At this moment, he had lost his calmness and elegance.

In addition to fear, he trembled uncontrollably.

He wanted to use his magic power to escape from this muddy bondage, but no matter what means he used, he couldn't move even a finger.

"Senior, please spare me..."

Before the words fell, a huge head flew out of the air.

Blood gushed out from the headless body like a spring, and then slowly fell down.

In less than ten breaths, he killed two people!

And it was under the eyes of the late Nascent Soul!

The masked woman's face was pale.

No one could imagine that the two brothers who were joking with her just now were now beheaded.

Gu Jianshan, who saw this scene, was extremely angry.

"I will skin you..."

The roar almost shattered the sky.

Gu Jianshan, who was wearing gray clothes, suddenly turned into a rolling black fog. The black fog came to Mo Xun's head in an instant, blocking his front, back, left and right.

Then, a figure flew out from inside in a mess, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Looking closely, it was Mo Xun!

But at this moment, Mo Xun was really not in good condition. The blood flowing from the corner of his mouth dyed a large area of ​​his chest red.

He had not been injured for a long time.

Even in front of Wuliang Mountain, facing two demon Yuanying at the same time, or killing people outside Gu Yuemen, he could do it with ease.

But now, just one move made him a little overwhelmed.

On the one hand, the realm of the late Yuanying is a huge watershed in the Yuanying stage.

Compared with ordinary Yuanying, it is not the same at all!

Looking at the entire southern border, there are dozens of Yuanying, but there are only two late-stage great monks.

On the other hand, he didn't want to reveal too many cards.

To be honest, this was the second time he faced a late Nascent Soul.

If it weren't for the help of Yutian Sword and Xia Muyao, plus the reptile, he couldn't even touch the corner of Zisheng Tianjun's clothes.

Unexpectedly, now that he has reached a higher realm, he still seems to be incapable.

As for Xuantian True Fire and Henglian cultivation, he didn't intend to expose it.

It's not a life-and-death fight, so he won't use his best skills.

"Hmph! With such little tricks, you dare to break into my Cangwu Forbidden Land. Who gave you such courage?"

Although Gu Jianshan was not seen, his voice echoed in everyone's ears.

The black air condensed into a ball again and attacked Mo Xun again.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he hurriedly pinched the seal with his hands.

"Spiritual Wind Six Changes!"

The next moment, his speed suddenly increased, leaving an illusory afterimage in the air.

"Huh? It's actually a wind attribute spiritual root!" When the black shadow transformed by Gu Jianshan rushed over, it almost brushed past Mo Xun.

This wonderful wind control magic was exactly what Mo Xun learned from Sanqing back then.

However, due to the limitation of the attribute, he could only rely on Sanqing's power.

Now it's different. Under the nourishment of the chaotic turbid air, wind attribute spiritual roots have been derived in his body.

This short-distance speed is indeed very mysterious to use.

Gu Jianshan snorted coldly.

"So what? I have been waiting here for several months for you. This Qiankun Moving Formation is specially arranged for you. If you surrendered before, you still had a chance of survival. Now you have killed two of my disciples. I must peel off your skin!"

In an instant, the speed of the black fog also increased sharply.

At the same time, a black ring flew out of the black fog.

The shape of the ring is a bit like the exquisite ring of Yuehua Fairy.

The black ring rapidly grew in the air, then suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it had already reached Mo Xun's head.

Then, the black ring covered Mo Xun's head from above, binding him in it.

"Take it back!"

With Gu Jianshan's order, the black ring shrank rapidly, squeezing Mo Xun's bones and making them creak. A mouthful of thick blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Hahaha... I'm going to pull out your bones, refine your Nascent Soul, and crush you into a ball of meat paste, so that I can calm my anger and comfort my poor disciple..."

A hideous face appeared in the black fog, like a ghost!

"You don't have to think about self-destructing your Nascent Soul. As long as I don't nod, you won't even have a chance to die!"

"Hun Tian Ring, take it back!"

The next moment, the black ring shrank again.

Bright red blood continued to flow out of Mo Xun's body.

His whole body seemed to be squeezed and deformed dough.

Then, with a bang, it suddenly exploded like a squashed ball.

What was puzzling was that in the blast, there was no blood mist or flying meat as imagined.

Instead, it was just like an inflated ball, spreading a circle of strong mana impact, causing ripples in the space.


Gu Jianshan stretched out a huge fist from the black mist in shock and anger, and hit the deflated "ball" hard.

It turned out that the one bound by the Hun Tian Ring was Mo Xun's avatar.

Including the previous time, he was fooled twice in a row, which made Gu Jianshan almost crazy.

However, Mo Xun himself had quietly appeared behind the masked woman at some unknown time.

However, after using the clone technique twice in a row, coupled with the previous injury, his face looked extremely pale.

At the moment when the clone shattered in the distance, he pressed the woman's throat from behind, captured her in his hand, and quickly disappeared from the spot after performing the Six Changes of Spiritual Wind in a certain direction.

Because of Mo Xun's previous fierce attack, the masked woman had already been terrified and hid far away on the periphery of the battlefield.

It was not until Gu Jianshan took action that she calmed down a little.

Especially when she saw that Mo Xun was inferior and bound by the Chaos Ring, she was even more excited.

In fact, after Mo Xun appeared, although she could not see the other party's cultivation level clearly, her first feeling was that this person was dangerous.

Fortunately, she did not rashly provoke like her stupid senior brother.

Otherwise, she might be the one who was annihilated at this moment.

But before she could smile, she felt a big hand like a clamp tightly clasped her throat.

Then, she seemed to have completely lost her magic power, and she couldn't muster any strength. The next moment, her eyes went dark and she fainted.

Then, she was dragged in the hands of the man like a dead dog, without any mercy.

"Asshole, put her down for me!"

When Gu Jianshan realized that he had been deceived, Mo Xun had already rushed out of the formation with the masked woman.

A mere teleportation formation was not difficult for him.

If it weren't for his mission to infiltrate the demon path and Lu Wushen who fell into the hands of the other party, he really wanted to fight this person.

Gu Jianshan appeared from the black fog, flicked his long sleeves, and called another Yuanying disciple.

"Chase him!"

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