When he turned around, he only took a glance, and his pupils instantly dilated.

He saw a man in white standing a few feet away from him.

This man was none other than Xiao Qian, who had a friendship with him!

But to be precise, he should be called "Wuji Sanren" at this time!

Mo Xun didn't care about his injuries at this time. While he was shocked, he quickly thought about his current situation.

He actually forgot that this man had said that he wanted to enter Guyuemen when he was in Tianxiang Valley.

During this eventful period, he was busy and didn't consider that this man would also participate in the selection and assessment of Guyuemen.

Wuji Sanren slowly walked towards him with a faint smile on his lips.

When Mo Xun saw this smile, perhaps because of excessive blood loss, he had a brief hallucination in his mind.

While muttering to himself, he actually called out "Brother Xiao"!

"Boy, you've made me look for you so hard! I thought you were dead in Tianxiang Valley, but you're lucky!"

Hearing this familiar voice, but with a completely unfamiliar tone, Mo Xun quickly came to his senses.

He took a deep breath, and after calming down, he noticed that Wuji Sanren's cultivation had reached the twelfth level of Qi Refining.

Such a discovery made him shocked again.

After all, when the two separated, the other party inherited Xiao Qian's body, and was only at the tenth level of Qi Refining.

I don't know what means this person used, but in just one year, he broke through two levels.

But when I think of the original cultivation of this old monster, this improvement is nothing.

But then again, whether it is the tenth level or the twelfth level, it seems that there is not much difference to him.

In front of an opponent of this level, he almost can't muster the courage to fight back.

It's really because the last time, this person's weird means left too deep an impression on him.

Mo Xun stared at Wuji Sanren, and while on guard, he already held something in his hand.

Wuji Sanren also stared at him, his eyes looked like he was looking at prey.

After a long time, Wuji Sanren's face suddenly darkened, and he roared in exasperation: "You actually merged the red fire?"

Mentioning the red fire, Mo Xun's heart couldn't help but move.

Ever since he practiced the True Fire Art last time and the Firebird Mark disappeared from his body, this matter has always been a headache for him.

However, there was no information about the Xuantian True Fire in Lantian City, so he could only put it aside for the time being.

Now that he heard what Wuji Sanren said, could it be that the True Fire Art was true?

And he had already refined this flame?

If it were on a normal day, such news would certainly make him ecstatic.

But now, refining the Xuantian True Fire might have become his death warrant!

Wuji Sanren glared at him hatefully, and suddenly sneered.

"But it doesn't matter, it's just a little trouble. When I catch you and drain your flesh and blood, I can still get the Red Fire!"

Hearing the cruelty in the other party's mouth, Mo Xun couldn't help but shudder.

After seeing the green light gradually condensed in Wuji Sanren's hand, Mo Xun knew that there was no room for negotiation between him and this old monster.

In just a moment, he made a decision in his heart.

He suddenly took out a sound transmission talisman, said a few words quickly, and threw it out.

Wuji Sanren didn't stop him, but laughed jokingly: "Don't waste your energy, do you think you can escape from my palm by calling someone?"

Mo Xun's mouth suddenly smiled bitterly, and a trace of desolation appeared on his pale face.

I didn't expect that after preparing for so long, it would be in vain in the end!

Just as Wuji Sanren released a green wind blade, Mo Xun suddenly threw out a fire cloud bead and crushed the teleportation talisman. Suddenly, there was an explosion in the distance, and smoke and dust filled the air.

In the smoke and dust, a brilliant light flashed and lingered around him.

In an instant, he disappeared from the spot.

Wuji Sanren waved his sleeves and fanned away the smoke and dust in front of him. When he saw the empty weeds and bushes in front of him, he suddenly roared, his face was ferocious, and his eyes were filled with blood red.

"Do you think you can escape?"

After saying that, he also took out a green jade talisman, and crushed it with a slight force of his fingers.


On the outskirts of the sunset jungle, a figure suddenly fell from the sky amidst the flashing light.

But when the figure landed, he fell to the ground because he did not stand firmly.

The disciples who were guiding him in the distance heard the movement and looked over in confusion.

After the dizziness disappeared, Mo Xun patted his dizzy head. The pain in his back made him weak and powerless.

After swallowing a few more pills, he forced himself to get up, and then he moved his feet, chose a direction, and went far away.

A disciple of Gu Yue Sect shouted from behind.

"Hey, don't run around, all the people who were teleported out must wait here!"

But when the voice reached Mo Xun's ears, it had disappeared.

Mo Xun was extremely anxious at this moment. He didn't believe that Wu Ji San Ren would give up chasing him just because he was a disciple of Gu Yue Sect.

He now needed to quickly find a secret place and enter the green gourd.

But he knew that there must be a mark left by Wu Ji San Ren on his body.

Once he is caught up by him, not only will his life be in danger, but he may also know the secret of the green gourd.

Either he stops now and removes the mark, or he uses other means to confuse the opponent's tracking.

However, these two methods are obviously difficult for him at this moment.

Who knows where the opponent will leave the mark on his body.

If he had known this earlier, he should have bought a few more escape talismans, and he could have bought more time at this moment.

The long-term comfort made him ignore many potential crises psychologically.

He didn't even think about preparing a few more ways to save his life.

If he could escape this time, he would definitely study the escape methods of the immortal world.

But now, it is obviously too late to think about these.

Perhaps it will only take a moment for the opponent to catch up with him.

What he can do now is to use the wind control technique to the extreme, quickly shuttle through the dense forests and mountains, and think about the solution in his mind at the same time.

And at this moment, he suddenly felt a pair of eyes staring at him.

Then, at the end of the distant sky, a black dot flew towards him quickly.

Before he could react, the black dot grew bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye, a person flew over his head.

Then he landed on the ground, blocking his way.

When he saw the man's appearance clearly, Mo Xun's heart was once again in turmoil.

Because this person was Qi Shan, the elder of Gu Yue Sect who had bid for the "Fire Sutra" with him at the auction!

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