Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 190: Foundation Building Completed (Subscription Request)

Outside the Bagua Tower.

"Du En, you should be able to see that Mr. Ming wants to recruit you!"

Seeing that Du En was calm and silent, listening carefully without any intention to refute, Fu Yong's eyes suddenly brightened and he looked even more solemn: "According to your origin and starting point, if you want to continue to maintain yourself like this and obtain enough resources, Then only Duke Ming can figure it out!"

"So, I sincerely suggest that you consider it carefully and don't let this opportunity come to you!"

Open your heart, repair the relationship, and then take advantage of the opportunity to act as a lobbyist. This is Fu Yong's idea.

He was afraid that his previous hostility would ruin Meng Changqing's recruitment plan and allow valuable talents like Du En to run away in vain.

He originally thought about kowtowing and admitting his mistake, but Du En did not give him such a chance. At this moment, he seemed to listen carefully and nodded: "I will consider it, I am thinking about it."

"That's good, that's all. In that case, I won't bother you."

Fu Yong breathed a sigh of relief, and the guards also became happy.

However, it was also because I didn’t want to disturb Du En, so I didn’t say anything more. I just thought that after this matter was over, I would definitely get together and communicate with each other after returning to Nanmo City.

Don't be too happy too soon.

Du En glanced at these people and silently continued to take the elixir and refine it.

Another half day passed and fourteen bottles were finished.

The perfection of Daoji has reached 99%.

The accumulation rate of cultivation has finally been improved, reaching 99/100.

Du En calmed down a little, and soon continued to perform the exercises calmly and calmly under the intense attention of more and more guards.

I have long been familiar with the perfect Jianling Kung, various schools, different schools of thought, all kinds of subtleties, self-taught without a teacher, I can pick it up at my fingertips, flawlessly.

With this round of movement, the aura around him and the power hidden in the soil began to be absorbed, and his body naturally became strong and spiritual, translucent and pure, like the natural carvings of heaven and earth, truly like a work of art. generally.

The face that originally had no outstanding features was now like a rare treasure, shining and dazzling.

It was really bright, so bright that the guards couldn't help but look away.

"Who is lighting up the lamp suddenly... Oh, it's Du En who is about to break through. It seems that the Firm Spirit Skill that he has completed in the late stage of foundation building has not been done before, but it can be so bright. Hey, in this case, the skill he wants Fa, the follow-up seems to be okay..."

Meng Changqing walked out of the bottom of the tower at this time, feeling refreshed. It was obvious that he had prepared his methods quickly, so he was quite leisurely and elegant. He was thinking of something while muttering.

But now Du En is not wasting his attention here.

It was a matter of course that he broke through to the perfection of foundation building. The proportion of crystal dust in his mana reached nine-tenths. His life span would be extended by another twenty years. His consciousness would increase in range by another twenty feet, and his penetrating and anti-interference properties would be improved. obviously increase.

These are all predictable, the only surprise is the Upper Dantian Shrine.

Due to the battle with Li Jian, it was accidentally discovered and revealed. At this moment, the breakthrough in cultivation was naturally stimulated, making it more obvious, as if with just a light push, this god could be opened. Palace gate.

Du En did try to push, but of course he failed. No matter whether it was mana or blood, he couldn't touch it at all.

It seems to be there, but in fact it has no substance at all. It is only through the inner vision of the spirit that some clues emerge from the illusion.

So, what about replacing it with divine consciousness?

It turns out that one cannot lift oneself head-on.

Divine consciousness originates from the divine soul, and the divine soul is hidden in the divine palace. If you use divine consciousness to push away the divine palace, the result will only be a return to the source, and the purpose of pushing away will not be achieved at all.

Du En thought about it again and had a flash of inspiration.

He entered a state of enlightenment.

All of a sudden, the originally illusory shrine suddenly became majestic and simple, as if it had existed forever, and it seemed to actually stand in front of him.

He raised his hand to look again, and found that in the state of enlightenment, he had become the outline of a crystal frame, and the brightness of the light was higher. It was simply a human-shaped crystal lamp.

He stretched out his hands again and tried to push open the door of the shrine.

Still can't push it.


My palm was pressed against the door, but I could vaguely feel the other person inside through the towering door.

Quite a magical feeling!

At this moment, he seemed to be one mind and two bodies, or one body but divided into two different horizons on the left and right. The self was in the middle line, one side at this end and the other at that end.

It was quite novel, but because he could not comprehend any supernatural powers from it, it was just an advance understanding and feeling of his own soul, so Du En did not delay here too much and quickly exited the state of enlightenment.

Open your eyes calmly, and when you see other people, you also see your own panel.

【Age: 29/293】

[Spiritual Root: Lower Grade]

[Cultivation: Perfect foundation building (0/100)]

[Kung Fu: Firm Spirit Kung Fu (Perfection)]


"Although you have just made a breakthrough, so it's not a good idea to ask, but how about it? How close is He of Resentment?"

Meng Changqing first asked Fu Yong to call the others and started to prepare. Then he came directly to Du En and asked like this.

"About a thousand feet away. This is the distance inferred from previous experiences."

"Well, the evil creatures should be coming out soon. Although the mark I left has not been triggered, just in case, we can't stay here any longer. We must move as soon as possible."

As Meng Changqing's order was issued, everyone quickly turned into a state of capable silence.

However, at this time, Du En thought of a bold idea, so he discussed it with him.

"Is it okay?"

"It seems to be okay?"

"Try it?"

"Try it!"

Finally, with these words, the discussion ended.

The pace of everyone's transfer and departure also paused for a while.

At the same time, on the other side.


In the dark underground palace, the legacy of the sacrifice has been pushed to the end, and the sticky and turbid purple-red colloid that has grown is expanding and spreading wantonly, filling this vast underground space and overflowing through the corridor, but it is not enough to release its accumulated pressure.

The purple is dark, the red is bright, and the evil is brewing.

After reaching a peak, it was like a volcano erupting violently. With a loud rumble, the underground palace and its ground part directly opened up, and twisted evil things fell like raindrops in all directions, directly covering it.


From the smashed building debris, they shook their heads, gasped, began to raise their heads, stood up one after another, greedily breathed in the air, and instinctively welcomed their own foolish new life.

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