But just as he was waiting expectantly for the good news from Lu Wushen, a violent fluctuation of mana suddenly came from near the barrier.

Then, five or six figures were seen flying out from inside.

In addition to several powerful pill-forming masters, there is also a mid-stage Nascent Soul.

Lu Wushen's message also rang in Mo Xun's ears at the same time.

"Come on, we've been discovered!"

Mo Xun cursed in his heart and disappeared almost as soon as he received the message.

I thought it would bring him a surprise, but it turned out to be a shock!

Fortunately, he allowed so much chaotic and turbid air to come out.

This guy was usually in front of him, but he always boasted about his spatial powers, as if there was no place in the world that he couldn't come and go freely.

It turns out that this is the level!

In a deep mountain thousands of miles away, Mo Xun waited for a long time before Lu Wushen tore through the space and came.

Mo Xun looked at the other party up and down, and it seemed that he was fine.

Lu Wushen chuckled, as if he didn't take his previous failure into consideration at all.

Mo Xun somewhat regretted that he shouldn't have let this guy go in and take risks.

In the final analysis, he was too anxious.

Not only will there be nothing to gain this time, but it is also possible that something will be aroused.

I'm afraid it won't be that easy to sneak in in the future.

But the next thing Lu Wushen threw over made his eyes light up.

"This is......"

Mo Xun held a warm white jade plaque and immediately thought of the scene before Zuo Jin entered the barrier.

Lu Wushen's head shot up!

"I don't know which unlucky guy I got it from, but if I take action, it will be unfavorable!"

Mo Xun stared at the jade token in his hand, speechless in his heart.

If this thing is lost, any fool can guess what happened.

He also wanted to use the jade card to sneak in. They must be waiting for him to fall into the trap!

Mo Xun put away the jade token and asked with a smile: "They haven't seen your true face, have they?"

Lu Wushen smiled confidently.

"When you fought with me, before you forced me to show up, did you ever see what I looked like?"

Mo Xun thought about it and realized that this was really the case.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

As he spoke, he threw a jade bottle over.

After Lu Wushen took it, he hurriedly uncorked the bottle and looked at it, then showed a look of joy.

"Thank you!"

Then he ducked out of the way and disappeared.

Looking at the place where Lu Wushen disappeared, the smile on Mo Xun's lips gradually faded, and then he took out the jade token in his sleeve.

There is no writing on it, just some simple embossings.

Mo Xun had already checked the jade tablet, and found extremely complex traces of restrictions, but could not find anything like divine tracking.

In addition, there is a drop of blood!

In other words, this thing recognizes its owner!

He can refine the jade tablets, and with a little time, he can also imitate the ban.

Only essence and blood...

Thinking of this, a figure appeared in front of his eyes.

It had been half an hour since Mo Xun returned to Tiankui Wine Shop.

At this moment, in front of him, Bai Ze was standing there with his head lowered, drawing circles on the ground with his toes from time to time.

The atmosphere was so quiet that the little girl could almost hear her own heartbeat.

What makes her feel uneasy is that the uncle has been silent since he heard about the trouble she got into today.

Often this is the calm before the storm!

Unexpectedly, after a long time, Mo Xun just said: "I know!"


Bai Ze quickly raised his head and faced the cold face in front of him.

"Uncle, don't you blame me?"

Mo Xun snorted coldly.

"is that useful?"

Sometimes, Mo Xun really wanted to slap this troublemaking goblin to death.

But who could tell that this was his pet, and it had saved him from danger many times.

"Remember the lesson from this time. You and I are in a dangerous situation now. Every step is like walking on thin ice. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring outside now. If anything goes wrong, let alone you, even I may be in danger!"

Bai Ze nodded quickly.

But except for the first sentence, she didn't understand a word after that.

But the warning is obviously clear.

"Okay, let's go down first!"

Bai Ze said "Oh" softly, but he didn't move.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Anything else?"

"Uncle...can you give me some elixir for rapid growth?"

Growing up quickly?

Mo Xun carefully examined the little girl from head to toe and asked hesitantly: "You mean advancement?"

Bai Ze nodded hurriedly, because she knew that it was precisely because of the advancement a hundred years ago that she was finally able to transform.

If you advance one more time, maybe you can grow up.

Mo Xun frowned, not sure why the little girl suddenly came up with such an idea, but still said: "You are different from ordinary spiritual beasts. Ordinary pills and spiritual herbs will not work on you. As for how to advance, I don’t know, maybe there is no spiritual object in this world that allows you to advance for a second time, but don’t worry, no one can be sure about such things as chance.”

Coming out of the secret room, the little girl's face was full of disappointment.

As for the leakage of spiritual roots, she had long forgotten it.

A month passed like this.

On the other side of Cangwu Mountain, it seemed as if nothing had happened and it was always calm.

However, in the wine shop, different disputes are taking place every day.

As the saying goes, three women make a drama!

Whenever Mo Xun is not around, there is invisible smoke everywhere.

That night, Lan Xin suddenly found Mo Xun in his practice room.

"Brother, have you noticed that there is something wrong with Qian Si Niang?"

Mo Xun asked doubtfully, "What's the problem?"

Lan Xin suddenly lowered her voice.

"I always feel that she is weird. Sometimes she sneaks out when we are not around. I caught her today and followed her quietly. Do you know where she went?"

Mo Xun thought, how could he know?

Although he was suspicious of Qian Si Niang when they first met, what happened afterwards did not give him an excuse to target this woman. Since then, he has only told Bai Ze to be more careful.

In his opinion, Qian Si Niang was most likely sent by Tuoluomen.

After all, Tuoluomen could not help but be suspicious of a "Jiedan Peak" with unknown origins who suddenly appeared.

So they sent Qian Si Niang to monitor him!

Since it was surveillance, he cooperated, and at the same time, it was also to reassure the people behind him.

Maybe sometimes, he could pass on some things he wanted the other party to know through Qian Si Niang.

In other words, this is a useful hidden chess.

As long as this woman behaves herself, he doesn't intend to expose her.

Seeing that Mo Xun didn't say anything, Lan Xin knew that this secret couldn't be sold, so she could only flatter and tease herself.

"She went to Zuishenglou!"

Mo Xun frowned.

"What is this place?"


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