"By the way, where is the thing you promised me?"

Looking at the white palm that Gu Qingqing suddenly stretched out, Mo Xun hesitated for a moment and threw her a jade box.

Inside was the Xuanming Dragon Armor!

But after Gu Qingqing checked this thing, she did not show much joy, but frowned and asked: "Where is the Lihuo Ginseng?"

Mo Xun put away the flying knife and glanced at the other party lightly.

"I can't give it to you for the time being!"

"You are cheating!" Gu Qingqing immediately raised her eyebrows.

Mo Xun smiled playfully and said, "According to the agreement, you can only get these things if you help me get revenge, but where did you go when I was fighting my enemies?"

"I... I went to get help..."

Mo Xun waved his hand and interrupted her, saying, "Fairy, don't say such things in the future, but don't worry, I will give you the Lihuo Ginseng sooner or later, but the premise is... you have to exchange it with the expert jade token!"

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