"Anyway, when I come back from work today, I will see at least 20 spiritual stones, otherwise, hmph!"

After leaving behind such a threatening sentence, Lv Xiang was full of dissatisfaction, but somewhat helpless. He put away his knife and turned around to leave the small courtyard where the corpse was buried.

He came to ask for money, and didn't want to cut off the sustainability of this place too quickly, but in the end, Du En refused to change his mind, which almost made him lose face.

In the end, he couldn't leave in a show of strength!

"Bah! This stinky boy, does he really think I'm that waste of Lao Luo!"

Lv Xiang went out of the door and spat a mouthful of old phlegm on the firewood piled by the door, his eyes full of murderous intent.

The previous cubs of the Iron Hand Gang were not satisfied with killing. If this Du En really didn't know what was good for him, he would just kill him and chop him into eight pieces!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but swing his knife and chop a few pieces of firewood.

The murderous nature is not over yet, and he is ready to move!

Glancing around again, he glared at the people who had just come out and were watching the situation. He scared several of them and the others were trembling.


Lu Xiang laughed heartily, put the knife on his shoulder, and walked away with his head held high.

The six people who were still in the yard looked at the arrogant figure through the broken door.

"Ahem... what should we do?"

"The wolf is gone, and the tiger is here!"

"Luo Heng's situation was very bad before his death, and it was even worse after his death. Didn't Luo Heng die in vain?"

"Boss Du, look, why don't you go to the manager and ask for last month's wages, so that we can get the money together..."

Seeing that Du En had agreed at the beginning of the month to go to the manager on behalf of everyone to ask for wages, but now it was the 28th of the month, he still hadn't left, and some people began to murmur in their hearts.

Now that Lu Xiang was coming to the door again, he was particularly strong and frightening, so he took the opportunity to speak out.

"Isn't it like this? If you stick your head out, you will get a knife, and if you hide your head, you will get another knife?"

Wei Ming was not happy to hear this, and he immediately became excited.

Let Du En go to the manager to make things difficult for him first, and then come back and give the wages he got with such suffering to Lu Xiang with both hands. It really makes people angry and bitter.

Because, this seems to be the only feasible way now.

Not counting Du En's private money, the savings of the six people added together can't really make up 20 low-grade spirit stones!

So in the end, everyone looked at their backbone at the same time.

Du En just nodded: "It's true that I'm going to ask for wages."

Others were stunned when they heard this, and then looked carefully, and found that Du En was wearing the neat and clean clothes at the bottom of the box today.

He would only wear this set of clothes at specific times, such as asking for wages.

It's not that he is so conceited, nor does he care about his clothes and appearance, but he doesn't want to give the managers the opportunity to nitpick and breed malice in this regard!

"Are you really going?"

Ning Cai Ze's eyes flickered, he hesitated a little, and finally said: "If you really have to go, I will put down my old face and go to someone I know to borrow money, and I can still get it."

As a senior here, he has people who can talk to him in the entire corpse service.

"If you borrow, you have to pay. Sooner or later, you can't escape this. It's better to go."

Du En blocked him with one sentence and calmly expressed his determination.

Even if the Blood Eagle Gang didn't come to him, he would go to ask for his wages.

He can't really work for nothing!

Moreover, he also needs to confirm the specific attitude of the manager towards him.


Ning Cai knew that he could not persuade him, so he sighed. Looking at Du En's calm face, he could not help but say: "At this point, you can still be so calm and composed. You have great self-control!"

"Well, maybe it's because I have facial paralysis?"

Du En made a joke.

However, this made everyone else a little stunned.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, it's a bit like that!

In this astonishment, the mood was slightly relieved.

"Okay, stop joking. I'm going to ask for my wages now. You guys fix the door, and then, the work of burying the body today will be handed over to you."

"Well, don't worry, you don't have to worry about this."

Just like that, with strange expectations and chewing the bitterness in his heart, the people who buried the body repaired the gate of the courtyard. After walking away, Wei Ming couldn't help sighing and walked towards the wasteland where the body was buried.

Du En's side had already gone upstream. Most of the people in the shantytown converged and left, approaching the towering city wall in the opposite direction.

The managers in charge of various matters outside the city will live and work in a building called Qingya Garden. Sometimes, the manager of the outer city affairs will also come here.

The name Qingya seems out of place with this dirty and messy shantytown.

However, when you really come to this building near the city gate, you will find that this place is really beautiful, with fresh air and rich spiritual energy, which is worthy of the name!

It is like a barrier between prosperity and dirtiness, in an abrupt form, as a transitional change.

People in the shantytown dream of living in Qingya Garden, while people in Qingya Garden dream of living in the border town.

When Du En came to Qingya Garden, it was quiet and elegant, and no other figures could be seen around.

And he, who was dressed cleanly and looked calm, blended harmoniously into the environment here.

Go straight into the open door, follow the sign, move forward steadily, and finally stop outside the attic of the Corpse Affairs Hall.

No need to say anything, no action, just stop here silently and wait.

Because the foundation-building period has spiritual consciousness, this invisible sense can allow them to "see" various situations from a long distance, across many obstacles.

Therefore, as long as Du En stands here and appears in the spiritual consciousness range of the corpse affairs manager, the other party will naturally know.

This manager, named He Bo, looks wealthy, dressed gorgeously, has a kind face, and has two tufts of mustaches.

At this time, he had just finished his daily practice and walked out of the quiet room in the attic to deal with some affairs.

As soon as he came out, he immediately found Du En.

He is quite courageous!

Twisting his mustache, He Bo sneered in his heart.

To be honest, he doesn't like Du En.

The reason is actually very simple, that is, he hates that kind of calm and calm expression.

This kind of people walking in Qingyayuan seem surprisingly harmonious, not abrupt at all, which gives people an illusion that they are actually equal to each other.

What level are you, and are you worthy of being compared with me?

A mere lowly worker should be honest and humble, and be terrified!

So, He Bo has been waiting for Du En to come again to ask for wages.

However, even if he had long wanted to teach him a lesson, at this time, seeing that Du En was still the same as before and could not learn his lesson, the nameless fire in his heart could not help but rise!

So, he didn't waste time, and directly raised his hand and waved, so that a window opened, and then took out a bag, weighed it in his hand, and threw it out with turbid malice.

"You want wages, right? I will give it to you, but whether you can catch it depends on your own ability!"

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