There was a "boom" and a loud noise that shook the earth. The whole courtyard was instantly covered in smoke and dust as if a heavy bomb had been dropped.

The originally strong and unusually light yellow light shield made a cracking sound under the soaring power, but this sound was completely drowned by the rumbling sound.

Most of the walls of the houses not far away collapsed in an instant. When the dust and smoke dissipated, all that could be seen was the ruins of the surrounding walls.

As his vision gradually recovered, Mo Xun quickly removed the spiritual shield around him, and immediately began to look for Li Qingying.

When he saw a ray of light a few feet away from him, he cast the wind control technique at his feet and ran over in a hurry.

"Miss Qingying, are you okay?"

Li Qingying wiped the remaining blood from the corner of her mouth, her face was a little pale, her clothes were shattered in several places by the aftermath of the explosion, her hair was messy, and she looked quite embarrassed.

When she saw Mo Xun, the little girl actually smiled happily.

"It's okay, Brother Mo!"

After watching Li Qingying take a healing pill, Mo Xun patted the dust on her shoulders and brushed his long sleeves to blow away the debris on her head.

The little girl's cultivation and reaction speed are still a bit low.

"It's okay!"

Seeing Mo Xun's intimate behavior made the little girl shy, and a blush appeared on her pale face.

"Did we succeed?"

Mo Xun looked at the devastation around him, and the yellow barrier that originally stretched around him had disappeared.


After saying this, his face darkened again. Thinking of Liu Nanhe and his son, a surge of overwhelming anger suddenly arose in his heart.

But soon, he suppressed this anger forcibly.

He wanted to go find this person to settle accounts immediately, but he knew that now was definitely not the time for revenge. God knew when the two foundation-building monks from the Liu family would arrive.

As soon as he thought of this, he was ready to take Li Qingying and leave here first.

But before he could start, a black spot suddenly appeared on the horizon, coming quickly from a distance.

Mo Xun's heart immediately froze. It seemed that the worst situation had happened!

A burst of black light flashed, and black dots fell in the Liu Mansion. Not long after, a middle-aged man in white walked over from the ruins of the distant wall, followed by two people.

Even if these two people turned into ashes, Mo Xun would still know that they were Liu Nanhe and his son!

The moment this person appeared, Mo Xun could feel a strong wave of mana lingering around him without using the Qi Observation Technique.

At least he is in the early stages of foundation building!

Mo Xun habitually protected Li Qingying behind him.

This was not the first time that he faced a foundation-building monk. Even though he knew he was outmatched, he was no longer as panicked as before.

He secretly took a pill to restore his cultivation, and just activated the formation to self-destruct, losing a lot of mana.

At the same time, he was thinking quickly in his mind about the next countermeasures.

"Your surname is Su?" Several people looked at each other for a moment. After looking Mo Xun up and down, the man in white asked calmly.

Mo Xun hugged the opponent and said, "Exactly, the senior is the real master of the Liu family, right?"

The man in white smiled and nodded, and then looked at the damaged houses around him, but he had no intention of mentioning this matter.

"That's right, my name is Liu Yu, and Nan He is my nephew!"

Liu Yu's eyes lingered on Li Qingying for a while, and then he said again: "I heard from Nan He that you came to Liu's house to find me?"

Mo Xun wanted to say in his heart, if he was not trapped by the previous formation, he would naturally come to you, but now, hehe!

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Liu Yu then asked: "Are you the descendant of Fairy Yuehua?"

“So what if it is, so what if it’s not?”

Hearing the hostility in Mo Xun's tone, Liu Yu smiled and waved his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist Su, you don't have to be so wary. Liu is here to apologize to fellow Taoist Nan Nan. He may have not made it clear in the note just now, which caused the problem." Fellow Taoist, please forgive me for some misunderstandings.”

Mo Xun didn't know the other party's intention and didn't dare to say anything. He put one hand behind his back and tried to activate the escape talisman again, but it still had no effect.

As a foundation-building monk, Liu Yu had divine consciousness and could see everything in the vicinity. Naturally, he was also aware of Mo Xun's little moves, but he did not stop him.

"It seems that fellow Taoist is a little angry. You and I are both descendants of Fairy Yuehua, and we can be considered to be of the same blood. If there is any news about our master, please tell me."

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but think to himself that it seemed that the other party didn't know the whereabouts of Fairy Yuehua. In other words, the soul-calming tower in Tianxiang Valley should have nothing to do with Liu Jizi back then!

After thinking about it, Mo Xun suddenly said: "I don't know where Fairy Yuehua is, but my ancestors once received the fairy's favor and said that if there is a chance, I can go to Luoshui City to find a senior Liu Jizi for help."

After hearing Mo Xun's nonsense, Liu Yu's face immediately darkened.

According to the eldest brother's wish, he just captured this person under the Eagle Horn Peak, but on the way, he suddenly had an idea and wanted to do a courtesy first and then attack to see if he could get something useful out of Mo Xun's mouth. Who knew that this would happen? Boy, you don't even know what's going on.

"Fellow Daoist Su, if that's the case, please come with Liu!"

"Thank you, senior. However, this junior came in a hurry, and the things that were originally needed to be handed over to senior were left in the inn. Please wait for a while until junior returns to pick them up."

"Which inn is it? You are a guest from afar. Let Nan He handle this matter!"

Mo Xun frowned and said, "I'm afraid this is not appropriate!"

Liu Yu's patience was obviously running out, and he sneered and said, "Nan He, go ask Fellow Daoist Su which inn he is staying in!"

Liu Nan He responded, but did not step forward to ask questions. Instead, he and his son Liu Yao surrounded Mo Xun and the other two in a "PIN" shape.

"Fellow Daoist Su, which inn is it?"

Mo Xun was so angry that he hated Fairy Yuehua to death!

After all, she was a cultivator who had cultivated to the Nascent Soul stage. At the beginning, she didn't even see that her apprentice had betrayed her, and now she put him in danger.

Looking at the three people approaching him, Mo Xun made up his mind. Anyway, he would die anyway, so he might as well take the initiative and seize the opportunity.

"Miss Qingying, if you have a chance later, run eastwards!"

After hearing Mo Xun's voice transmission, Li Qingying was about to say something, but Mo Xun threw the Qiankun Ring in his hand towards Liu Yu without any warning.


After the words fell, Mo Xun pushed Li Qingying back, and at the same time took out the golden mace in his hand and rushed towards Liu Yu.

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