Outside the outpost camp.

In the pool of blood, there was a stripped corpse, lying on his back. In the dim eyes, there was a trace of remaining hope at the edge, while the main body in the middle was stunned and bleak despair.

Just by looking at his twisted neck, you can tell who killed him.

Xiang Tao!

The camp leader had just come here to take a look, and felt that he was hopeless, so there was no need to save him, so he immediately killed him and then skillfully stripped him naked and took him away.

The new and old guards watched from a distance. The old guards were used to it and laughed and laughed. The new guards clasped their hands. They felt so cold on a hot day that they couldn't help but tremble and shrink and gritted their teeth.

This was what Du En saw when he came over.

Although Xiang Tao has left, what he needs to do now is quite obvious.

So he walked over neatly, dragged the body and left, and the figure quickly disappeared into the forest.

The old and new guards looked away.

Du En only felt a little strange.

"The situation is not quite right. Evil zombies are difficult to deal with. They may cling to corpses influenced by spells or behaviors. It is normal for me to bury them. However, he killed this ordinary corpse himself. It’s a bit weird to ask me to bury it.”

When it was first reported last time, it could be said that it was killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, leaving the body undisposed of for the time being, so that the newcomers could quickly understand their own situation and make it easier to manage.

Even if Du Enla was asked to bury it, it could be said to be a test of his obedience.

After all, when he looked at Shen Jing, he was not scared at that time and seemed to be unique, which inevitably made Xiang Tao murmur in his heart.

But this time it was still the same. Instead of burning it with magic, he had to bury the body, which was obviously wrong.

"There must be something wrong...but right now, Gan Lian has just gotten on the right track, so it's not suitable to explore."

Wait until there is another breakthrough and the time is right, and then we will explore more clearly.

Duan made this decision.

There was no need to go very far this time, because when he raised his hand to grasp it, a pale bone spade slid out and enlarged. It was the new second-level low-grade demon bone spade after the replacement update.

After all, bones, teeth, claws, etc. are the most common among monster materials.

With a better bone shovel, digging the ground and burying the corpse will naturally be faster.

The ground that was as hard as steel before could now be easily shoveled, so the body was buried quickly.

On the way back, he also used the fire technique to burn away the blood.

When I stood in the camp and looked around, I couldn't see anything different from usual. Only the atmosphere in scattered corners seemed slightly depressing.

Du En set off again and walked all the way. Instead of going back to his residence, he came to the logistics office.


The tall and thin Zhao Jinlin was sneering at this moment, his mouth even sharper, and he was obviously mean and mean.

Seeing that Du En dared to come here so openly, he was furious.

This kid actually dared to avoid him intentionally before, so that he could never find a chance to seize the treasure. It was really abominable!

"You're so lucky, kid. If I hadn't stayed here today to give people monthly money, you...hehe!"

"Zhao Logistics, why can't I understand what you are talking about?"

"How dare you pretend to be stupid with me, don't you?"

Zhao Jinlin suddenly jumped up and became aggressive, but in fact, he used his spiritual consciousness to transmit the message arrogantly: "You'd better not talk nonsense and let me rot in your stomach, otherwise, you will only die miserably! "

He now understands that Du En is obviously aware of his purpose.

But after thinking about it, this kid also knows that it is not a good thing to spread the word by himself.

In this case, he can buy time by applying eye drops now.

The next time Du En buries a body near the camp, Zhao Logistics, who usually cannot go out and can only stay in the logistics office, will be able to seize the opportunity and get the matter done!

Du En obviously knew of his ill will.

However, he followed the trend and still pretended to answer: "I really don't understand what Zhao Logistics is talking about. I don't seem to have offended you, right?"

"...That's right, there really isn't. The only contact between us was the time you bought the spell before."

Zhao Jinlin sat back, took out a bag of spirit stones, and placed it on the wooden table in front of him.

"Here, take your monthly payment."

"Low grade spiritual stone?"

"Yes, hehe, I see you are in need of this. Last time I dug it out, so I will exchange it for you this time. It's three hundred yuan, not even a piece is missing. You haven't even said thank you to me yet." ?”

Zhao Jinlin said it matter-of-factly, with sarcasm in his eyes.

Although there is indeed no problem with three middle-grade spiritual stones for three hundred low-grade spiritual stones, but where is this place? Far away from the border town, it can be called an outpost camp in a place of exile!

In this relatively independent and isolated area, the patrols are all in the foundation-building stage. Even if they use spiritual stones to practice, they will not use low-grade spiritual stones that will get twice the result with half the effort, let alone the various transactions in daily life.

They don’t recognize low-grade spiritual stones!

However, the supply arrangement of Tang Yiping, the general manager of the border town, has always remained unchanged. How many low-grade spiritual stones should be supplied will definitely be the same next time, and they will definitely not be converted into medium-grade spiritual stones.

In this way, the inventory of low-grade spiritual stones here was seriously overflowed, and even if they were stuffed into the formation as hard as they could, they could not be used up.

Now Zhao Jinlin has exchanged Du En's monthly salary for low-grade spirit stones, which is obviously bullying and making things difficult for him. It is impossible to exchange it back. If he really brings it up, we will only answer that the inventory of medium-grade spirit stones is running low, and directly refute it.

In this way, other people in the camp will not be able to exchange with him, and in the end they can only live a miserable life with a pile of low-grade spirit stones, and they can't buy or sell magic tools.

Because they only need medium-grade spirit stones.

"Last time, I let you use low-grade spirit stones to confuse you. Now, haha!"

Zhao Jinlin sneered secretly, and waited for Du En to speak and talk about buying things, and then refuted him with confidence and let out a sigh of relief.

It's not that Du En will definitely buy something, but Yu Jian will definitely let him spend his monthly salary to buy something.

In response, Du En raised his eyebrows slightly, took the spirit stones, and turned away silently without saying anything.

"Huh? Yu Jian didn't ask him to buy anything?"

"Is he going to save spiritual stones? That guy, is he going to break through..."

Zhao Jinlin was surprised, and quickly thought about it, which was not a misunderstanding, but a misunderstanding.

"I am worried about how to replenish low-grade spiritual stones. It's only 300 yuan a month, which is still a drop in the bucket."

Du En thought so.

Now, he needs to cook 50 low-grade spiritual stones every day. With the new second-level pot magic tool, which has been refined recently and put into use, the grade of spiritual food will be improved again, and the daily consumption will only become more.

If possible, the middle-grade spiritual stones need to be kept first for emergency use, and saved until the third-level spiritual food is cooked later, and then used as seasoning.

However, if it really doesn't work, it can only be used first, after all, the current cultivation is the most important.

Du En silently thought about this matter.

He returned to his room without attracting attention, took out the spiritual food in the pot and ate it, and then he began to practice every minute.

Time passed quickly, and then it was the next day when a body appeared around the camp and he was needed to bury it.

On this day, Zhao Jinlin would not be trapped in the logistics department, or it should be said that the opportunity was created by this guy himself.

However, Du En had made another breakthrough before this day.

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