When the air fell into silence, Du En had quietly touched Zuo Kui's back.

He gave Tong Wenrong a look, pretending to cooperate, taking advantage of his unpreparedness, and captured this late-stage golden elixir, which was actually pretty good, and probably specially arranged to assist the inner city manager who was weak and could bully Tong City Lord, and captured him on the spot. Confinement.

"You! What are you doing?!"

Zuo Kui was a little panicked, and even more incredible, because he didn't expect that Tong Wenrong would dare to do this!

This is a bandit from outside, coming to target you!

I really didn't expect that your usual weakness was actually an act!

"Tong Wenrong, aren't you afraid of punishment from the Immortal Sect? No, could it be said that you, you, you actually defected to the other side!?"


Faced with this slander, Tong Wenrong immediately jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on: "It's obvious that you have something evil in your heart, otherwise why would you have felt guilty just now?!"

"I think there must be some misunderstanding."

Du En intervened at this moment, interrupting the quarrel that the two men were about to continue.

Because the scene just now had a strong sense of déjà vu, as it had only happened once not long ago.



The two local upper echelons had different tones, but at this moment, inexplicably, they both had the same sense of clarity.

It can only be said that the upper management really did not choose the wrong person. They asked them to work together as a team. Generally, there will be no trouble in this important place in Lin'an's inner city.

Du En shook his head inwardly and asked: "General Manager Zuo, have you ever made any small mistakes? For example, like the Tong City Master, you saved a room full of low-grade spiritual stones?"

Oops, how could you say it!

Tong Wenrong couldn't help but blush, looking very embarrassed.

But Zuo Kui was dumbfounded. Hearing this, he only asked: "Who are you? Why are you able to set foot here and dare to conspire to commit crimes?"


"That Doon?!"


Take out the token and confirm.

"...Hahaha, misunderstanding! It was all a misunderstanding just now!"

Zuo Kui was sweating coldly and was a little flustered.

Why is this evil star?


Looking at the current battle, it couldn't be that I don't know what happened in the city, but it was something very bad in nature, right?

Thinking of this, Zuo Kui immediately didn't dare to hide anything anymore and quickly poured out the beans: "Actually, it's just some small things, like accidentally ruining the practice field, couldn't help being greedy, and secretly ran to the medicine garden to pick the beans. Eat them fresh, and because the fishing is always unpalatable, I was so angry that I gave them a second-level thunder talisman. "

Sure enough, they were all trivial matters that gave them goosebumps.

Du En just nodded lightly and said nothing.

This made Zuo Kui quickly add: "Sir, I am responsible for my own work! Although I was flustered or not paying attention when I first made the mistake, I repaired the site afterwards and secretly fertilized the orchard orchard. The fish in the pond also poured bait for them, and when the people below came to report, I covered them all and didn't touch them and punished them! "

"I see."

When Du En spoke, Zuo Kui immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I'm afraid that if he doesn't speak, he won't be able to figure out his thoughts.

Fortunately, although the rumors sounded scary, he had carefully studied them before and found that although this person was a bit fierce and liked to kill people, he actually had a good attitude towards those who abided by the law and those who were at the bottom of the cultivator. It's okay, there won't be any random involvement.

Zuo Kui looks like he has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he is actually brave and careful.

At this moment, he took the initiative to say: "What is happening now must have a reason. I know how powerful it is. You don't need to untie my shackles, but please let me watch from the sidelines, lest the thief contaminates me out of thin air." Being innocent can also put me in the eyes of adults and prove my innocence!"

"Okay, without further ado, let's set off immediately."

Du En immediately obeyed and asked Tong Wenrong to take Zuo Kui, and the three of them quickly left for the outer city.

The city lord has already patrolled the city defenses several times, and the situation is actually within acceptable limits. Only the outer city affairs office, the monk temple, has lost contact.

At this time, the city lord's authority was used to gather the intact departments, isolate the outer city affairs office, and urgently adjust the settings of some key locations.

And most importantly, sort out the relevant information and send it to Meng Changqing via a dedicated line.

There are faint changes in the general environment here, mainly due to certain signs in the aura environment.

This is the part that Du En quickly captured by relying on his mastery of spirit-seeking skills.

It is obvious that the brewing at the top has not stopped for a moment and is being implemented gradually and quietly.

Under these circumstances, the three people quickly arrived in front of the Outer City Affairs Office.

"What's Zhou Ze doing? Huh! I've already noticed something is wrong with this lecherous evil spirit!"

As soon as Zuo Kui came here, he couldn't help but speak like this, and there was a sour taste of envy in his words.

If possible, he would also like to have a normal harem and enjoy the blessings of his family. Unfortunately, the female nuns in the inner city are very polite to him. They are usually business-like, respectful but distant.

What can he do? You can't marry by force, right?

So he was quite depressed about this on weekdays, and seeing Zhou Ze's group of wives and concubines, he was even more envious and jealous, so he couldn't help himself at this time.

If he wasn't imprisoned now, he would have to go up and kick in the door first!


Before anyone came close, the door opened by itself.

It was bright and beautiful inside, full of beautiful women of all kinds, so dense that the smell of powder overflowed all of a sudden, making Tong Wenrong and Zuo Kui look at each other in surprise.

What's going on? Pushing a woman out to block the bullet?


It's really shameful to be associated with them!

The two of them thought of the same thing at the same time.

Du En narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a calm voice: "Zhou Ze, don't play any tricks, either come out and confess your crimes, accept detention and imprisonment, or..."

Before he finished speaking, these female cultivators were about to cry, bowed deeply, and said together: "Please ask the great cultivator to show mercy and spare my husband!"

They moved in unison, and there was no telling how many there were, and they were so sincere that Tong Wenrong and Zuo Kui had the illusion that they were the ones who were the most evil.

But Du En's expression did not change, and he just continued to speak: "Either come out and fight, or, hold on here to the death, and wait for people from the hub city to come, and the entire office will be moved directly."

"Why is Du Youli so aggressive? What's wrong with letting me live?"

Zhou Ze's voice sounded, and at this moment, he was no longer heroic, and he lost his composure. With the support of his wives and concubines, he walked out of the crowd, looking embarrassed and depressed.

Obviously, from the beginning to the end, the two sides did not actually have a fierce battle. This guy was either waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack or taking advantage of the opportunity to sneak attack, but now he looked like he was seriously injured and difficult to recover.

However, Du En did not find it strange.

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