"The terrible nightmare began. One pioneer after another was hit, and pools of blood appeared. From there, the blood demons stood up and began to slaughter. In a short period of time, there were only a few hundred people left from thousands of people. In the end, they led the team to offer sacrifices to attract the light of the Spirit Mother, and only then were they barely defeated."

"The Blood Demon Holy Sect is a filthy and corrupt evil way! They settled in the southern land early, but eventually chose to abandon the glory of the Spirit Mother and turned to the embrace of the Blood Demon Way, which gave rise to such a terrifying evil thing!"

"It's retribution! It's the retribution of the rebellion of the fallen!"

The old man became more and more excited as he spoke.

The young hunter had long been accustomed to hearing this, and at this moment he couldn't help but reply: "If that's the case, why did the Holy Church keep us here and not call us back?"


The old man was stagnant for a moment, his face flushed, and he was out of breath, as if he was about to faint. Fortunately, the steady hunter raised his hand and patted him to relieve his breath.

"Yes, you are right. I don't know why it is like this. We are also victims."

The old man took a deep breath and looked depressed. At the end of his life, his past piety was also consumed bit by bit. Now that the Crusaders had withdrawn, it was basically equivalent to taking away the last bones, leaving only some sparks and residues.

The younger people in the camp were surprised at the old man's frankness at this moment, and then they were confused and uneasy.

Although there were complaints and grumbles in the past, the old man's tough attitude and words were actually their support and backbone. Now that the other party began to deject, people suddenly felt at a loss.

The steady hunter scanned the darkness around him, then looked at the cave pig that was being roasted in front of him, and suddenly said: "Friend, why don't you come out and see?"

This abrupt remark made the other people in the camp stunned.

What does it mean?

They didn't react.

The steady hunter was about to say something when he heard footsteps, very close, making him look up suddenly.

Du En did not hide at this moment, and appeared under the firelight with the small stone statue following him.

"Ah? This, this..."

The old man was stunned, and he forgot about the decadence. He turned his head and looked at the steady hunter blankly, as if he was asking what was wrong with him.

The other party answered: "I just thought that the Holy Army withdrew, and the blood demon might go north. The monsters hiding in the gap between the two would probably move. Although they covered up the cave pigs, they were short of supplies, had a single method, and had no experience, so they would probably be found."

He never left his spear, carried a bow and arrow, and held a few cave pig tusks in his hands, like daggers. He was obviously in a state of preparation for war. After weighing the pros and cons, he was ready to take risks and fight.

Without cave pigs, the camp would be destroyed. With cave pigs, it was not certain!

But after waiting for so long, the old man had already told a round of past events, but there was no movement. He immediately realized that the situation had changed, but it did not seem like the blood demon was attacking, so after thinking about it, he boldly opened his mouth to test.

Du En actually knew his plan, but he still killed the wolf. It was a casual move anyway. Since the other party dared to speak, he just revealed it directly.

He got straight to the point: "Regarding the matter of this blood demon and the blood demon holy sect, I hope you can tell me more details."

As a reward, he raised his hand and shot, and the bodies of the cave wolves flew over from a distance and piled up in the fire with a plop.

As expected, the old, weak, women and children huddled together, and the old man straightened his back and stood in front of them. The two younger hunters turned over, took up bows and arrows, and supported on both sides.

Only the steady hunter did not move.

"I, I tell you! Foreign evil followers! The light of the Spirit Mother still shines on us..."

"Elder, this one has no hostility."

"Ahem, are you sure... Well, it looks like that, haha."

After the tension, looking at the pile of cave wolf corpses, any one of them could pose a life-and-death crisis to this marginal camp, but was killed by Du En.

The situation is obvious. If he really has hostility, they, who are actually abandoned, have no power to resist at all, and they will probably be killed in the blink of an eye.

So, the people here moved back a little, and many children stared at Du En with curious eyes, and then looked at the small stone statue behind him, and their eyes couldn't help but flash with sparkling light.

What a handsome black-armored stone statue!

Du En sat on a stone pier that was given to him, and casually dug out the ashes beside the campfire, kneaded it, and several miniature giant clay dolls were freshly baked and placed by the fire.

The children's eyes could not be moved away immediately.

Seeing the proper goodwill shown here, the old man rubbed the corner of his clothes nervously, trying to recall the etiquette he learned in the central camp, but in the end he still laughed awkwardly.

"Well, if you were listening just now, then I have already said everything I know. In fact, there is nothing else."

Dune didn't care, just looked at the steady hunter.

The other party was a little entangled, nodded and said: "I know something that the old man doesn't know."


The old man was stunned.

Although I trained you as my successor, it's not good to hide such an important thing from me so soon?

Evil son!

Feeling this gaze, the steady hunter was not embarrassed, but looked very solemn: "About twenty years ago, when I was young and frivolous, I secretly ran to the Blood Demon Cave to peek. I originally wanted to run in, but In the end, I didn’t do that, and then, when I turned around to go home, I saw a holy priest.”

"She told me something else."

Speaking of this, he couldn't help but think back to the beginning.

In front of the deep cave, what I saw when I looked back was a torch, with the flames dancing and licking against that gorgeous face. Because he took off his high crown without any ceremony, he was completely reflected in the scene at that time. In one's own eyes.

Instead of being immersed in that kind of beauty, it was like seeing a gorgeous venomous snake or frog, only a kind of shudder, and a feeling of fear from the bottom of my heart.

Even if I think about it now, I can't help but look like that.

For him, this is actually an experience that he doesn't want to recall. At the same time, it is an inevitable part of shaping his current mind, so he cannot forget it or not think about it.

Facing those calm eyes, he calmed down faster than before, and then looked at the beating flames. Suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and he felt that this might be another moment that changed his destiny.

So, while others fell into silence and Du En listened patiently, he slowly continued: "She told me that in fact, the Holy Leader had known about the existence of the Blood Camp for a long time, and they had even had many communications with each other. It was with the support of the Holy Leader that the Blood Demon Holy Sect was successfully transformed and established. "

"She also told me that they were actually just a group of people who went south early to pioneer. They have the same ancestors and the same origins as all the people under the glory of the Holy Religion now."


Changsou wanted to interrupt like this.

Because even though the devotion to the Queguang Sect and the central camp has been lost, there is still an outlook on life that has been soaked in flesh and blood like this little spark.

What's more, it was those blood demons and those from the demon sect who caused the destruction of the pioneering camp and finally ended up like this. They were unforgivable enemies... In the end, he did not open his mouth to rebuke.

Afterwards, I recalled that my son, who was once bold and free-spirited, quickly changed from that time on, becoming calm and mature, and gradually became the actual pillar of the camp.

In the past few decades, if he hadn't always been able to hunt all kinds of food in the cracks, such a dilapidated marginal camp would have been destroyed long ago and swallowed by darkness!

But the Crusaders who are so close at hand don't care at all...

The old man sighed in his heart.

But his son was still telling Dun what he knew.

"Those people in the south are just demon cultivators who have different ideas from ours. Therefore, they don't want to join the Queguang Sect, but they are not too resistant."

"The establishment of this camp is indeed a way to open up, but it is not to open up the edges, but to open up communication and even trade routes, so even children like the elders at that time were included."

"However, in the end, the Holy Blood Demon Sect was completely possessed by the devil and turned into a pure and out-of-control Blood Demon from top to bottom. This overturned everything, causing the pioneering camp to be abandoned and ignored, and the Crusaders had to live. To suppress the obstruction.”

"Since I was a child, I have often thought about why we have to suffer this kind of suffering, so I want to find an answer. In the place where the blood demon is entrenched in the south, there may be the answer I want."

"She seemed to be able to read my thoughts, so she told me..."

At this point, he couldn't help but pause and swallowed. The fear at that time had reached its highest point. In his memory, there was only a red lip that looked like it was stained with blood, spitting out seductive and depraved evil words. .

"If you want to get the answer, then come to me again. We are the same kind of people. I can let you know the answer..."

The past ends here.

Memories return to the back of my mind once again.

He let out a long breath.

After hearing the end of this story, Du En thought about it and was a little concerned about a certain point. Although he thought it was impossible, he still asked: "What does she look like in your mouth?"

"This is very beautiful and dangerous... By the way, there seems to be a mole on the chin."

"Okay, I understand. Also, why are you no longer persistent?"

"...I don't know. It's strange. I was indeed tempted at that time. After all, I actually didn't have much ability, and the other party was a holy cultist who acted wantonly."

He himself is very weird about it.

"It's the Holy Master!"

Changsou interrupted at this time.

"Why do you think so?"

Doon asked.

This old man doesn't seem to have much faith anymore. Logically speaking, he shouldn't be so decisive anymore.

"No, how should I put this? When I was a child, I seemed to have met the Holy Master. I had a vague feeling that if it was that person, he would probably do this..."

Such words seem unconvincing and conjecture-like.

But Du En didn't feel that way. Instead, he calmly looked at it, analyzed and determined various possibilities, and then found that he could not deny this situation.

However, it is impossible to conclusively confirm this situation.

So, now that all the information that can be collected has been collected, there is no need to hesitate any longer.

So Doon stood up.

"Sir, where are you going?"


In reply, the calm figure in gray robe slowly escaped from the flames.

Everyone in the camp looked at him, surprisingly without any worries, as if looking at a vast and quiet night. No, not the night. When he completely left the flames and sank into the darkness, he saw other, more specific and clear images in a trance.

There is no need to illuminate me with his light. If there is no torch in the darkness, then I am the only light in it!

The light tore through the darkness. When Du En walked to a certain place, the darkness disappeared... He paused slightly, glanced back with his head tilted, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

It is impossible for him to be so ostentatious now, but the people in this marginal camp seem to be able to see the majesty that his method can reflect.


His eyes returned and passed over the small stone statue guarding the innocent baby.

Once is a coincidence, twice is unlikely.

First, near the edge, pure babies were born, and then there were people with abnormalities at the actual edge of this place...

If it were someone like the old god hanging on the tree, he would have probably peeled off his skin and bones, refined his soul and searched his spirit, trying to find the reason.

But Du En would not.

He just retracted his gaze and continued to walk deeper into the darkness.

Passing by the cave with traces of the remaining camp, he came to the cave where he could peek at the movements of the blood demon.

This is also a man-made path, but it is narrow and can only be walked by one person.

And in the depths of the cave, there is a faint blood color, like a rising tide, as time passes, it is getting closer to the entrance of the cave.

Continue walking forward, and soon see the inscription on the wall.

"The blood demon sect ahead, don't be casual..."

The second half of the inscription was erased, and replaced by incomplete, dense, and hideous words everywhere.


Retreat! Retreat! Retreat...


Escape! Escape! Escape...


Death! Death! Death...

The further Du En went inside, the more twisted and hideous the words became. When he reached the area full of death words, he could already see the blood with his naked eyes.

When he stared at the blood, the blood was also staring at him!

So, suddenly, a tide of magic power came first, sticky, making the death words on the four walls of the cave suddenly bleed, gurgling non-stop.


A shrill scream came from it, and hands stretched out from the blood.

The blood demon has come!

"It's really the blood demon..."

Du En uttered his words in a calm, like a sigh.

Because he didn't expect that in such a place where evil things were gestating, he could actually see such pure magic power and evil things of the magic way.

In this way, the situation is very simple.

He continued to walk, and with each step, tiny, invisible things spread out and covered the air. He didn't know how many there were, but in the blink of an eye, they filled the air and continued to increase.

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