Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 394: One after another, the self-destructing human bees


The candle holders screamed and turned to ashes.

The diseased secret passages twisted constantly, oozing purple slurry and flowing into the sea of ​​disease.

The pathogens were squeezed out!

The Holy God, who had shown great power, soon became depressed, withdrew his brilliance, and closed his eyes!

The hanging lamp fell weakly on Du En's shoulder.

"The accumulated power has been used up, sorry..."

She seemed to have suffered unimaginable damage in the previous battle between the two gods, so that now she needs to secretly accumulate power to emit a moment of light, and then immediately become depressed and weak.

I was not able to help Du En before, not because of any other reason, but because I didn't accumulate enough power and had already released a lot of surplus power.

A careful investigation shows that she spent an unknown amount of time calling Du En in the holy mausoleum, which is probably one of the reasons why she is so depressed now.

In short, if the Holy Spirit could handle this situation alone, then she wouldn't have to go to great lengths to create a final apostle.

The magic weapon whistled and circled, and was not put away again.

Du En nodded slightly and moved forward again.

Although the Holy Spirit had temporarily stabilized the diseased area after its power, it was obviously only a temporary solution. As time went on, the remaining root of the disease would continue to emerge and spread, so it was necessary to race against time and pass through here quickly.

Da Da Da Da...

The footsteps were heard in the tunnel, and the candlelight was dim.

The speed of the abnormal regeneration was far beyond imagination, and the strange and empty footsteps were the best proof of it.

I can't stay here any longer!

Du En thought so, looking at the Holy Spirit hanging lamp that seemed to have recovered a little and was slightly brighter.

"This should be outside the Holy Capital."

She judged the situation a little vaguely.

But the general location was not wrong.

So Du En made a space operation and left the secret passage in this space.

Came under the dim sun again.

In a bamboo forest, looking back, you can vaguely see the walls of Shengjing and the various powerful collisions inside that are like tornadoes.

It is indeed leaving Shengjing.


"Wait, this is?!"

Xuandeng hurriedly flew up, cruised around, and found something wrong, "Go, go, this is..."

Before the words fell, more noises had covered them.



Like the sound of bees fluttering their wings, it suddenly appeared in the depths of the bamboo forest. A turbulent emotion was sticky and like flames, burning more and more vigorously under the impetus of pain.

Du En flew up with a flying weapon, whistling and clanging, and spread out directly.

The bamboo forest was emptied, and the true body was exposed.

The red sacs flapped their wings, like human bees!

One by one, wings grew, and the body was full of blister cysts. It was obviously also infected, but it was abnormally deformed, and the dark purple was replaced by bright red!

"Holy Spirit! Great Holy Spirit!"

"Pain is for whipping, and tragedy is for praise!"

"Praise pain, sing praises to pain, Holy Spirit of pain!!!"

The human bees fighting against the group of magic weapons, although they only have the combat power of genius Yuanying period, are not afraid at all, and they are not venting madness because of the pain of the disease.

They show an extreme fanaticism, as if they think that Yingshi disease is the most revered Holy Spirit, whose whip, praise, and affirmation!

In short, they are a group of fanatics who are getting worse and worse after being infected with the disease!

So Du En held back a little, only blocking but not killing for the time being. After all, since there were still thoughts and emotions, they might be in the same group. Moreover, he had to take into account the feelings of the Holy Spirit, because they were clearly in the same group...

"No! No!"

"I didn't ask you to praise and sing about pain!"

The Holy Spirit Xuandeng spoke at this time, intending to deny and awaken those overly fanatical believers, and seemed particularly anxious, as if she was afraid of certain scenes.


Those people didn't listen at all.

The Holy Spirit is not the Holy Spirit.

Pain is the truth!

The words of the genuine person cannot shake the false piety and fanaticism!

Du En immediately realized that this was not an accomplice, and without hesitation, he was about to take ruthless action.


The Holy Spirit wanted to say something, but was interrupted before he finished speaking.

It's not because of Du En!

Boom boom boom!

The dense explosions sounded directly, with popping sounds coming one after another, various viscous bright red liquids splashed, and the glowing flames ignited, quickly spreading to the surroundings. With the help of the diseased spiritual energy, it was impossible to extinguish normally.

The human bees exploded!

This is what the Holy Spirit wanted to stop!

Because it failed to stop, the hanging lantern fell back to Du En's shoulder powerlessly.

"I told you, don't be fanatical, don't be superstitious, why don't you listen to me!?"

She was depressed and painful about this.

Du En did not relax his vigilance.

Because there was a group of magic tools separating the human bee group just now, their self-explosion did not actually affect them, which seemed very futile.

But in fact, it was definitely not a meaningless act!

On the contrary, with the help of the diseased spiritual energy, the bright red fire was burning wildly, causing the magic tools group to begin to melt faintly, and had to retreat a little.

Even if you try to contain it with the method of not melting the ice soul, it is just a drop in the bucket.

Because the fire was filled with a constant supply of diseased spiritual energy, it was simply a fire formation activated by flesh and blood, and he had been trapped in it.

Puff, crackle~

Buzz buzz buzz!

After the flames, another bee came from all directions.

"Pain ignites fire, Holy Spirit shines!"

"Worship Holy Spirit, Great Mother!"

"Feel the pain, understand selflessness!"

One by one they shouted fanatically, and one by one they sacrificed themselves to explode.

The Holy Spirit was numb: "I knew that they would become worse after contracting the disease. I have said that except for the apostles of creation, I am both their mother and not their mother..."

In short, her words seemed to have not been heard by the people here from beginning to end. Before contracting the Yingshi disease, they could be controlled, but after contracting it, they were completely out of control!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

A bunch of fifth-level magic weapons burst out with power, temporarily suppressing the flames, and went straight through, sniping one bee after another!

Du En did not stop his counterattack, but his intention was difficult to achieve.

Although those human bees were easy to kill, they were still fanatical with tenacity and instinct. Even if their heads were gone and their origins were broken, they would throw as many pieces as possible into the fire, break them in the boiling bubbles, and make the flames more gorgeous and scarlet!

More human bees saw the scene in front of them and exploded directly in the back!

Boom boom boom... The flames swayed like a demon, as if they were laughing at Du En's meaninglessness, as if they were reaching out to him, wanting him to experience the greatness of the Holy Spirit that he believed in, so that he would worship it devoutly and praise it with all his heart!

As for the Holy Spirit hanging lamp following him, is it a part of his own Holy Spirit?

I don't know!

I absolutely don't agree!

It must be a fake!

Du En couldn't help but look sideways at this "false god".

She was motionless now, revealing a kind of numbness, and seemed sad and lost.

Then look at the blazing flesh fire that was getting closer and closer...


Who wouldn't!

I wanted to be stingy, but now, we can only see whose self-explosion is stronger!

As Du En's thoughts moved, the part of the magic weapon that was originally melted by the disease fire immediately dispersed, and then the internal instrument restrictions broke and collapsed.



Boom boom boom!

The diseased spiritual energy was immediately shattered, the gorgeous flames were quickly dismembered, the space was broken like ugly scars, and the withering of the precious light drowned out the fanatical shouts.

A road has appeared in front of him, and Du En stepped out.

The next moment, the surging diseased spiritual energy poured back and forcibly extinguished the aftermath of the self-explosion, making the spiritual environment here extremely chaotic, as if a storm was sweeping here.

Buzz buzz buzz...

One by one, there were still quite a few people.

How many fanatics do you have?

Du En glanced at the hanging lamp on his shoulder.

"I gathered the crazy people in the Holy Kingdom here, mainly to make them quiet down, face reality, and stop being superstitious. In terms of number, there are 235,863 people."

Echoing this description, it was like a bright red cloud. The dense human bees had overturned and followed the storm of disease, creating a suffocating, doomsday-like scene of red clouds and black wind.

And the Holy Spirit was still uttering more disturbing words: "In order to ensure that they don't run around and correct themselves, I also sent Apostle An to wait and teach them here..."


In response, there was a sharp laugh.

A terrible human bee appeared under the protection of the bees. It was red like a sun. A closer look revealed that it was a giant bloated thing covered with flesh sacs, covered with fluorite, and covered with flesh thorns.

Infected with fluorite disease, the body and the soul, mixed with fanaticism and magic power, completely lost their original appearance and outline, and turned into such a posture that made the Holy Spirit cry.

Apostle An, the queen of cysts!

It's those apostles, that's normal.

Du En now suspects that the Holy Spirit may not have the ability to create apostles at all, and these so-called apostles are all the work of the Immortal Lord Bu Yi.

Continuing to speculate, they may actually be from the Luoyu Immortal Sect, and they are just sent here to play house with the Holy Spirit in her Holy Kingdom.

Therefore, the fanatics here will become more and more crazy, and they will not be corrected at all.

Then when the Yingshi disease spreads to a certain point, these apostles will be infected one by one, and their humanity will be destroyed, becoming a stone blocking Du En!

In other words, the disease in the secret passage is also caused by the Immortal Lord Bu Yi?

Is this the second level he arranged, or the third level?

Regardless of whether it is or not, it needs to be fought!

A bunch of magic weapons flew out of Kongsang Mountain, neatly and uniformly, gathered together to turn into dragons, circling around Du En, sharp and sonorous, like steel scales, green and yellow colors complementing each other, all of which are the results of the practice of the Holy Refining of Earth and Wood.


The queen of the cyst bees, Apostle An, was still laughing strangely. As if they had received an order, the human bees began to respond to the storm of disease, leaving the sound behind and rushing forward.

The magic dragon roared in anger, and all kinds of weapon power burst out, also surging and expanding, immediately pouring in all directions.

Puff puff puff!

Bang bang bang!

The slurry exploded and shattered, and in the blink of an eye, 10,000 bees died, and they didn't even have time to self-destruct!

But they were many after all, and the ones who rushed behind self-destructed halfway.

Boom boom boom...

The dense self-explosion ignited the storm of disease.

Boom boom!

It was like pouring oxygen and flames into a kerosene depot, exploding directly, and it exploded through the surface space in an instant, responding to the sea of ​​disease accumulated below.

It was like a mantle plume erupting, the bright red sky became the only light here, and the various fierce fights in the Holy Capital in the distance were also dimmed by it, and it was completely a small fight.


The Queen of the Spore Bee stepped back, watching the grand scene, laughing strangely, with chaotic and vague sounds in it.

"Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit! My great God, great mother!"

"The porcelain doll sitting on the throne that I love the most and want to destroy the most!"

"Ahhh! Let me eat you and defile you!!!"


The Holy Spirit's somewhat confused voice sounded behind Apostle An.

She immediately realized that something was wrong, and flapped her wings to escape, but was suddenly stepped on by a huge force on her back, pulling off her wings with a puff, and then penetrating with force, and immediately fell uncontrollably, like a meteorite, creating a concave valley in the roar.

On a pool of mud and blood, Du En reached out and stroked his hair that was blocking his eyes.

At this moment, he was also extremely embarrassed, with a gray face, blood oozing from all seven orifices, and a pale face.

Facing the situation just now, even if he used self-explosion to counter self-explosion and resisted the strongest attack, but first of all, he was in a bad state. The self-explosion of so many magic tools, even if he applied the new tricks he learned, had no backlash effect, but because he did not have enough mana to cushion, he was still affected by the close-range explosion.

Secondly, the influx of the interlayer disease sea increased the overall destructiveness, and he was naturally not immune in it.

Therefore, the Five Immortal Yaohua Body was almost broken again, and he was in a mess, weakened again, and his strength fell to a rare low.

Then, he sneaked up on Apostle An.

But, she was not dead!

The corpse under his feet was just a shell. The real her, seeing that the situation was not good, had already drilled into the ground and gone away.

At this moment, Du En stepped into the air, and while suspended, he saw Apostle An breaking out of the ground.

Remove the queen bee shell, revealing the queen bee's inner self.

Three pairs of compound eyes, one pair of human eyes, one pair of diseased eyes, and one pair of pus sac eyes.

Three pairs of wing membranes, a pair of human hands, a pair of tentacles, and a pair of mucous membrane wings.

Naked body, very grotesque, mouth opened into six petals, opened hands, body from the middle to the bottom, like another mouth, oozing thick saliva.

"Holy Spirit, Holy Mother, my most beloved person and God!"


The Holy Spirit was sad and confused at the moment, unbelievable, subconsciously thinking about the diseased and distorted aspects, anyway, I couldn't believe that his Apostle An, a daughter-like creation, had such a morbid and extreme improper intention towards him.

And Du En didn't care about their thoughts, now he only wanted to kill the enemy in front of him.

The magic weapon has been exhausted, and the magic power is stretched to the limit.

But it doesn't matter, there are other means at this moment!


He stretched out his hand and pressed through the air. Immediately, an invisible impact hit him. It was the power of his soul!

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