Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 221 Resurrection Pill (two in one) (12)

Chapter 221 Resurrection Pill (two-in-one)

Although this old woman looked like she was only at the peak of Qi refining, Mo Xun could conclude that this person must be hiding her true cultivation level.

As for why the other party lives here, it is unknown!

The old woman nodded and said slowly: "Fellow Taoist, why are you here today?"

"Junior, I have something to ask for." Mo Xun bowed his hand respectfully again.

"Please say!"

Mo Xun looked outside the door. In fact, it was unnecessary. There were not many customers in this shop all year round.

He walked to the center of the shop, brushed his palm from the storage bag on his waist, and with a "boom", an ice coffin appeared in front of him.

The old woman glanced at Li Qingying inside the ice coffin, then turned her gaze to Mo Xun, and asked with a cold face: "What does this mean, fellow Taoist?"

I'm afraid no matter who it is, they won't be in a good mood if they see someone placing a coffin in their shop!

"Senior has misunderstood. I just want to ask senior if there is any way to save my companion?"

The old woman sneered: "Fellow Taoist, do you think I am a Da Luo Jinxian who can even heal the dead?"

Although he had expected it, hearing these words from the old woman still made his heart sink.

He traveled thousands of miles to come back here, and a large part of the reason was for Li Qingying.

He doesn't know many high-level monks, especially those who can cure diseases and save people, and even fewer!

He was anxious along the way, and he had some luck in it. Now that the luck was shattered, he was inevitably a little disappointed.

Could it be said that the only way is to let the little girl take over her body and be reborn?

With a bitter sigh in his heart, Mo Xun still asked unwillingly: "Senior, is there nothing you can do?"

When the old woman saw his expression, it seemed that a certain memory in her heart was touched, and her face was slightly moved.

After a long time, he sighed and said, "I'm afraid your companion has been dead for a long time, right?"

Mo Xun nodded feebly.

"If he had died not long ago and his soul was still there, there might still be some hope. But in this situation, I can only advise my fellow Taoist to express my condolences!"

Mo Xun immediately raised his head, looked at the old woman with burning eyes, and asked quickly: "Senior, what do you mean, if the soul is still there, there is still hope to save her?"

"Why, fellow Taoist, is this person's Yuanshen preserved? But with all due respect, even if the Yuanshen is still there, it has probably dissipated because it has been separated from the legal body for too long. The three souls and seven souls may have been incomplete for a long time... ....”

At this point, the old woman suddenly stopped and looked at something in Mo Xun's hand in surprise.

I couldn't help but blurt out: "Soul-nurturing lock!"

"Senior is indeed very knowledgeable. The spirit of our junior companions is exactly in this soul-nurturing lock."

After a while, the old woman's expression softened and she looked at Mo Xun with interest.

"Fellow Taoist, you have a great chance to find such a divine object!"

Naturally, Mo Xun would not explain anything. Although it would be quite risky to show the nine sacred trees in front of outsiders, at this moment, he could not care about it.

The old woman looked at the soul-nurturing lock in Mo Xun's hand and fell silent for a moment, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Senior, I wonder if there is any way to save the junior's companions now?"

The old woman nodded lightly at first, and then shook her head, which made Mo Xun quite puzzled.

However, the old woman did not keep him waiting for long, and immediately said: "Although there is this thing to preserve the soul and not damage the soul, it can bring the dead back to life, which is against the will of heaven, and I dare not make a definite guarantee."

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately felt happy. As long as there was a glimmer of hope, it was a good thing for him.

"Please ask the seniors to come to the rescue, and the juniors will definitely reward you generously!"

"A generous reward?" The old woman looked at Mo Xun and suddenly smiled on her wrinkled face.

"Exactly, as long as the junior can use it, the senior will be satisfied."

The old woman walked back behind the counter with her hands behind her back, and then said slowly: "I do have a way to save people, but what are the chances of success? Even I have never tried it."

Mo Xun couldn't wait to ask: "I wonder what the solution is?"

The old woman's long sleeves brushed across the table, and a white jade slip appeared in front of the two of them.

"This is?"

Seeing Mo Xun reaching out to take it, the old woman immediately pressed his arm and said with a smile: "This is the recipe for the Resurrection Pill!"

"Resurrection Pill?"

"Yes, the biggest effect of this thing is to bring the soul back into the body, but as for whether it is effective, I can't guarantee it."

Mo Xun retracted his palm and couldn't help but frown. He had never heard the name of Resurrection Pill.

However, according to the old woman's explanation, it seems to be the right medicine. Isn't Li Qingying's current situation like her soul leaving the body?

"Senior, how sure are you of this Resurrection Pill?"

The old woman stared into his eyes and smiled faintly: "Not even 10%!"

10%, and it’s less than 10%?

Upon hearing this ratio, most of the hope that originally arose in Mo Xun's heart dropped.

But having said that, as the old woman said, resurrecting the dead is something that goes against nature. If it could be done so easily, how could there be separation between life and death in the world!

After a while, seeing Mo Xun's frown unfurling, the old woman asked, "Do you, fellow Taoist, decide to buy it?"

Mo Xun nodded heavily. Not to mention less than 10%, but a 1% or even a thousandth chance was enough to prompt him to do it.

"I wonder how you want to sell this recipe?"

The old woman did not answer directly, but smiled slightly, and asked: "Did you buy the soul-nourishing lock in your hand from the outside world, or did you make it yourself?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun immediately looked over with some vigilance.

What did the other party mean by this?

In theory, he, a Qi-refining cultivator, could not refine instruments without Dan Huo.

Although refining magic tools does not necessarily require Dan Huo.

Earth fire, or the flames of fire-type monsters above level 4, can assist in refining instruments, but most people who see this thing at first glance should not think that he made it, right?

Could it be that this old woman saw that he possessed Xuantian True Fire?

Thinking of this, Mo Xun subconsciously touched the Qiankun Ring in his hand.

This tiny movement happened to fall into the eyes of the old woman, and it was as if trying to cover up something was even more obvious!

"It seems that you are a good weapon refiner!"

"What do you mean, senior?"

The old woman laughed.

"Don't be so nervous, fellow Daoist. I don't care whether you have a soul-nourishing tree or not. As long as you can take out a piece of soul-nourishing wood, this recipe will be given to you!"

Mo Xun suddenly realized that the old man had guessed that he had a soul-nourishing tree.

At this time, Mo Xun didn't know how to answer, but at that moment, he didn't have any extra time to think.

If he said yes, he was afraid that the old woman would have bad intentions, but if he said no, he would obviously miss the opportunity to save Li Qingying, and as long as he hesitated, the other party would definitely guess his thoughts.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun didn't say anything, and a jade box appeared on the counter with a casual wave of his hand.

The moment he threw out the jade box, Mo Xun also took two steps back, ready to take action at any time.

However, the old woman did not pay attention to him. After the jade box was opened, there was a piece of black wood as big as a baby's arm.

The old woman picked up the wood with two fingers, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, it is already thousands of years old!"

When Mo Xun got the Soul Nurturing Tree, the tree was already hundreds of years old. In addition, he cultivated it in the black soil for six or seven years, which is almost a thousand years old.

The old woman was not polite and directly put away the jade box and threw the jade slip out.

Mo Xun caught it with one hand. Seeing that the other party had no intention of taking action, he was slightly relieved.

In fact, the time they had dealt with each other was not short. Although the old woman looked a little weird, she was a trustworthy person.

"Thank you, senior!" Mo Xun was delighted and bowed his hands quickly. Although he wanted to check the contents of the jade slip immediately, he knew that now was not the time.

"Since the transaction has been completed, you can leave now!"

As she spoke, the old woman turned to go into the inner room. It was obvious that she couldn't wait to do her own thing after getting such a piece of soul-nourishing wood.

"Wait a minute, senior!"

"The jade slip contains a detailed method of resurrection. Please check it yourself!"

Looking at the old woman's impatient look, Mo Xun hurriedly said, "Senior, have you forgotten the agreement we made?"

"Oh? What agreement?"

Mo Xun patted the storage bag on his waist, and a green light flashed, and five more jade boxes appeared on the counter.

"What is this?" The old woman looked at Mo Xun in confusion. Perhaps she was too happy to get the soul-nourishing wood, and she completely forgot what agreement she had with the other party.

Mo Xun patted the counter lightly, and the five jade boxes opened together. The whole store was suddenly filled with several different medicinal fragrances.

In each jade box, there was a spiritual medicine, and each medicinal material was at least more than 600 years old.

Seeing these spiritual medicines, the old woman slapped her forehead, as if she just remembered something, and the joy on her face became even stronger.

"Yes, it seems that you have really put in a lot of effort in the past few years."

After that, the old woman checked the spiritual medicines one by one, and then took out another jade slip and threw it to Mo Xun.

"This is the foundation-building pill recipe. I am here to wish you success in building your foundation as soon as possible."

Holding this dark green jade slip, Mo Xun felt his heartbeat speed up a bit.

Ever since he learned about the foundation-building from Xiao Qian, he has been looking forward to building his foundation successfully all these years. From Tianxiang Valley to Lantian City, then to Sinan Mountain, and then to Luoshui City, his footprints can be said to be all over half of the five countries in southern Xinjiang, just for this thing.

Now holding the jade slip in his hand, he can't help but feel a little unreal.

After being stunned for a long time, he came to his senses and noticed that the old woman had already lifted the door curtain and walked in.

"Daoyou are firm in your faith, and I admire you very much. I hope that when we meet again, we will have reached the great Dao!"

Mo Xun bowed to the empty counter, then put away the jade slip and the ice coffin, and left without looking back.

In the following period of time, Mo Xun frequently appeared in various markets, black markets, and auctions in Lantian City.

On the one hand, he refined pills in exchange for spirit stones, and on the other hand, he began to collect various spirit medicine seeds required for the two pill recipes.


A year later, the top of Fuyun Mountain in Shengguo was covered with snow, and the rolling mountains were all covered with silver.

Behind a huge rock that was more than two people tall, a man in a green robe was curled up, staring at a dark cave in the distance.

Next to the man, there was a little fellow with a sheep's head and a lion's body, whose hair was completely integrated with the white snow, revealing only a pair of light blue eyes.

This man and beast were Mo Xun and Bai Ze who had come from afar.

"Xiao Bai, be quiet!"

Mo Xun touched the restless Bai Ze, took out a spirit beast pill and fed it to its mouth.

They had been lingering in this mountain for several months.

In the two pill recipes, Mo Xun had gathered most of the spirit medicines, among which there were only a few flavors, but they were not easy to buy. He could only go deep into the mountains and dense forests, or some dangerous places to pick them.

Just as Bai Ze swallowed the pill, a snow-white monster that looked like a giant ape crawled out of the cave.

This beast was called Snow Ape, a standard third-level monster.

Mo Xun came here just for this guy, and he searched for several months in Fuyun Mountain before finding such a snow ape cave.

Soon after the snow ape left, Mo Xun asked Bai Ze to keep watch at the entrance of the cave, and he quietly sneaked into the cave.

Bai Ze is a divine beast after all. Although he can't speak, after a long time of getting along, the little guy can understand many of Mo Xun's words.

After an incense stick of time, Mo Xun took a white lotus-like thing and left the place quickly.

Not long after Mo Xun left, the snow ape returned to the cave, and suddenly there was a furious roar, causing an avalanche nearby!


Six months later, somewhere in the deep forest of Xuan State, the grass and leaves were lush, the tree crowns were prosperous, and a fight was taking place in a place where few people went.

A black-scaled giant python with a bowl-sized thickness was trapped in the hexagonal formation, and it violently hit the six formation eyes like an angry man, and spit out black viscous liquid from time to time, corroding the formation light shield.

A green figure, covered in blood, with an embarrassed look on his face, quickly pinched the Dao formula, and injected the endless mana in his body into the formation flag.

Half an hour later, the figure disappeared, and only the black giant python that had been disemboweled was left on the spot, with black blood all over the ground, filthy!


Eight months later, on an ice pond that was a hundred feet deep, Mo Xun performed a breath-holding formula and jumped in without hesitation.

An hour later, the pond water made a huge ripple with a whoosh, and Mo Xun, who was soaked and covered with ice crystals, surfaced.

Although the cold pond water froze his face purple, his mouth was filled with excitement.

In this way, Mo Xun almost traveled to most of the five countries in southern Xinjiang within a few years before he could collect all the spiritual medicines.

When he appeared again, he was already in Baiye City under the jurisdiction of Jiuli Palace.

Jiuli Palace is one of the few large sects in the Tiandao League that excels in refining weapons.

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