Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1122 Thousand Illusion Sword Technique

This object is the Black Heron Nebula Disk that Mo Xun has not used for a long time!

Hidden Soul's previous escape forced Mo Xun to arrange some means in advance.

With the improvement of his formation attainments and the strength of his spiritual consciousness, he is now more comfortable controlling the chess formation.

Of course, the enemies he faces now are far from what they were when he formed the pill.

This chess formation looks huge, but to the Yuanying monks, it is no longer as threatening as it was at first.

But Mo Xun just wanted to use this magical power to slightly restrict his opponents!

The Danjie monks who were watching the battle in the distance were not slow to respond. The moment Mo Xun took action, they retreated far away.

As for Yin Hun and Yin Enchou, they immediately used their respective magic weapons.

Yin Enchou didn't care too much!

Generally speaking, those who can cultivate to the realm of Yuanying have long passed the age of youth and vitality, so they rarely underestimate their opponents.

The black and white chess pieces shuttled rapidly in the air, and the black and white lights were like blades of light, slashing towards the two of them.

It's just that the body-protecting light shield of the Nascent Soul cultivator can't be torn so easily.

At the same time, Mo Xun had already drawn the bloodthirsty sword in his hand!

In terms of his most powerful treasure now, it is this sword, and even the Tongbao Spear is slightly inferior.

Of course, both have their own advantages and disadvantages!

The Tongbao Gun is superior in speed, while the Bloodthirsty Sword is even more domineering in terms of power and killing range!

A red sword light appeared in the sky, like a huge door panel, and struck Yin Enchou first!

Yin Enchou gave a low drink.


Then a bell flew out from his wrist. The bell quickly grew in size and sprayed out a large cloud of black mist.

The red light slashed into the black mist, as if it had struck a ball of cotton. Not only did it greatly offset the power, it also made it impossible to advance any further!

"What a treasure!"

Mo Xun secretly thought in his heart, and at the same time, he rolled up the sword flower in his hand. The original sword light instantly turned into four or five, slashing at Yin Enchou from all directions.

Among the techniques Lu Wushen gave him, this sword had a set of sword techniques.

It's called "Thousand Illusion Sword Techniques"!

As the name suggests, if you practice to a certain level, you can transform into thousands of sword lights with just one sword.

These sword lights are not the kind that lose control after being cut, but can change trajectory according to the consciousness of the person wielding the sword.

This is a bit scary!

The sword light after leaving the sword body can actually change its direction.

If during the confrontation with the enemy, the opponent has clearly escaped, but the sword light turns around in mid-air and kills a carbine, who can predict this?

In Mo Xun's opinion, there must be some exaggeration in this.

At least the so-called thousands of sword radiances, he thought, were unreachable. After all, after practicing for so long, he could only cut a dozen swords at a time.

What’s more, this sword is somewhat evil!

After every use, as long as he saw blood, he always felt that the violence in his heart would become more violent.

Several sword beams shot out in unison, completely blocking Yin Enchou's attack route.

But at this moment, Mo Xun flashed his figure and suddenly rushed towards the hidden soul watching the battle on the other side!

This guy is his real target!

Yinhun was indeed watching the battle. The moment Mo Xun made his move, he was on alert. Unexpectedly, his target was actually Yin Enchou.

This made Hidden Soul somewhat relieved!

He originally wanted to stay away from the battlefield for the time being, and wait until the two sides were fighting inextricably, and then look for opportunities for sneak attacks, but the annoying chess pieces slowed him down.

Just when he was about to escape from the chess formation, a crisis suddenly arose in his heart.

Out of subconsciousness, he quickly took out a shield-shaped magic weapon and held it behind him.

Then, a powerful impact hit him, almost shattering his internal organs, and his whole body flew out directly under the impact.

In mid-air, Hidden Soul spit out a mouthful of blood.

And Gu Qingyue almost fainted because of the impact.

This time Mo Xun kept his hand and did not dare to use his sword. If he had not been concerned about the hostage in the opponent's hands, he would have killed half of the opponent's life with one punch!

Hidden Soul is also unlucky. He was seriously injured not long ago due to a blow from Mo Xun, and now he is almost vomiting bile!

After one punch, Mo Xun's Nascent Soul Spiritual Realm also unfolded.

In panic, Hidden Soul also used his own spiritual realm to fight!

I saw a flash of golden light on Mo Xun's body, and the wind of his fist was carrying a huge force, and he was about to hit the opponent's shield that was about to shatter in front of him again.

But at this time, Hidden Soul tried his best to burn a drop of blood essence and get rid of Mo Xun's spiritual realm. At the same time, he grabbed Gu Qingyue in his hand and blocked it in front of him.

Under this scene, Mo Xun could only forcefully reverse the flow of blood, suppress the fist force, and at the same time make the punching style deviate from the original trajectory.

But in this way, it was painful for him!

Because he closed his fist, the blood flowed back into his body, hitting his inner Dantian like a violent wave.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and he almost fell from the sky because he lost his balance!

When Gu Qingyue saw this scene in the distance, she almost fainted and shed two lines of tears.

She didn't know why, but she felt heartache at this moment!

Countless voices were calling in my heart, but in the end they only turned into three words.


Why would he be willing to risk injury to take back that punch?

You know, you are just a hostage under the other party's coercion!

Unlike Gu Qingyue, Yinhun seemed to have discovered Mo Xun's weakness, and was immediately overjoyed. At the same time, he moved his palm and a short knife appeared in his hand. The blade turned and was directly placed on Gu Qingyue's neck.

"Boy, hand over the Xuantian True Fire in your hand. I will only count to three. Otherwise, your delicate mistress will only have a head left!"

Yinhun said this in a voice transmission. He didn't want Yin Enchou to know before he got the treasure like Xuantian True Fire.

As for the Heavenly Demon Crystal, he didn't care!

With the disappearance of the Tongtian River water, there will definitely be more and more Heavenly Demon Crystals.

Besides, if he doesn't leave some ideas for Old Monster Yin, I'm afraid he won't be able to get away.

Immediately afterwards, Yinhun shouted "one"!

Mo Xun is also a straightforward person. Before the other party continues to increase the stakes, he directly flicked his robe sleeves and threw out a ball of flames.

It was the Nanming Lihuo!

The flame drew an arc in the air, not very fast.

When Gu Qingyue saw the flame, tears blurred her eyelids like beads that had broken off the string.

Who in the world would give up Xuantian True Fire for a woman?

Even if it was her father, he would not do such a stupid thing in front of such a heavenly treasure.

A daughter can have another life, but Xuantian True Fire may never be tasted again in her life!

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