Cub Keeper

Chapter 153: Zerg Advent (1)

One month later.

Lu Yao felt restless all day today and always felt that something was going to happen.

This feeling has saved her countless times in the doomsday, and saved her many times in distress, she had to be vigilant.

But she waited for a long time, and today will pass, but nothing unexpected happened.

Suddenly the sky darkened, but night did not come as expected.

After the sun went down, a scarlet to black fissure tore open from the dim sky.

The orangutan moon no longer hangs in the sky, but black and red shrouded the sky.

The stars hid in fear and did not show their heads.

All of this pressed on Lu Yao's heart with the feeling of a mountain and rain coming.

The last time I felt such pressure was when I just entered the last days.

Lu Yao quickly let all the little cubs go back to the tree house.

Leaving only the adult beast and himself in the courtyard, looking at the crack in the sky.

The face of Dean Ryan no longer had the smile of a good man, his face was very serious, and he turned his head and said to Lu Yao beside him.

Dean Ryan: "Lu Yao, the Zerg are coming."

Lu Yao was not surprised after hearing this, but felt a sense of certainty that the dust had fallen.

Of course there are no zombies and doomsday in the interstellar space, the biggest enemy is only the Zerg.

Lu Yao opened her brain and wanted to search the current situation of other planets in the interstellar space, but she found it.

The so-called ubiquitous star network in the interstellar space has now been disconnected.

Lu Yao's heart sank.

I want to block the red light outside, so that they don't scare the little cubs in the nursery, the little treasures of the plants.

The rose flower blooms inward, and the little cubs look up and see the flowers covering the whole sky.

The scarlet outside is getting brighter and brighter.

Lu Yao and other adult beasts opened the screen and walked out.

Occasionally, one or two pairs of huge eyeballs are exposed in the cracks. Looking out, they did not act rashly, nor did they jump down.

Lu Yao frowned slightly, a little puzzled: "Didn't the marshal already kill the Zerg queen? Why is there still a Zerg action?"

The Zerg in the interstellar space will only obey the orders of the Zerg Queen. They decide their actions through the rapid transmission of the information of the Zerg Queen.

But now the Zerg queen has been beheaded by Helanjia, so the sudden Zerg action is very strange.

Dean Ryan shook his head slowly when he heard Lu Yao's words.

"The marshal may have killed, "at that time" could order the Zerg Queen of the Zerg."

"But there are many Zerg queen genes in this interstellar space. As long as one of them develops into a real Zerg queen, they can make a comeback."

"The Zerg Queen was an independent individual at first, but today, she is already a representative of a gene."

Dean Ryan looked at the black and red sky above his head, and then at the empty street outside the kindergarten, with a self-deprecating smile on his lips.

Dean Ryan: "No one knows how many times the Zerg Queen's genes have been inherited."

"But as far as I know, the Zerg queen gene closest to the original heyday is still in the hands of the orcs."

Lu Yao looked at the deep meaning in Dean Ryan's eyes and the meaning in the language, as if he felt that he was implying something to himself.

Lu Yao turned around and stopped looking at Dean Ryan's cloudy eyes.

Because no man or beast will know when they will fall from the sky.

The cracks in the sky are getting bigger and bigger, and the rustling sound is even more incessant.

It was accompanied by the sound of scales rubbing against the ground, making the scalp tingle.

Lu Yao always felt that there was a pair of eyes looking at him in that black crack.

But when she looked into the crack, there was only a dark patch, and even the occasional eyes disappeared.

She didn't realize where the gaze was coming from.

Suddenly a thorny leg protruded from the huge crack.

Looks like an enlarged version of the spider's legs, it sticks out from the inside and scratches in mid-air.

Suddenly, a Zerg voice came from the black crack.


And the Zerg that stretched out a spider leg, as if hearing a frightened voice, shrank back again.

The cracks continued to make Lu Yao extremely uncomfortable.

But that crack is slowly shrinking.

They seem to just come to this place to take a look, and they are ready to disappear without doing anything.

The fissure soon closed.

The stars reappeared in the sky, the scarlet moon, once again.

But Lu Yao was brooding about the eyes in the crack in the dark.

The plants growing on the screen wall also felt the moonlight reappearing.

They slowly climbed down from the screen wall and returned to their original places, turning into their usual gentle and harmless appearance.

In the Yuanguang Nursery Home, the plant energy light source rose again, and the little **** of light appeared in the starry sky, becoming fantastic.

fall asleep.

The tree canopy covers the entire Yuanguang Nursery, like an open umbrella, protecting the innocence of every little cub.

The sleeping pups had no idea what happened tonight.

They closed their eyes and raised the corners of their mouths in their sleep.

Having the sweetest dreams.

Lu Yao and the adult orcs also returned to the nursery.

They didn't expect the Zerg to be so aggressive, it looked like there was going to be a fierce battle, but they just put a squib.

The Zerg, a race with warlike genes, left without doing anything.

I don't know what they are here for tonight.

Just to scare the fragile hearts of Star Citizens?

Lu Yao looked at the healing direction in the sky, the light in her eyes sank.

She thinks that this time the Zerg Queen may—

It is not the same as the Zerg queens in the past, they did not act rashly.

I even learned to snoop.

They look like…


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