"Du En, why don't you go ask Ren to oversee the job?"

Faced with the current dilemma of the corpse buryer, Xu Ran couldn't help but speak like this.

"Look at the way he looks now, can he really listen to what others say?"

Duan answered calmly.

The two of them looked towards Ren Li together.

Because of the timely intervention from the border city, the wasteland side naturally returned to normal at the same speed.

Ren Li, who thought it was a chance from heaven, could only watch it flow away and disappear. His whole body was about to collapse at this moment. His eyes that were opened were covered with red bloodshot eyes. He only needed a little fire to ignite them. It will completely explode.

"Well, it seems like he can't communicate well now. Alas, in short, I can only try my best to help. You'd better make plans for this evening!"

Xu Ran sighed, picked up a shovel, and joined the team who were frantically digging holes to bury corpses.

Du En was naturally not idle either. When he was talking to him, the shovel in his hand couldn't stop at all. He could only see shadows coming and going, and handfuls of soil flying up.

It fully demonstrated the work efficiency that should be expected in the middle stage of normal Qi refining.

This is naturally not his full strength.

Therefore, there is even room for now. During the process of digging and burying the corpse, we can get the more obvious belongings on the corpse.

Because there were too many corpses this time, and the work was rushed too quickly, other people involved in other aspects of the corpse care had no time to profit from the dead.

Since Du En still has time to do this kind of thing, it is obvious that he is actually confident about the current situation and has no worries.

In this way, the time soon came to evening.

The five people who had experienced the weather first being extremely cold and then rapidly heating up, and then bursting out and squeezing themselves, maximizing the efficiency of burying corpses, looked at the many corpses piled in front of them, and their breath suddenly leaked out, and they immediately collapsed. On the ground.

Even if they did their best, and with the participation of Du En, the mainstay in the middle stage of Qi Refining, they could only bury nearly a thousand corpses in one afternoon.

At most 20% of the total!

It’s really disappointing!

Xu Ran was not a corpse buryer, and he could only help here to the limit. At this moment, he could only shake his head and sigh, say goodbye to Du En, and then leave in a hurry.

The night is coming, and we can't stay here.

It was really hard to survive the severe cold wave. If I were to die here tonight, it would be really unacceptable.

"Anyway, looking at Du En's appearance, I guess he is confident in his heart. There is no need for a mediocre person like me to worry."

Because Du En was as calm and composed as ever, Xu Ran wasn't too worried.

After all, no matter what happens, he should be able to survive.

As for the life and death of others?

They are not very familiar, at most they are a bit sad!

Xu Ran had already left, but the others could not leave, so they subconsciously looked at Du En.

Then he was nowhere to be seen.

Surprised, he couldn't help but panic. He hurriedly twisted his neck and quickly scanned the inside, catching the calm figure again.

He was holding a bag at the moment to pick up and put away all the property of the deceased that had been thrown away during the burial in the afternoon.

The total number is quite a lot, there must be 2,833 low-grade spiritual stones.

This can fully prove that the living conditions at the bottom of the shanty towns have indeed improved significantly recently, and basically everyone can leave some money behind.

Where there is a cause, there is an effect.

Without Du En's previous action and the invisible deterrent, those bullies would definitely fight when they carve up the Digger Gang's territory, and then they would definitely transfer the losses to the poor people at the bottom afterwards.

As a result, they have been affected twice, and their lives are even more miserable. In this severe cold wave of snow in June, they will definitely die by 70% to 80%, and they will not be able to find a single spiritual stone in their bodies.

Ning Cai and the others were in a hurry right now!

Why are you still in the mood to make a fortune right now?

If you can't survive tonight, you'll really be dead!

Du En didn't care about their anxious looks. He watched the sun setting a little bit, then walked to Ren Li's side amid the lingering cold.


Although he seemed crazy and almost possessed, this supervisor still had basic vigilance. At this moment, his eyes suddenly widened and became more bloodshot.


Du En responded calmly, then pointed to the west mountain and said, "The sun is about to go down. Do you still plan to continue your meaningless behavior?"

"It's meaningless?! How can you say it's meaningless?!"

Ren Li was furious all of a sudden. He couldn't help but jump up and roared in a panic, "If I just build the foundation in an ordinary way, given my qualifications and background, in the end, I will be a second-rate Yuan." As a baby, you can only be a pawn on the front line of the battlefield. How can you understand? "

"That is better than dying now. If you are alive, you will still have some hope. Besides, don't die by yourself. In the end, we will be held accountable and angry, and we need to be buried with you."


Ren Li's hysteria was immediately interrupted by Du En's calmness. He immediately came back to his senses, glanced around, and began to calm down, trying hard to calm down.

"You're right, the premise of everything is to stay alive... It's getting dark, it's time to leave, no, no, forget, now like this, I can't leave, and, yes, there are so many corpses buried, so There are many corpses piled up, maybe tonight, there may be changes..."

"Then we can only watch the fire from the other side. Besides, maybe there will be different gains in this way?"

"Across the bank, watching the fire?"

"Yeah, the rules only say that we can't leave here until we finish burying the bodies that day, but it doesn't say in detail that we have to continue working at night, so the fool continues to do it tonight. Just retreat to the edge and treat it as a night camp.”

Du En's tone was very calm, which made Ning Cai and the others widen their eyes in shock.

Can it still be like this? !

Ren Li couldn't help but say, "You're really not afraid of being held accountable if you exploit loopholes in words like this?"

"Aren't you here? Don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face, right?"


Supervisors naturally need to be on-site to supervise the work.

If we really want to hold him accountable, Ren Li won't be able to escape.

So, basically there will be no problem, the higher-ups will just turn a blind eye.

Even if the steward He Bo still wants to hold on to him, it is only slightly possible. Compared with staying on the wasteland at night, the extraordinary dangers that he has to face are almost 100%. It is simply drizzle and not worth it. carry.

So whichever is the lesser of two evils.

"Don't lie down anymore, go and pull the carts that were put together before, and form a circle around the corner of the path to serve as a retaining wall."

The carts that had been discarded by the corpse carriers were too numerous and took up too much space, so they were cleaned and moved to a nearby place.

I originally thought that if the one I was currently using was worn out, I could just replace it, but unexpectedly it had another effect.

When Ning Caize and the others heard this, they were able to survive from a desperate situation. They all felt so energetic that they immediately jumped up, carried the shovel and walked as fast as flying, and quickly went to push the cart.

"This, you..."

Ren Li was still hesitant at this time, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say for a moment. In the end, he just grabbed his hair irritably and made himself disheveled.

"It's time to leave. Why don't you ask me to take you out by force?"


Hearing Du En's words, Ren Li smiled angrily.

You are in the middle stage of Qi refining, struggling at the bottom, and you want to force me to become a second-rate master who has perfected Qi refining and can break through the foundation building if he wants to?

How ridiculous!

However, after laughing, hearing that the surroundings had become quieter, and looking at Du En's back that had turned away, he still followed him honestly.

His gait is lingering, and his overall condition is still worrying.

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