Cultivating Immortality: Start by burying corpses in a border town and become proficient!

Chapter 145: Du En flees in a hurry, evil cultivators enter the city (please subscribe)

The air whistled, and the arm hammer came fiercely.

Xiang Tao immediately showed a fierce look and was about to respond.


A flame suddenly ignited from his body.

Du En performed the fire-burning technique.


Because his second-level top-grade magic weapon had long been broken, Xiang Tao showed pain at this moment and could only squeeze his magic power to put out the fire.

But despite the pain, the reaction did not stop.

At this moment, the earth cannon that had just passed by was directly shattered, mixed with a new stream of flying sand and rocks, rushing back and forth, disturbing and blocking his spiritual sense and vision, and adding a lot of minor injuries to him.

Moreover, Du En, who was supposed to hit the front of the arm hammer, had already dodged and disappeared.


What a tough guy!

Xiang Tao's heart was full of warning signs, but he could do nothing, because he was already at the end of his strength. The arm that should have grown back in the blink of an eye has only barely grown bone fascia now.


The attack from the side smashed the arm again and hit his head hard.

"Do you think this will work..."

Xiang Tao endured the pain of being split open and rebuked subconsciously, but the next moment, a knife, the second-grade top-grade sharp gold knife that Du En got from Zhao Jinlin, had already penetrated from his jaw.


Feeling the new pain and recalling the rapid approach of death, Xiang Tao finally couldn't help but screamed.

The remaining mana was squeezed and called, and at this moment he was forced to resist the magic weapon that was controlled to penetrate and emit sharp gold spiritual light.

Then, a hand covered with earth armor directly pressed his head, little by little, seemingly slowly, but actually quickly pressed towards the tip of the knife.

The resisted mana dissipated little by little, and death trotted over step by step.

"Duen! Duen!"

"Kill me! You won't feel good either!"

"You should be exiled because you were excluded and targeted by Tang Yiping. This time, ah! This time, only you go back, and you will definitely, definitely be killed by Tang Yiping, ah ah ah, stop! Stop for me! Please, stop!"

At this moment, Xiang Tao's world seemed to be slow. He wanted to explode, but he was powerless to save the situation. He could only use his slightly stable consciousness to beg for mercy from Duen nearby.

As long as he is not dead, as long as he can survive, everything is for not dying... ah ah ah ah!


Duen calmly and without hesitation, pressed his head through the tip of the knife. The swallowing golden light burst out, and it crushed everything inside, causing Xiang Tao's seven orifices to flow.

It was at this time that the evil cultivator's trick surfaced!

Something quietly attached to his body!

Immediately, a creepy feeling that could not be suppressed at all suddenly appeared, and it became more and more intense, and it was completely impossible to suppress it normally!

It's coming, it's coming, He, it's coming!

Du En thought of the previous glimpse, which was only a precursor to the gray and dark abnormality, and his face twitched slightly. Various thoughts flashed through his mind, and various attempts were made quickly.

However, none of them worked...

"Only the magic power is left, so I can only try!"

He did not hesitate at all, and endured the increasingly strong sense of horror, urging the magic power, and a deadly and dark, two-zhang square death place appeared under his feet.

He took out the demon bone shovel, dug a pit very quickly, and then buried the body in a hurry.

[Magic power: Bury the dead and live again (easy 0/50)]

One body, two numbers.

This was not beyond Du En's expectations, because even if Xiang Tao died, the evergreen wood in his body still had vitality, struggling feebly after death.

Before his death, his arms were able to grow quickly, also because of the evergreen wood.

Du En had already noticed the key at that time and chose to kill Xiang Tao in that way. Only just now did he dare to act boldly and get a satisfactory reward.

This magical power, which has reached the stage of proficiency, immediately showed changes.

The deathland changed from a radius of two meters to a radius of four meters. All kinds of related mysterious insights flooded into his heart, diluting the creepy feeling that was constantly protruding and expanding.

Kill the lives of the corresponding stage with your own hands, create a connection in fate, and then bury them in the deathland summoned by this magical power, so as to accumulate their death, death, and death, and reflect life with death, and strongly nourish and highlight Du En, the master of the magical power.

The initial beginner can restore the state of mana to its peak. The subsequent glimpse of the way can restore the state of mana and body to its peak together.

And now, as the proficiency stage implies, the beginner and the glimpse of the way are just the beginning, and they are gradually getting started. When you are proficient, you have already begun to be familiar with the overall framework.

Therefore, the current effect is a single item that includes the previous two, restoring one's full state!

As long as this magical power is used, all damage to oneself can be cleared, all external influences can be completely restored to the best state of one's normal heyday!

Du En did not hesitate at this moment, and used it immediately to clear the evil spell that had just been attached to him.

It was indeed successful, he successfully restored his full state and returned to his heyday.

However, the creepy feeling was still faint, and it was growing unshakably as time went on.

"Too late."

Indistinctly, it seemed that someone was whispering this.

It was indeed a little too late.

Because He had already officially seen Du En.

But, it was not too late!

Removing the attachment of the evil spell could buy time to prevent Him from appearing in front of Du En in a flash.

So even though his back felt cold, he still had some strength left. With a quick move, he picked up the wealth that had just been scattered around after Xiang Tao's death.

He stepped on his feet again and ran towards the north at full speed. As he ran, he stepped up. The Feihuang Sword, which had been transformed, flew out and became larger. It burst out spiritual light in the form of a collapsed instrument ban, increasing his speed.

In this way, he fled towards the north pole at high speed without looking back!

After a while.



The border was broken again!

He stepped into the border and chased after it closely.

Time went back to the past.

Nanmo Border Town, Outer City Affairs Office.

After ignoring the warning reported by Du En, Tang Yiping continued to handle his own affairs.


A bang sounded.

Tang Yiping turned his head sharply, and his neck twisted 180 degrees. With his Jindan stage cultivation, he was fine. He just stared at the cracked jade wall.

It's broken!

Something happened!

Just thinking this in my heart, I have already made a spell in my hand.

But now, it has come to an end!


With a loud bang, black smoke rose from the doorway of the southern city wall, and it rushed into the city as if it was alive, making the originally clean and tidy city begin to be stained and rapidly expanded.

The evil cultivators rushed into the city!

And the people in the outer city were completely unprepared, and all kinds of arrangements were not activated in time!

For a time, screams came one after another, and all kinds of cruel, bloody and distorted scenes were staged everywhere in the city as a tribute to their great Lord!

"Quick, quick, quick! Enter the emergency state quickly, tut! Follow me to meet the enemy!"

Tang Yiping was at least a little bit prepared in advance, and he didn't really lose his mind for a moment, but suddenly shuddered, roared and shouted directly, waking up the entire outer city affairs office.

They were panicked and gathered in a panic, following Tang Yiping who had sent out the message everywhere, and hurriedly left the office, trying to suppress this sudden and unprepared evil cultivator riot.

Originally it was just a small group of scattered soldiers, how dare they gather to attack the city now?

What exactly is the outpost camp doing, how, uh, it seems that I overlooked it...

Tang Yiping's heart was very turbulent, but he didn't have time to think about it now, and he started to suppress the evil cultivator who committed the crime.

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