The deep, dim passage can only accommodate one person.

Mo Xun walked cautiously in front, holding a lighting magic tool in his hand.

Wen Yue's footsteps were very close to him. The two of them spent every day together, and except for Mo Xun occasionally bringing up the topic, this girl never took the initiative to say a word.

However, Mo Xun had obviously gotten used to it for so long.

Moreover, he himself was not a talkative person, and such a personality was just what he wanted.

After about a cup of tea, they finally reached the end.

In front of them was a stone door, which seemed to be ajar. In the dim light, a gap could still be seen.

Mo Xun motioned Wen Yue to step back, then took out a talisman, silently chanted a few spells, and threw it out.

This talisman is called "Searching Spirit Talisman". As the name suggests, it can sense the weak formation and spiritual power fluctuations nearby.

The first time he saw this talisman was when Dong Qianxue used it that day.

The talisman turned into countless points of light in the air, like fireflies on a summer night, floating into the darkness behind the stone door one after another along the cracks.

Mo Xun stood there motionless, concentrating on sensing something.

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

This place is at least forty or fifty feet deep from the ground. At this moment, except for the faint breathing of the two people, the silence around is a bit panic-inducing.

He raised his hands and exerted a little force, and the stone door made a "hissing" friction sound, which was particularly harsh in the empty passage.

The stone door opened, and there was an endless black mass in front of him. Perhaps no one has come here for many years, and there is a strong smell of mold and rot in the air.

Mo Xun did not rush in. After waiting for a while, he threw a few fireballs in.

The fire rose and instantly illuminated a large area.

But in the fiery red dimness, a gloomy and terrifying face suddenly appeared.

A pair of deep-set eyes on his face stared straight at the direction where the two were.

However, Mo Xun seemed to have expected it, and did not show much surprise, but only frowned slightly.

In the distance was a body that had long been dried up, sitting quietly on a cushion, and the clothes on his body had also weathered and were tattered, and the original color could not be seen.

There was no restriction on the divine sense here, so before opening the stone door, Mo Xun had already had a general understanding of the situation inside.

This was a secret room that was neither big nor small, two or three feet square, and surrounded by bluestone.

Through the jumping flames, some of the layout inside could be seen.

Except for a three-foot-high alchemy furnace and a stone table and chairs, the whole secret room was a little empty.

Although he could see everything at a glance, Mo Xun still seemed to have no intention of taking a step.

After staring at the mummy for a moment, he suddenly slapped the storage bag on his waist, and a flash of light appeared in his hand.

It was the soul-soothing bell that had not been used for many years!

After the spiritual power was injected into it, the bell made a series of soul-stirring sounds. The sound was not loud, but it was an indescribable discomfort to the ears.

"Boy, you are really getting more and more timid!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Mo Xun chuckled and said, "If being timid can save more lives, it's not a bad idea?"

Faced with such a shameless answer, Gong Yang was really speechless!

The two have been together for decades. If you want to say who knows Mo Xun best in this world, it must be Gong Yang.

Just as a trace of consciousness of Cang Kuo Zhenren back then, Gong Yang really looked down on such a cultivator.

As the bell rang, Mo Xun stared at the front.

If nothing unexpected happened, the mummy in front of him was most likely the first person under the Nascent Soul more than a thousand years ago.

Dealing with such an old monster, he couldn't afford to be careless.

But just as he was concentrating on sensing the movement inside the corpse, a scream suddenly came from behind him.

Mo Xun was startled and turned his head quickly.

Wen Yue was holding her head with both hands and rolling on the ground.

Her face was full of hideous pain, and her screams echoed in the passage.

This is...

Mo Xun turned around hurriedly and looked at the mummy in the secret room again, and his face immediately darkened.

Did he see that he couldn't take over the body, so he changed to Wen Yue?

But then again, if this kind of thing happened to him, he would have many ways to deal with it, but if it happened to others, he would be a little flustered.

Seeing that Wen Yue was struggling more and more, Mo Xun grabbed her wrist and prepared to pass a ray of Xuantian True Fire in.

But just as he was about to take action, he immediately realized a problem.

What if he didn't grasp the degree well and burned the little girl to death directly?

Just when he was at a loss of what to do, Gong Yang's voice came again in his sea of ​​consciousness.

"I advise you to put away the broken bell first!"

Such a sentence seemed to wake up Mo Xun instantly.

He hurriedly cut off the circulation of spiritual power, turned his wrist, and the soul-soothing bell disappeared immediately.

At the same time, Wen Yue also magically stopped moving. When he looked closely, he was actually unconscious.

"Do you know what happened?"

Gong Yang thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "It's hard to say, it seems like some kind of soul-stealing spell... or someone has planted a witchcraft!"


Mo Xun's face showed a deep doubt, obviously he had never heard of this saying.

"Don't ask me. I am from a well-known and upright sect. I have only heard of this kind of evil magic!"

Evil magic...

Could it be that Qian Tongtian did something after buying Wen Yue back?

Mo Xun frowned and shook his head gently, then his eyes fell on Wen Yue who fell to the ground.

The little girl looked miserable at the moment, her breath was disordered, and a layer of dense sweat oozed from her forehead. Although she was unconscious, her face still showed some pain.

Mo Xun thought, fortunately he stopped in time and did not use Xuantian True Fire, otherwise it would really be more trouble than help.

"Gong Yang, do you have any good ideas?"

"Of course there are ways, but we have to wait until we get out. From the current point of view, this kind of evil magic is only for controlling the mind, and it won't kill people for the time being."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and then he asked curiously: "What is the witchcraft you just mentioned?"

"It's just a very evil magic. In simple terms, it is to put the raised insects into the body to achieve the purpose of control."

Mo Xun took a deep breath and asked in disbelief: "Are you saying that there are some insects left in Miss Wen's body?"

"That's about right!"

Mo Xun subconsciously touched his stomach. This kind of thing really subverted his cognition. It was hard for him to imagine what it felt like to have a bug in his body?


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