Cub Keeper

Chapter 700: Fanwai·Red and Blue (6)

The Helan family saw this big stupid wolf being so honest, so they didn't embarrass him any more, but what he said made the beast want to hit him.

"Zidalong: It's my private planet, exclusively for me and Yaoyao."

The implication is that you don't.

Cangye took a deep breath, even if he was such a well-mannered orc, he couldn't help but want to beat the dragon.

Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer, he didn't need to bear it any longer, and he blocked this black dragon who loves to show off.

It's annoying.

Before he even got the object, the black dragon began to show off his lair.

I'm bored.

Cangye does not admit that he has a little envy in his heart, and there are some things that are not suitable for him. He did not like such intimate communication with people, not to mention the Helan family and His conversation sounded like a friend.

But are they really friends? Cangye didn't understand, and he didn't want to admit it narcissistically.

Aangye was not resurrected a few days earlier than Rona.

Big injustice.

But even if he knew what he was like before, Cangye didn't feel any surprise. He thought about it, and with his own character, even if he returned to the scene at that time, he should still be able to Make the same choice.

No way, he has such genes in his blood, idiot.

He is ignorantly loyal to his family, loyal to the empire and loyal to his heart, but now he no longer has the first two items, and the only person he still wants to devote his loyalty to is the human being.

They have missed too many times, and once gave up their lives for the ideal in their hearts, but everything has come to an end, they can live for themselves.

Aangye looked at Rona, who was still in a coma, but couldn't stop thinking, it doesn't matter. They still have a long time to accompany her, and they can enjoy love and life slowly. Instead of being as before, just to live a normal life, you have to be anxious and fearful.

They have embraced the light of life, and there is light everywhere.

Their future is also bright.

Lorna was in a deep dream.

She looked at herself wearing a skirt with a waist and a flamboyant red, coming and going in this world.

Too arrogant.

But there was always a blue figure beside her.

The blue figure was always by her side and never left.

In the depths of her memory, she often did some unthinkable things, that is, when Rona looked at herself at that time now, she would feel the absurdity of her brain being caught by the door.

until she saw herself hurt a pink dolphin cub.

Lona looked at the disabled dolphin cub, and couldn't help feeling guilty.

The dolphin cub was originally abandoned, and she added a cruel fire to her miserable life.

She watched the little cub struggling in the water tank, and now Rona's body is transparent, she patted the water tank, but there was no way to rescue the little cub.

Lona was in great pain, she found that the surroundings were deserted and empty, until the dilapidated door was opened from the inside, and came out a figure she felt very familiar, that human being calm A good-looking face, and then picked up something neatly to destroy the entire water tank, and the little pink cub was rescued from it.

Lona breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon a strange suction sucked her away, she landed on a field, and sat with the blue orc beside her to watch the game on the field, the small The cubs were all in high spirits and looked particularly energetic.

Lona's whole body was transparent, he couldn't help but raise his hands to cheer for the little cub inside, but he found that he couldn't control this body at all.

Rona: ? ? ?

What does this mean?

Is it a pure scene reproduction?


Ah, wasn't he so bold before?

Lona watched as she bit the orc's wrist, leaving a bright red mark, and felt an ambiguous aura.


Hey, this is amazing.

I used to play so wildly, hey, it's incredible.

Lona was taken aback by the guess in her heart, she touched her chin, and then stared at the tail of the blue orc, the more she looked, the more fluffy she felt like so many hairs , It seems that only Cang Ye's animal shape is like this.

this scene.

However, at this time, Rona realized that she was in a wrong place.

She looked down at her torso, like a spider, a little flustered.

Not only that, Rona also felt an irresistible sense of division, in her body, it seemed that she would be torn to shreds in the next second.

The pain spread in her body, and Rona understood in an instant that this might be the picture before her death.

She gritted her teeth and swallowed the tears in her heart because of the pain, trying to bear the pain alone.

Anyway, she is dreaming of herself, and she will soon wake up because of these pains. It doesn’t matter, it’s just to experience the feeling of death again, she can bear it.

At this moment, a figure came running from a distance, he completely ignored his ugliness and embraced himself in his arms, Rona saw his face clearly this time, as expected As she expected, it was Cang Ye.

There were also scars on Cangye's body, and he said a word close to himself.

"Hell is too dark, I'll go with you."

"You are most afraid of the dark."

Memory flooded to Rona like a tide, she recovered all her memories without going through the process of transferring memories.

Those scars that seemed to heal in the past were opened again, and blood was placed in front of him.

(The author has something to say: My fault, I should not have updated the two books. I have contacted the editor to delete it, but I don’t know when this chapter will be deleted, everyone You can skip the previous chapter directly, you don't need to bring it into this story. Next time I won't dare! After this incident, everyone knows I'm stupid!)

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