Mo Yi walked on the stone road, the road was lined with ginkgo trees, and the autumn ginkgo trees had turned golden, and as far as the eye could see, this avenue seemed to be paved with gold.

Countless servants climbed up the ladder to pick white fruits, the fruits of the ginkgo tree can be used in medicine, boiled or fried, with expectorant, cough, lung moisturizer, asthma and other effects, but a large amount of eating can cause poisoning, Yiguo’s doctors’ judgment of drugs is based on the ancient Shennong tasted hundred herbs for death, and wrote down the medical texts before life and death. The medical code shines brightly in Yiguo, and doctors who have not read the medical code are embarrassed to go out.

The servants saw Mo Yidu salute in panic, and even one or two clumsy guys fell down the ladder, and it was lively for a while.

“How can Young Master Mo be in the mood to come here to enjoy the scenery!” A slightly obese, blue-clad guy came over with a salivating face. Mo Yi kept a distance from him, lest the dirt on this guy’s body rub on his clothes, this dress is made of silk mixed with gold silk, imported from a silk country, all in all, it is very expensive, every inch of gold.

Mo Yi secretly said a good word in his heart, he wanted to sleep and sent the pillow himself, he pretended to cough twice and said, “The weather has become cooler recently, Ben Gongzi is going to visit his sister… Do you know how to get to her mansion? ”

The fat man in the chief management uniform was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously replied: “Go this golden avenue to the end, then turn left to the Xihe Garden, then go to the Sigh Bridge to the other bank, and finally turn right to Dingdong Well and walk three hundred meters to the northwest side.” ”

Mo Yixin said that I wiped it, are you on the map of the highway around the city, you have to go around the second ring road to the highway to find a house, but there is no other way, Mo Yi simply memorized it.

“Okay, I see, do a good job, and give you a promotion and a salary increase afterwards!” Mo Yi patted the fat man’s shoulder with a look of “I’m optimistic about you”, and then turned around and left, without a trace of hesitation, the ginkgo leaves under the grand scenery floated to his shoulder and was considered blind.

The fat man was stunned, and Mo Yi disappeared, “Young Master… Got the map down? ”

A long list of instructions would be difficult even if they were written, but Mo Yi actually remembered it after only listening to the fat man say it once, which was strange.

The fat man pondered for a while and then gave up thinking, and at the same time threw Mo Yi’s words about promotion and salary to cloud nine, and it was long heard that Mo’s family son was a bastard, although slightly inferior to his father, but in all else it was still a bastard. Can you believe the Shen Nuo made by the bastard?

Mo Yi walked in a hurry, he silently read the map given by the fat man before, turned left and right, passed through a garden, went straight to the bridge, and then took a breath and whistled to the maid who was boating in the lake to feed the fish, and then quickly got off the bridge and turned right to continue hurrying.

Mo Yi rubbed his thighs and said that this Mo family is really big, he has been walking for more than ten minutes, and his sister’s mansion is still out of sight, which also shows the breadth of the Mo family’s mansion. Mo Yi inexplicably remembered “Lin Daiyu Enters Jia House”, when the teacher praised Jia Fu, fully depicting the extravagance and rot of feudalism, and a building complex can be built like a Ubang.

At that time, Mo Yi blew his nose and disdained, feeling that Cao Xueqin was using Jia Fu to set off his grandeur back then, which was a very clever pretense method, but Mo Ye was now convinced, he felt like he was in Jia Fu, how big it was, it was simply a small kingdom!

When Mo Yi was tired and panting, things finally took a turn, he found a shortcut and went straight over a garden and a small river, narrowing the distance that was originally going to walk a long circle to a straight line, after all, the dog knows that the straight line between the two points is the shortest, and he doesn’t want to take a long detour.

Finally, Mo Ye saw the last difficulty in front of him… A wall two meters high, behind it should be the courtyard of my sister’s mansion, as a brother to climb over the wall should not have a problem.

Mo Yi wiped his nose and made a nasal sound with disdain, how could this kind of wall be rare for him who often skipped class in his last life!

Backwards, runs, accelerates, gallops, jumps, rolls!

A perfect textbook over the wall, Mo Yi was proud, and then the whole person fell straight under his feet, as if stepping on a cliff.

‘! Who has nothing to do to build a well in the yard! Mo Yi cursed in his heart.

With a flutter, Mo also fell into the water.

“Miss, it seems that there seems to be a sound in the backyard prayer well!” A maid in a green silk dress spoke in awe to a room’s door.

There was a long silence in the door, and a cold and arrogant female voice sounded: “Go and see, if there is nothing serious, don’t bother me.” ”

“Yes, yes.” The maid agreed with sincere trepidation and retreated, as if it was not the young lady but the tiger who was locked up in the room.

Mo didn’t know how long he had been soaking in this damn cool well, he only felt cold, and entering the water in autumn was not a good experience.

A wooden barrel fell from the well and almost hit Mo Yi’s head, he was stunned for a moment, then looked up and asked, “Who!” ”

“Ugh!” There was a scream from the well, followed by the sound of a pop to the ground.

“?” Mo Yi was at a loss, but the barrel in front of him seemed to be his last lifesaver, and after soaking in this cool well for a while, he didn’t have to rush to save the world, and went out and directly lay on the hospital bed and fell seriously ill.

Mo Yi grabbed the rope and climbed vigorously.

When Mo Yi’s head stretched out of the well, a beautiful suffocating face appeared in front of him, because the owner of this beautiful face turned his back to the sun, so Mo Yi did not see it very real, anyway, he only felt that this beauty was too unreal, and there was a feeling that the carvings under the artist’s hands opened their eyes and came to life.

The most eye-catching thing is the beautiful woman’s bumpy figure, it is a pity that the long legs do not become a flat model, coupled with the frosty temperament that ignores everything and the clear pupils of light brown, Mo Yi has to give 99 points no matter how he says.

Why not 100 points? Because it was his sister in front of him, he couldn’t soak, and the old man wanted to send him to the orthopedic department.

“Handle?” Mo Yi’s first sentence was not to talk or greet but to ask for help, mainly because he climbed up and consumed too much physical strength, and he had to fall down again.

“…” Answering him was a pink fist, and the fist smashed on Mo Yi’s face and sent him back to the bottom of the well.

The moment he fell into the pool, Mo also lost consciousness.


PS: As the plot unfolds, everyone enjoy some flowers and collect.

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