Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1208 Senior, do you promise to help me?

Mo Xun glanced at it lightly and uttered one word.


Tu Lingzhi seemed to have lost control of his body and followed him involuntarily.


As soon as Tu Lingzhi opened her mouth, she was frightened by Mo Xun's eyes and quickly stopped talking.

"Senior...Senior, if I lead the way, can you let me go afterwards?"

The corners of Mo Xun's mouth curled up.

"Didn't you say before that you would help me practice?"


Tu Lingzhi was at a loss for words. Ever since it opened its spiritual wisdom, it has never left this forbidden area. Even its speech was learned from those monsters. As for its contact with people, it has very little contact with people.

Although it is not a precious elixir, if someone discovers it, they will definitely not let it go.

So I don’t dare to approach strangers at all!

How can the little thoughts in my mind compete with the old monster in the Nascent Soul stage in front of me.

The two of them walked forward unhurriedly underground. As they walked, Mo Xun asked about the specific situation of the forbidden area.

Mo Xun was somewhat curious about the Tu Lingzhu walking through the forbidden area so unscrupulously.

Maybe Furumiyama had noticed this guy a long time ago and just didn't bother to talk to him.

"Senior, can you take me out?"

"If you want to go out, just leave on your own!"

Although there was a formation mask outside the forbidden area, Mo Xun had already explored it when he came in before, so it was not too troublesome to leave.

The forbidden areas in the sect generally do not have too strict defenses, and there is no need for them.

As long as it is stated that disciples are strictly prohibited from entering, in most cases no one would dare to cross the threshold.

"Senior, it's not that I don't want to leave, but that a piece of my body was stolen by that toad. If I give it up, I may not be able to advance in the future."

Mo Xun replied lightly "Oh"!

Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Tu Lingzhi hesitated for a while, and then said as if he had made up his mind: "Senior, if you can help me get that body back and take me away from here, I will give senior a treasure. "

"What treasure?"

"This... is a very powerful treasure anyway. I found this thing in a cave deep underground. Although I can't recognize what it is, it is definitely a treasure. Every time I get hurt , just lick it with your tongue and then sleep, and it will be fine the next day.”

Mo Xun looked at it suspiciously, his eyes carefully looking up and down its body covered with white hair, his eyes full of weirdness.

Tu Lingzhu felt a little uncomfortable when he looked at him, and asked in surprise: "Senior, what are you looking at?"

"You...have a mouth?"

Tu Lingzhi was speechless again.

How would it eat if it didn't have a tongue?

And how did the unlucky guy who almost had his head chewed off by it die?

Tu Lingzhi suddenly felt that the senior in front of him seemed not very bright.

Tu Lingzhu shook his body violently, throwing aside the white hair on his body, and then revealed a very strange facial features.

Mouth, nose, eyes, everything is perfect.

But those eyes, which are smaller than soybeans, look really funny.

As for the nose, it is completely flat, like two small holes cut into a rubber ball.

The mouth is pretty normal, but it's also small and pitiful.

Even though Mo Xun is well-informed, he has never seen anything so...ugly.

The facial features are wrinkled and crowded together, and they are covered by long hair.

"Go to the Sword Lake you mentioned first!"

When Tu Lingzhi heard this, he immediately smiled and his facial features wrinkled up.

"Senior, have you promised to help me?"

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