Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 273 Leaving Lin'an and Arriving at Yunyi (Subscription Request)

I decided to leave, and of course I had to inform the two local upper-level officials.

Tong Wenrong and Zuo Kui were actually quite reluctant to leave Du En and continue their travels.

After all, with this pillar there, they rarely felt a sense of dependence, and they felt confident in their hearts. They were not worried that the other side of the river would jump out to cause trouble again. Moreover, if they encountered trivial difficulties, they could come to him and get them solved.

However, they did not persuade him to stay. After all, Du En knew at a glance that he could not stay, so they just said goodbye solemnly and said goodbye words such as coming back to see him when he was free in the future.

After bidding farewell to the two of them, before officially leaving, Du En came to the Outer City, where the Outer City Affairs Office had been rebuilt.

"Are you really sure you won't be transferred to Nanmo?"

The person he was asking about was Lan Dieqiao, Wei Ming's Taoist companion from another place.

Of course Du En himself has no authority and cannot do this, but isn't there the True Lord Meng Zhun above his head?

It's just a little thing, just mention it later.

"No need to trouble my lord."

Lan Dieqiao answered.

Since various places in the south were busy rectifying, there was no time to arrange a new outer city manager. Therefore, when Zuo Kui came to the outer city to clean up the mess, not only did he need to arrange for the lower-level personnel to be supplemented by the hub city, but he also needed to screen and check Zhou Ze of those old men, and others in the outer city.

There are groups of wives and concubines, occupying various important positions, and they are all eliminated in one fell swoop. In terms of personnel, there will naturally be an obvious gap.

So Zuo Kui turned his attention to the outside of the city.

Those female cultivators who had disobeyed Zhou Ze and showed themselves to be strong and determined, as well as others around them, naturally entered the first inspection sequence, and most of them were eventually transferred to serve in the city.

Of course, the three supervisors outside the city were eliminated as soon as possible. As the subordinates of Zhou Ze's subordinates, it was natural that those supervisors outside the city were also vigorously investigated.

Ding Hong, the supervisor of the Caolingzhu Ranch, was naturally involved. She screamed loudly at the time, saying that she had repented, made corrections, and was now a new person, and had obtained the forgiveness of the owner of the suffering.

Zuo Kui originally didn't want to talk to her, but she involved Du En in her howling, so she was able to meet him and explain what happened before.

In a matter of seconds, Lan Dieqiao, a single female cultivator in the early stage of Qi refining, followed the chicken and dog to ascend to heaven, and was promoted to the Outer City Affairs Office, where she became a handyman.

Compared with the old city lord in Nanmo, Zuo Kui was obviously more disciplined and did not directly arrange any important positions.

But even so, it’s a big identity change!

This also prompted Lan Dieqiao to make some kind of decision quietly. When Du En learned about this before and came over to ask her if she wanted to be transferred to Nanmo, her answer was the same as now.

"If I go to find Wei Lang now, I am no longer the right person, so I have to stay here and use the help you bring to practice hard and work hard."

"...I always feel that you have misunderstood something. The atmosphere in Nanmo is very different from that here. People are already working extremely hard just to survive. Even if Wei Ming's status has been improved, he is still overwhelmed by the burden of things. We eat, drink, practice diarrhea, and sleep all in the same room.”

After all, I was leaving. I don’t know when I would come back. An accident might have happened during the process. In addition, Du En was looking here and felt that there might be some misunderstanding. Maybe he brought it out, so he came to confirm again and spoke like this. .

"It's precisely because of this that I can't help much now and in the past, and I don't want to be a vase. I need to be strong enough to be a husband and a child!"

Lan Dieqiao had obviously thought it over carefully, and now that she was speaking smoothly, she boldly continued: "Also, sir, I think you are a bit too straightforward..."

"Nothing! Nothing!"

Ding Hong, who was standing next to her, knew at a glance that this girl was going to talk nonsense, so she quickly jumped out and interrupted.

She is here now. As for her status, being a young servant in a small house and a subordinate of Lan Dieqiao is considered a kind of punishment. Who told her to be complicit in the crime in the first place?

Zuo Kui tried his best to take care of people in a legal way, so Ding Hong was also very sensible and worked hard for Lan Dieqiao so that she could have more time to practice. She must hurry up to catch up with Wei Ming so that she can revitalize her wife's relationship in the future. At the worst possible outcome, you have to beat the crowd!

"In that case, so be it."

Seeing Lan Dieqiao's misunderstanding and incomprehensible performance, Du En naturally didn't say anything more, and just said to Wei Ming in his heart: "Bless yourself in the future."

"Go well, sir."

"Have a nice journey with the overhaul, remember to come back again!"

Ding Hong was like an old bustard, she said it sincerely.

Because she knew that she could survive this time, even move into the city, and be fined and punished, all because of Du En.

Come back more often and maintain your influence more to ensure that after the new outer city manager takes office, he will not be exposed to old scores!

Du En didn't pay attention and just turned around and left.

Set off.

Target, Yunyi City!


I left the house in the morning and arrived at the place before noon.

Compared with the small border towns that Du En had visited before, the most striking difference in this big city with three thoroughfares is that there are no shanty towns and production areas outside the city.

It is located on the Yunyi Plain, an alluvial plain with twists and turns of a large river. The mountains in the distance are high and steep, like a barrier. It was deliberately raised by people, leaving only three major land routes to access it.

The clouds blocked the sunlight, making this huge city look gloomy. At the same time, as the rectification continued, flying boats from all over the south kept coming here and moored outside the city specially designated for this time.

The monks who were driven down from above were shackled, as if they had lost their parents, desperate and miserable.

Those who had been in the foundation building stage for many years, had just broken through the golden elixir stage, those who had been in the golden elixir stage for many years, had just broken through the primordial infant stage, and those who violated the rules and rebelled against the old primordial infant stage...

There were actually only a few who had been in the foundation building stage for many years, and those who had just broken through occupied the majority.

And just what Du En saw from afar at this moment, there were hundreds of people, plus those who were still being transported in continuously and those who had been transported in a long time ago, the total number was estimated to be nearly ten thousand, or even tens of thousands.

This is the rectification result of Zhu Ding Zhenjun in the past year.

Let those who have accumulated cultivation in the past, who are unwilling and dare not break through, who are afraid of fighting, and who stay in the local area to do evil, suck the marrow from the bones, and repeatedly violate the rules, and even learn from the three people of Chiwu, Lin An and Zhou Ze, and secretly plan to rebel, all be forced to break through, improve to a higher level, and then be sent to the battlefield.

"It seems that there will be a large-scale battle with Fudong Xianmen in the near future."

Since they are assembled and transported to Yunyi City in the east, then the one to be fought is naturally Fudong Xianmen in the east, not Mucang Xianmen in the west.

Thinking so, Du En flew under the shadow of the clouds and approached Yunyi City.

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