Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 249: Middle Stage of Golden Core (Subscription Request)

Walking in the rapidly recovering city, the various ruins around him were cleared and various buildings were being rebuilt. Then, Zhen Chenshi saw Hui Falcon, who was walking back to him and had fully recovered from his injuries.

After this incident, his foundation was not hurt. His aura was perfect and he was ready to move. It seemed that he was about to break through.

His expression seemed a little dazed, but when he saw Zhen Chenshi, he immediately recovered and only had the true colors of a supervisory guard.


"It's good that you're okay. We should go."


Hui Falcon's superficial identity in Chiwu City has disappeared at this moment, so he will naturally be transferred back first.

Later, he may act as a supporting soldier, or change his appearance and sneak into some cities again to perform secret monitoring tasks. It may also be that after the preparations are completed, he will choose to break through the realm in seclusion, and then be promoted to Chenshi.

In short, he has also made contributions this time, and Zhen Chenshi will strive for a better situation for him.

Turning around, thinking about what to do after returning to the hub city, Hui Falcon suddenly asked: "Sir, may I ask your surname?"


Zhen Jianshi frowned subconsciously, and seemed puzzled by Hui Falcon's question.

But then he wanted to understand the situation here, and hesitated for a while.

The supervisory officer continued to walk for a while in silence, and Hui Falcon just followed silently without saying much.

Like two cold and serious stones.

Until arriving at the City Lord's Mansion, Zhen Jianshi finally spoke lightly: "Zhen."

"Zhen...Zhen Yu, sir, this is my name."

"...Just don't forget Hui Falcon's code name."

"Then, when you are lurking in the future, change your name to Zhen Falcon, I wonder if it's okay?"


The conversation between the two was short, meticulous, without any warmth, and full of the background of the supervisory guards.

However, the situation has obviously changed and is no longer the same as before.

Soon, the two supervisory guards stepped into the teleportation point of the City Lord's Mansion and left.

At this time, in order to avoid any accidents, Du En had already exchanged his newly acquired merits for three rare items, Fire Flower, in the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion.

Fire Flower, a flower as its name suggests, is made up of blazing flames. It is picked when it blooms and sealed in a specific fire amber. Even so, the flower shape is constantly changing. It is now a lotus, and it will be a lilac in a while, and it will become a sunflower in a while. It is capricious and very special.

Then, when he walked out of the treasure house, he noticed that the two people had left.

"They left in a hurry..."

Du En was thoughtful, without stopping, and acted at his own pace.

The days became calm and peaceful.

When the Chiwu Mountains were completely repaired, the spiritual veins and spiritual lands were reshaped, and the overall environment returned to the past, the restoration and reconstruction of Chiwu City came to an end.

The follow-up is a slow recovery process.

And Du En's part-time job was also completed quickly.

——At a jaw-dropping speed, the remaining third-level material inventory in the city was consumed and all refined into third-level magic tools.

Basically, it was just to make up the numbers, using the third-level inferior materials to deal with, and the surplus materials left for himself were all refined into third-level superior materials, a full 1,000, completely filling the deficit and replenishing ammunition.

He also piled up a few top-quality materials, mainly to test the cost-effectiveness. If he felt that they were not suitable, he would not continue to refine them. Secondarily, if he had a single use, he could use them to decorate the facade and fool people.

The above are the big ones, and the spirit stones obtained from part-time work are very few, only 200 high-quality spirit stones.

Now the whole set of assets has only 963 high-quality spirit stones, because there is no urgent need, so he saved them first and used them when he really needed them next time.

Originally, the new city lord thought that Du En would leave, but he never expected that he would continue to live here, and directly entered the immersive training days that made people extremely cautious and concerned, although he did not go out of the main door or the second door.

In this way, time flowed slowly and quickly, and it came to the 555th day after the Chiwu incident, which was mid-March two years later.

Du En's practice, when the water is full, it overflows, and he broke through again.

As the spiritual energy was swallowed up crazily, the seedling growing on the loess land in the perception and visualization began to stretch and draw rapidly, and grew a lot in an instant.

At the same time, the golden elixir in the lower Dantian Qihai has also accumulated and increased to a diameter of an inch and a half. The magic star ring surrounding the golden elixir has silently added a new outline, showing the situation of inner and outer double rings interlaced and circling around the golden elixir.

The life span increased by another 30 years, and the divine consciousness began to expand the coverage to 400 feet, and the operability and shielding were significantly improved.

...All kinds of changes were quickly adapted and understood, and Du En slowly opened his eyes.

[Age: 34/553]

[Spiritual Root: Low Grade]

[Cultivation: Middle Jindan (0/100)]

[Kung Fu: Qinghuang Code (Slightly Achieved 6600/10000)]

[Spells: Giant Cannon (Mastery 0/30000), Wind and Sand (Minor Achievement 700/10000), Ice Breath (Mastery 0/3000), Statue Casting (Minor Achievement 700/10000), Hundred Guards (Minor Achievement 0/10000), Gold Flame (Minor Achievement 0/10000), Wood Growing (Minor Achievement 0/10000), Wood Devouring (Minor Achievement 0 /10000)]

[Magic power: Bury the dead and live again (easy 26/50)]

[Hundred arts: Gathering (mastery 0/300), cooking (mastery 0/300), searching for spirits (mastery 0/300), refining (somewhat accomplished 0/100)]

During this period, he ate all the pills and worked hard to complete the two middle-grade wood magics, and then switched to the corresponding high-grade magics.

Later, he mainly focused on the giant artillery, and also made obvious progress, reaching the point of mastery.

Then, as usual, once the cultivation level is raised, the basic speed of accumulation will be suppressed, the original spiritual food and other benefits will decline, and the lacquer shadow robe will quickly become useless, so it is necessary to increase the amount.

Judging from his current situation, it is estimated that the spiritual materials on his body can only support about three years.

"It's time to leave and continue traveling."

There is no problem in Chiwu City. The secondary result of practicing giant cannons is that several training grounds in the inner city have been scrapped.

This scared the new city lord and new chief steward into sweating. They became more humble and respectful, and they dared not do anything wrong immediately after he left. It was enough to survive the recovery period of Chiwu City.

However, before leaving, Du En took away the only remaining tree core taproot of the Phoenix Blood Wutong.

Before that, after the cooling period of the magical power ended, he began to try to study it.

Now that his cultivation has made a breakthrough, he naturally wants to see if there are any new changes.

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