Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 240: Fierce Fight

Sometimes, this world is just so coincidental. He searched hard but couldn't find it. Just when he was about to give up, a clue popped up.

Not long after Nan Sanniang finished speaking, the Qiankun Ring on Mo Xun's fingertips had already flown out and headed straight for one of the men's heads.

The man had obviously been prepared for this. The gourd mouth immediately changed direction, and a piece of silver ice crystal shot out and hit the Qiankun Ring, making a crisp sound in the air, and the Qiankun Ring's falling momentum stagnated.

Mo Xun pinched the Dao formula in his hand, and the spiritual power in his body surged wildly. For a while, the two of them formed a confrontation on the spot.

After Mo Xun made a move, Nan Sanniang's pressure on her body was relieved by half. She couldn't help but feel happy. She immediately threw out a long sword in her hand and shouted loudly.


The long sword flew out from her side, bypassed the green light column in front of her, and chopped down the throat of the man holding the flag.

This person was obviously not an easy opponent. He instantly offered a talisman and formed a transparent protection outside himself.

The long sword made a "clang" sound and made a loud sound in the air.

The four people were all in the initial stage of foundation building. In terms of the strength of magic power, everyone was about the same, so the only thing to compete was magic or external objects.

Looking back at Mo Xun, after the two of them were deadlocked for a moment, the man holding the gourd suddenly sneered.

The left hand in the sleeve secretly picked up a red bullet the size of a fingernail and shot it towards Mo Xun!

Although Mo Xun's consciousness had been locked on the other party, he was too close to react.

Just when the bullet flew in front of him, he jumped up in a hurry to avoid it.

However, the bullet suddenly exploded when he stood up, and the air was filled with cherry red bloody mist.

The speed at which the red fog spread was so fast that it submerged Mo Xun in a breath.

Mo Xun hurriedly covered his mouth and nose. He guessed at the first moment that this thing was probably poisonous fog.

But because of this brief distraction, the Qiankun Ring in the air lost contact with him, and was frozen into ice in an instant and fell to the ground.

Mo Xun was anxious and wanted to get rid of the red fog, but he was suddenly surprised to find that his exposed skin felt a faint itch.

In shock, he didn't care to look for magic weapons. While condensing a layer of spiritual power on the surface of his body to protect himself, he randomly chose a direction and broke out.

Many times, he still didn't expect the enemy. Although there were often monks who used poisons, it was not common after all. He didn't expect that the occasional carelessness would be taken advantage of by the other party.

Fortunately, he discovered it in time. With the spiritual power running in his body, he had forced all the poison gas to stop on the surface of the skin and prevented it from spreading into the body.

After taking a detoxification pill in a hurry, Mo Xun immediately flew into the air. When he regained his vision, he was shocked again. He could not find the person holding the gourd at all.

At this time, years of combat experience finally played a role.

Without thinking, he disappeared on the spot. At the same time, the residual image left in the air was also shattered by a huge palm from behind.

Two feet away, Mo Xun turned around and looked at the face that was attacked with a gloomy look.

"Not bad, the reaction is quite fast!"

The person holding the gourd smiled playfully, waved his right hand, and the remaining red mist on the ground gathered in his hand strangely and quickly. In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a small bullet again!

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was speechless. He didn't expect that this thing could be reused repeatedly!

If the toxicity was more intense, it would really be a weapon to harm people!

He then looked at the frozen Qiankun Ring on the ground with the corner of his eye. He wanted to recall it with a thought, but no matter how he cast the spell, he could not activate it except for feeling a little mental connection with it.

Perhaps the ice crystals released by the gourd contained something that could isolate the spiritual consciousness.

On the other side, Nan Sanniang and another person were also fighting hard. There was a constant rumbling sound in his ears, and the large areas of mountains, forests and grass around were burning with raging fire.

However, it can be seen that Nan Sanniang still has the upper hand despite the huge consumption just now.

Mo Xun couldn't help thinking secretly that the two people opposite must not be ordinary foundation-building cultivators. During the fight, he was suppressed by the other party in both mana and magic tools.

He was naturally anxious in his heart. The more he wasted like this, the more disadvantageous it would be for him.

Since he started practicing, because of his mediocre qualifications, most of his time has been spent on improving his realm.

In terms of magic and fighting, he had almost no energy to practice, and as a casual cultivator, he could not obtain profound magic or secret methods.

Therefore, he often had a big gap with others at the same level.

In terms of magic tools, the only thing he could show off was the Qiankun Ring. After it was integrated into the Huan Gang Sand, although it was upgraded to a high-level magic tool, its function was very simple and could not match his skills.

In addition, if the opponent had any restraining treasures, he would be even more inferior.

As for the skills, because he lacked the middle part of the "Liehuo Sutra", he did not practice hastily after building his foundation, so as not to have to change his skills halfway through his practice.

In other words, in the past one or two years, his cultivation level has not improved at all, and it is almost the same as when he just built his foundation.

In his original intention, he didn't really value those magical powers.

After all, one's own family knows one's own business. He was originally mediocre, and he hoped to use all his energy to improve his cultivation.

His original intention of cultivation was not to fight with others or become a powerful person, but to live forever!

In other words, between the rapid improvement of cultivation and the earth-shaking magical powers, he chose the former.

But the world of immortal cultivation, where the weak are preyed upon by the strong, gave him a vivid lesson.

Without a means of survival to defeat the enemy, even if the cultivation is high, it will eventually be a wedding dress for others!

This also explains why he was so eager to get the Chixiao Seal after knowing it.

In theory, after improving the realm, the strength will also rise, but the urgency of reality forced him to put the cart before the horse.

Only by improving the strength first can the realm be improved more steadily!

Of course, facing the current predicament, he was not completely helpless. At least he still had two hidden things that he had not taken out.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate. He patted his storage bag and suddenly a handful of talismans appeared in his hand, throwing them out like flowers from heaven.

In an instant, lightning and fireballs hit the opponent.

Mo Xun knew that these low-level talismans seemed to be powerful, but for a foundation-building cultivator, they might not even tickle.

Sure enough, the man holding the gourd waved his sleeves, and all the lightning and fire disappeared in a gust of wind. However, at this time, Mo Xun had already fled far away on his sword.

Looking at Mo Xun's embarrassed appearance, the man sneered and chased after him.

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