Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1099 Meridian Reversal

Mo Xun didn't want to dwell on such meaningless things, but Gu Qingyue seemed to like such show-offs.

Perhaps it was because she was controlled by others that this girl was finally stubborn!

Mo Xun was about to put away the jade slip, but suddenly a flash of inspiration came to his mind. He quickly engraved the technique on it and threw it into the green gourd.

Then, he sat cross-legged on the side and tried to study it.

But if he was asked to practice, he would have no interest!

In fact, he knew his qualifications too well. Without the assistance of a large number of elixirs, he would need at least five or six years to reach the realm that others could reach in one year, and this was without any bottlenecks.

In comparison, Gu Qingyue had a great advantage.

On the one hand, this woman had a good spiritual root qualification, and on the other hand, she had sufficient experience in practicing magic skills.

Although the two did not talk about this issue, they both tacitly agreed to it.

Two days later, Gu Qingyue finally spoke.

"It will take me about half a year. Only after I have cultivated the second level to perfection, I am afraid I can find a way out."

Mo Xun could accept this time point.

He did not speak, but stood up and set up a circle of isolation restrictions around himself.

If it really takes half a year to get out, he will not waste this time.

Soon, three months passed.

During this period, in addition to studying the blood escape obtained from Zhulong, Mo Xun also put a lot of effort into the art of restrictions and talismans.

He has refined one hundredth or two hundredths of the mysterious iron chain in the green gourd.

Although the progress is slow, in this process, he has a different understanding of the formation restrictions.

In this regard, the only thing he lacks now is a systematic outline of the formation.

The formation of the upper realm is very different from that of the mortal realm. Moreover, he has no master to guide him now, so everything can only be explored by himself.

The current situation is a bit like a boy who has just learned to read, but is holding a book of university secrets and studying hard. In the case of no specific understanding, he can only rely on rote memorization and copying every stroke of the book. As for why this is the case, it is unclear.

In addition, the Zhengyang Lei Jiaomu that he has been thinking about has finally broken through the ground.

For this reason, he deliberately took a few young buds. On the one hand, while comprehending the thunder attribute magic power, on the other hand, he began to practice the "Great Five Elements Divine Thunder" obtained from Lu Wushen!

This "Five Thunders Orthodoxy", if in terms of grade, I don't know what level it can be ranked, but since it comes from the upper realm, it must be one level higher than the skills of this realm.

He had planned to practice thunder magic long ago.

Facing the upcoming demonic calamity, even if he sacrifices some energy to advance, it is completely worth it!

In fact, he has always been pragmatic!

Whether practicing skills or refining treasures, the first principle to follow is to be useful to oneself.

For example, the Sky Fire Escape, Blood Escape, Escape Talisman, and Breaking Realm Talisman are all for the purpose of saving lives.

The purpose of learning the Dao of Formation is to form the elixir in the beginning!

The hard work of refining the elixir is also to make up for the defects of his spiritual roots.

To say that he has a more powerful technique than the "Five Thunders Orthodoxy" in his hands, he can take out at least ten books of the upper realm techniques from the Wan Yao Ruins Palace that year and Lu Wushen's accumulation.

But only the thunder magic can truly restrain the demons!

What he pursues is not necessarily the strongest, but it must be useful!

Just as he was comprehending the mysteries of the technique, a chaotic mana fluctuation suddenly came from outside the restriction.

Mo Xun rushed out at the first time, and then his eyes fell on Gu Qingyue who was practicing cross-legged!

Gu Qingyue was shrouded by a rolling black gas at this time, and the black gas continued to emit a strange red light.

The woman trembled all over, her brows were furrowed, and her forehead was covered with sweat.

With his eyes tightly closed, he seemed to be experiencing some kind of nightmare.

From his painful expression, it can be seen that he is struggling hard, as if he wants to wake up, but he can't open his eyes.

"Reversal of meridians!"

Mo Xun thought of this possibility almost without confirmation.

He took a step forward and came directly to Gu Qingyue, tapped her chest several times, then went around and slapped her with one palm.

The vast magic power was like a flood that broke through the dam, flowing into the other party's body continuously.

Because he didn't practice magic, he could only use his spiritual power to forcibly expel the messy magic energy in his body from his body, while protecting the other party's heart meridian and golden elixir.

As long as these two places are saved, life and cultivation will not be worried for the time being.

As for the damage to other places, that can't be taken care of!

About a cup of tea later, sweat slowly seeped out of Mo Xun's forehead, and then Gu Qingyue suddenly coughed up a large mouthful of sticky blood.

Mo Xun quickly closed his palms, and when the other party was about to fall, he held her in his arms and quickly fed her a few pills.

As the turbulent demonic energy in Gu Qingyue's body was expelled, the black air surrounding her body gradually dissipated.

Mo Xun slowly put her on the ground and exhaled the foul air.

Almost, this woman might have confessed herself here.

Fortunately, Mo Xun encountered many problems in his cultivation, and he has accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with such things.

He has even experienced more dangerous things than this!

This is what casual cultivators are like. Because there is no one to guide them, they can only practice blindly.

Sometimes, only after a lot of trial and error can you find the right path.

But Gu Qingyue is different. It is obvious that she has no experience in this area. This is probably related to her background.

What a joke. It would be strange if she could go astray with a Yuanying father teaching her!

Mo Xun looked at Gu Qingyue who had already fallen asleep, put his hand on her pulse, and after running his spiritual power through her body, he frowned slightly.

The meridians in her body were shattered by the violent demonic energy!

Although it seemed nothing serious on the surface, it was a very serious internal injury!

After a while, he took out the alchemy furnace from the storage bag, and took out dozens of jade boxes in succession, and the Nanming True Fire gushed out.

If the other party woke up and knew that someone had examined her from head to toe and every inch of her skin while she was unconscious, I don’t know if she would go crazy!

For such serious injuries during cultivation, the right medicine should be given!

The pills that Mo Xun had given her before could only temporarily suppress the injury.

At this moment, it was fortunate that I met Mo Xun. If it were someone else, even the most skilled alchemist, he might not have all kinds of spiritual medicines prepared.

An hour later, Mo Xun put away the nine pills.

Although Gu Qingyue's face was still pale and bloodless, her breath was finally a little more stable.


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