
Boom boom boom! ! !

One hundred third-level high-grade magic weapons exploded directly, flooding Zhao Hong's position and turning the neighborhood into ruins.

Du En slowly moved his eyes, and the hard spirit on his forehead faded away, and the small crack turned into a small wound without any bleeding. The mana quickly consumed the remaining sword energy and promoted the healing of the wound.

And at the point where his eyes moved away, Zhao Hong appeared there, looking embarrassed at the moment, surrounded by magic swords.

Obviously, at the last moment, he did not gamble that he could kill Du En first and then prevent the magic weapon from self-destructing.

Because he is a sword cultivator who specializes in sword control, he naturally also knows a lot about sword control. Therefore, Zhao Hong has just seen that Du En's actual proficiency in one hundred control skills is self-destruction!

What the hell?

Can normal people practice Baiyushu like this?

Why don't you just practice the explosive weapon technique of the same level?

"Because the number of weapons in the Explosive Weapon Technique is too small. Anyway, my foundation is strong and I can withstand the backlash of multiple self-destructions, so there is no need to change. But you, it just seemed like you have no regrets about using the sword, right?"

Du En raised his hand again and added a hundred magic weapons, which made Zhao Hong's eyelids jump.

His expression suddenly darkened, and he said with hatred: "First break the magic weapon, and then I'll kill you!"

Du En didn't reply, he just moved his weapons.

The four hundred magic weapons suddenly swam like a school of fish, pounced on the human bait of Zhao Hong, but the natal magic sword here was like a big shark, rushing directly into the school of fish in the sky, and preying on them fiercely, no one was allowed. A slip through the net.

However, it will explode if touched!

There is no room for him to destroy the weapon at all, it will explode immediately as soon as it touches it!

You will have no regrets if you blow yourself up, and you will blow up as much as you can!

Boom boom boom...

Explode one and injure one, even if it is the first glimpse of the best swordsmanship without regrets, paired with the third-level best natal magic sword condensed from a foreign object, it is far better than the same level of weapons. After being hit a hundred times in a row, it starts to Shaky.



Zhao Hong, who was vomiting blood, was shocked.

The mana wears off too quickly!

what happened?

He quickly stirred up his magic weapon and unleashed another small explosion without any regrets. Then he finally noticed the hidden clues in the agitated group of magic weapons.

A small amount of ice was shattered, revealing what was inside.

Dharma-devouring wooden skewer!

Du En not only wielded four hundred magic weapons, but also thousands of small wooden skewers, wrapped in ice shells and disappearing without a trace. Relying on the melting caused by the magic weapon's self-destruction, he took the opportunity to poke Zhao Hong's natal magic sword and swallow it. Take a hint of mana.

Then swim back and leave, re-cover in the ice shell, continue to fly and swim, and wait for the next time.

The enemies of sharks seem to be schools of bloodthirsty fish, but they are actually blood-sucking worms hidden in these schools of fish!

Seeing that he was discovered, Du En stopped pretending.

The ice shell melted and suddenly appeared, so dense that Zhao Hong quickly became distracted and used his sword to split the light.

The next moment, as promised, the Dharma-devouring wooden skewers arrived, and died together with these sword shadows.

Continue after consumption, and start sawing.

At the same time, Du En blew up the wind and sand, blocking and interfering with his spiritual consciousness.

After Zhao Hong suffered two blows, his Wuhui swordsmanship on his natal sword was finally unable to maintain and collapsed.

When the shark loses its strength, it’s time for the fish to share the food!

The magic weapon transformed into a weapon that was full of ferocity, like a hungry piranha. It rushed to bite it, regardless of the damage, and it would simply explode after it was damaged to a certain extent.


Zhao Hong vomited blood again and again, trying to use Gengjin sword energy to break the situation, but before it could condense this time, densely packed magic-devouring wooden skewers pounced on him.

Gold and wood should be like this, but regardless of the loss, Du En ate it up before it took shape.


The spell was broken before it was completed, and there was a backlash immediately. Before it was released, there was nothing, but now it is completely unbearable and makes people vomit blood!

Du En did not forget to say something heartfelt: "Your only chance of victory is the moment when you draw the sword without regrets. If you are really strong with the sword and have no regrets, you will not take it back at that time."

"Purity, too low."


Hearing his words, Zhao Hong was shaken. Immediately, fifty damaged magic weapons took the opportunity to come in and exploded at one point, dying together with the natal magic sword!


The sword cultivator's sword was broken, and the meaning is self-evident.

As the golden elixir was shattered, Zhao Hong discovered in confusion that he had lost.

"Why, maybe...Master..."

Before he finished his last words, the shadow of the sword disappeared and was covered with wind and sand. After the blow, no remains of the body were left behind, only the shrink bag was attracted from the air.

"Exchanging three hundred magic weapons for one sword cultivator is very profitable."

That's all Duane thought.

Anyway, in the future, as long as he works part-time for a period of time, he can make up for the loss.

Immediately, he broke the shrink bag and began to count the harvest.

"Uh...well, Mr. Du, it's not good for you to kill people like this, haha..."

Tong Wenrong relied on the city defense method to see the process clearly. At this moment, he couldn't help but touch his forehead and sweat was pouring. He was afraid that Du En would do another murderous operation later and kill him too.

He finally understood that this matter, let alone the Immortal Sect of the Dead Forest, was 100% related to Du En!

Private feuds and infighting!

Why did I get involved in this in a daze? ?

Du En counted the things while speaking without raising his head: "He should be the one coming for me. Zhou Ze's reception of them is actually reasonable, but it doesn't mean that he has no problems."

"You, huh? Wait, I...ah!!!"

Tong Wenrong smiled bitterly, but before he finished speaking, an accident suddenly happened over there, and it ended with a scream, and then it stopped abruptly, and there was no movement!

Du En turned his head sharply and looked from a distance.

A man and a woman appeared in his sight, and the timing was perfect!

It was Zhao Hong's junior sister An Yan and junior brother Wang Zhun.

The disciples of Master Yunyi were scheming against each other all day long, and the contradictions were very deep. In fact, when Zhao Hong went out alone, the other two were secretly in the same room, discussing how to deal with each other after besieging and killing Du En, and to take advantage of the situation to cut off and frame the dead Du En, so that there would be no evidence!

The reason for choosing to unite was naturally because Zhao Hong, the sword cultivator, put a lot of pressure on them.

It's not that the difference in hard power is too great, but that Wuhui's sword control technique is too terrifying. If they don't join forces, one of them will be killed quickly, and the rest will face a bad one-on-one situation.

However, before they can discuss specific countermeasures, they suddenly find that Zhao Hong seems to have sneaked away, and they immediately break into the door and find that he is indeed missing.

This immediately alerted them, and they came together to track the traces.

Unknowingly, they were used by others!

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