Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1058 Grass Market

In Qiutian City, in a grass market.

The so-called "grass market" is a stall specially opened for low-level cultivators.

Here, anyone can exchange cultivation resources at will.

However, compared with regular stores, there is no guarantee of credibility.

Whether the things are real or fake depends on your own eyesight.

Once the transaction is completed, it cannot be returned or exchanged.

Such rules have caused the proliferation of fakes in the grass market, and there are scams and schemes everywhere.

Often all kinds of people like to live here.

Of course, there are also people who have found good things here.

However, if you want to find a bargain in such a place, in addition to eyesight, luck also accounts for a great part.

Mo Xun came here to find the hidden chess pieces left by the Tiandao League.

Because this place is mixed with good and bad people, it is most suitable for lurking and hiding.

When you come to the grass market square, if you have never seen the world, you will probably be shocked by the scene in front of you.

First of all, this place is really not small.

It is several miles long from north to south.

The huge square was full of street vendors.

The cultivation of those vendors was not high, and the strongest one was only at the perfect foundation.

Looking down from the sky, the whole square seemed to be divided into thousands of blocks of different sizes.

They were crisscrossed and extremely dense.

Some simply spread a piece of white cloth and considered it open.

There were also some that had nothing on display, but just sat there, and looked like they were occupying a spot.

There were many others that had built sheds or small rooms, and probably stayed there all year round.

There were not many customers in the square at the moment, and there were more vendors than those who walked around the alleys.

As Mo Xun walked along the way, he would occasionally be stopped to sell things.

As for what he was selling, there were also many kinds.

Mo Xun even saw a female cultivator selling herself among them!

But the woman's appearance was really hard to compliment, and it might not be easy to buy her back to use as a furnace.

The whole Caoshi was just a larger open-air grocery store!

Mo Xun glanced around casually, and there was nothing he liked.

If it was when he was refining Qi, he might still like to visit such places.

If nothing else, it would be good to broaden his horizons.

Soon, he saw a small shop called "Lanxin Magical Instruments".

This shop is relatively large in Caoshi, covering more than two rooms.

The sign was very casual, just a broken wooden board, hanging crookedly on the wall.

Because there were no windows, the shop was a bit dark.

Although the shop was small, it was arranged with a good shielding formation. If it was below the Jindan stage, it was basically difficult to peek inside.

The shop was a bit messy, and the shelves against the wall were piled with various broken pieces of magic instruments.

As for new ones, there was none.

It seemed that this was a magic instrument shop that mainly repaired, not refined.

There was a reclining chair behind the counter.

At this time, a woman in loose clothes was lazily leaning on it.

The woman had a good figure, looking very tall and slender, but she seemed quite old and her face was a little sallow.

Her hair was also messy, and there were some black spots on her face.

She was only wearing a single piece of clothing, revealing a touch of whiteness on her chest.

Her two slender thighs were curled up and pressed together, looming under the thin gauze skirt.

The woman's cultivation was neither high nor low, she was in the late stage of foundation building!

After seeing him walk in, the woman still closed her eyes and did not move, so Mo Xun had to knock on the counter twice.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, but still did not get up. She just took out a stone from somewhere and threw it out, hitting a wooden board behind the door.

There were many words scribbled on the wooden board.

Low-level magic weapon, damaged less than 30%, 80 spirit stones!

Less than 50%, 120 spirit stones!

Less than 70%, 160 spirit stones!

More than 70%, sorry for the limited ability of our store, please turn left and ask for help!

In addition, please note that if it cannot be repaired, the spirit stone will not be refunded!


Then there are mid-level, high-level, and top-level magic tools, each of which has a clear price tag.

Mo Xun once again looked at the woman on the recliner, thinking that this is the contact person carefully selected and arranged by the Holy Spirit?

Forcefully suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, he knocked on the table again.

However, the force this time was obviously a little stronger than before.

The woman opened her eyes again, and this time she finally stood up.

It was just the next sentence that almost made Mo Xun vomit blood.

"Uh... Turns out you are illiterate, okay, let me introduce you to the price of our store."

Before the woman could say anything else, Mo Xun threw out a jade card.

When she saw the shape of the jade card clearly, the carelessness on the woman's face was swept away, replaced by a solemnity.

"You are..."

As the woman spoke in a low voice, Mo Xun said softly.

"The Southward-returning Peng bird covers the sun and moon!"

The woman's eyes lit up, and she immediately replied: "The King of the North swallows the four seas!"

Then, the woman hurriedly walked out of the counter, took down the sign outside the door, and closed the door with a bang.

The shop became even darker.

"What's your name, fellow Taoist?"

Mo Xun did not answer, but asked back: "What did the higher-ups tell you?"

"See the jade and obey the order!"

Mo Xun nodded, secretly complaining in his heart, always feeling that the woman in front of him seemed a little unreliable.

"Is there any way to contact the Tiandao League? I want to communicate directly with the Holy Spirit."

The woman thought for a moment and replied, "Yes, but it may be troublesome!"

"Lead the way!"

The woman then took out a formation flag, raised her hand and threw it into the void.

Then, there seemed to be a more hidden barrier between the store and the outside world.

Then the woman opened a secret compartment behind the counter. I don't know what it touched, and the wall behind it suddenly opened, revealing a small door.

The door was pitch black, and a step could be seen faintly at the edge.

"Come with me!"

Mo Xun's spiritual sense swept down and found that there was a different world under the ground.

Going down the steps, there was a small secret room, only about ten feet square.

The secret room was empty, and the only conspicuous thing was a small teleportation array.

The woman introduced: "This was originally reserved for the people stationed here to escape, and there are people over there to pick them up."

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment and followed the woman in.

The teleportation distance was not far, and it landed on the ground again in just two or three breaths.

Mo Xun looked and saw that it was another secret room teleportation, and next to the teleportation array, there was a self-destruction array.

It seems that the experts stationed in the local area of ​​the Tiandao League are very cautious!

In this way, after teleporting four times, the two finally came to a mountain belly.

Mo Xun intuitively felt that this place should be far away from Qiutian City.

But the exact location was unknown.

The woman asked Mo Xun to wait for a while, and then entered a secret room alone.

Fortunately, a man came out soon.

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