Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 477 Sixth Level Formation

After Gong Yang reminded him, he immediately reacted.

If this person and the poisonous unicorn beast had signed a blood supply contract, it meant that they would live and die together. He only needed to kill one of the two and the beast at random, and the crisis in front of him would be solved immediately.

However, this statement seemed easy, but it was difficult to implement!

Facing two Jindan cultivators at the same time, no matter how conceited he was, he did not have such confidence.

And since the other party was a life and death alliance, as long as one of them was in danger, the other would certainly rescue him at all costs.

Thinking of this, he loosened his palm again, revealing the sound transmission talisman inside, and unconsciously tightened the wind and thunder stick in his other hand a little bit, and at the same time, he began to exert force under his feet.

The gray-clothed man saw that Mo Xun had been silent for a long time, and his face suddenly looked ugly!

"It seems that Daoist friend, this is not crying until you see the coffin!"

After the voice fell, the gray-clothed man immediately signaled to the poisonous unicorn beast.

Then, the bloody mouth suddenly roared at Mo Xun, and at the same time, it sprayed out a choking black smoke. In the blink of an eye, it filled the entire cave, making the already dim cave completely dark.

This roar echoed in the small space with a creepy echo.

But at this time, Mo Xun also moved!

He ran towards the cave entrance with lightning speed. When he was about to reach the gray-clothed man, he swung the long stick in his hand, and a huge lightning beam sprayed out.

This light beam flashed with dazzling light and made a "sizzling" sound, like an electric snake stretching in the air, instantly illuminating the entire cave.

Before he could react, the electric snake, as thick as an adult's arm, pierced through the air and pointed directly at the gray-clothed man's chest.

Then with a "boom", the electric snake exploded in the air!

But surprisingly, the gray-clothed man at the entrance of the cave still stood there calmly. He didn't move during the whole process, just folding his arms, as if he was watching a trapped beast fighting hard!

Mo Xun's heart trembled. At the moment when the lightning exploded, he noticed that the entrance of the cave was completely blocked by a layer of barrier that was looming!


In just a breath, he saw the doorway!

But he clearly checked this place before coming in, and there was no trace of any formation at all!

And with his attainments in formation, he could see at a glance that this layer of barrier had reached at least the level of level six, otherwise it would not be possible to dissolve his attack so easily!

What is the concept of level six?

Let's put it this way, the Gu Yue Sect in southern Xinjiang, the mountain protection formation, was only level seven!

In other words, the level seven formation can simply resist the attack of the Nascent Soul cultivator.

And the level six barrier, with his current realm, is simply impossible to shake easily!

However, what puzzled him was that even if a formation of this level was hidden, it was impossible for it to not have any fluctuations. How could he not notice it at all?

As for temporary arrangement, that was even more impossible!

The more complicated the formation was, the more instruments were needed, and the more troublesome it was to arrange. He had only been in the cave for a moment!

If he had to explain, he could only think of two reasons.

Either the other party used some kind of treasure that he didn't know about, which completely concealed the fluctuations of the formation.

But he had been in Liangyi Sect for so long, and he had never heard of such a treasure?

The second possibility was that the other party's attainments in formation were far beyond his, and he had reached the point where he could raise his hands to arrange the formation and wave his hands to set up prohibitions.

But then again, such a master of formation could not have only reached the early stage of Jindan!

But thinking so much now was a pure waste of time. No matter which situation it was, it could not change the fact that the formation had been formed.

And now there was another problem, that is, under such a formation, could the sound transmission talisman still be sent out?

As soon as he thought of this, he was about to release his palm and throw out the talisman.

But at this time, danger came again!

In the darkness, the bloody mouth that could almost swallow a rhino in one bite had already bitten towards him.

Two rows of sharp teeth exuded an extremely disgusting smell.

Mo Xun was anxious and immediately used the escape technique he learned from Gongyang that year.

However, this castrated version of the escape technique was really not up to standard. Not only was the casting time long, the casting distance was very limited, and the sense of direction was extremely poor.

At the moment he disappeared, a crisp sound like a violent collision of teeth rang in his ears.

He could almost feel that the strong wind swept past his head.

When he appeared again, he landed squarely under one of the feet of the poisonous unicorn.

Mo Xun quickly seized this opportunity and swung the wind and thunder stick again without thinking.

This time, it was not a beam of light, but a lightning blade more than three feet long condensed in the air, and then slashed hard on the lower limbs covered with scales.

With a "bang", the fire flickered, and Mo Xun was knocked back two or three steps by the recoil force.

And on the scales that were cut, there was only a white mark.

Mo Xun's heart sank. He really didn't expect that this monster was not only agile, but also covered with scales, which seemed to be invulnerable to swords and guns!

That would be fine, but soon, he realized another trouble.

As the black smoke filled the air, he suddenly found that this thing was slowly corroding his protective light shield.

He almost forgot that this thing was called Du Lin, and it had a poison skill, which could corrode everything!

Mo Xun couldn't help but snort coldly. He didn't believe it. Could the scales of this beast be three times harder than cast iron?

As for the head without any scales, he would not be stupid enough to attack it.

The bumps on it were all filled with poison sacs.

Before the beast could react, he threw the sound transmission talisman and then took out the magic weapon Thousand Hammer Mountain!

With a "bang", Thousand Hammer Mountain hit the neck heavily.

Although this thing is just a magic weapon that can be used to break sharp objects, it has its own unique features!

But after a burst of fire, the scales that were hit only had a slight dent.

And as he expected, the light transformed by the sound transmission talisman was stopped by the barrier when it flew to the cave entrance.

At this moment, a strong wind passed by, and then his whole body was like being hit by a huge rock, and then he flew backwards and hit the rock wall hard, smashing a large piece of rubble.

Fortunately, there was the protective light shield of Linglonghuan, otherwise, at least several ribs would have been broken.

When he reacted, he noticed that the one who had just attacked him was the gray-clothed man outside the cave.

At this moment, the gray-clothed man still maintained the posture of striking out his palm, and smiled with disdain.

Mo Xun covered his chest in pain and quickly dodged to the side.

Although he accidentally suffered a loss from the opponent this time, he immediately understood one thing.

The barrier at the entrance of the cave was definitely not cast by the formation!

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