Crush from the abyss
Chapter 154
Gao Jin’s children have loved to gamble on movies since they were young.
Otherwise, collecting videotapes that have almost lost their magnetism can cost a lot of money.
“I’m going to Macau for a few days, you can get promoted in a few days!” Gao Jin took a deep breath, stared at Qi Yuan and said, “Old crazy, have you ever thought that one day we can control the casino!” ”
“Who is such a dream? Qi Yuan asked, he has been working in the casino for more than a year.
He is used to losing people who win big, but the winner in the end is just a bookmaker.
Even professional gamblers inevitably lose a fart.
Urine stream.
Gao Jin laughed, people can’t achieve their ideals in life, but they can’t live without ideals, otherwise they will lose motivation.
His motives are Li Rong and Li Group! As long as Li Rong is alive, he will never relax…
On 3 August 2006…
Macau, where the dragon and snake mixed many years ago was his world flourishing, and now it has become a three-point world.
Macau is a place where there is no competitiveness.
Here, there is only gambling.
At least 80% of annual revenue comes from gambling.
However, in the eyes of ordinary people, the citizens of the Macao Special Administrative Region are very happy.
Because Macau offers good social benefits, there is no need to spend money to see a doctor.
Civil servants are sweeping the streets.
Macau has always been known as Hong Kong Macau Street, which is actually small and the roads are narrow.
Hong Kong, which is dissatisfied with this land, is the so-called Hong Kong.
A few years ago, 30 percent of Macau people worked for Hong Sheng, and 40 percent worked indirectly because of his interests.
Even after Macau’s handover, Emperor Ho’s power was greatly attacked and even abandoned by his old friend Fok Yingdong for decades.
However, he has been Macau’s most influential family leader and has been Macau’s most entrenched force.
However, it is undeniable that the gambling king is old and lacks sufficient enterprising spirit.
Not only are the gambling cards separated, but even something broken inside gives him a headache.
The power struggle between Siyi and his eldest daughter made it difficult for him to cope.
However, from the past few years, he has personally mastered the power of his sister, who is also the number two figure in the He family.
At its peak, there is no need to think about the gambling king’s power struggle for the future.
Macau is no longer a surname, but Ho still controls power, though not.
However, at the moment, the casinos of the other two companies have just opened, and they cannot incite the business of the gambling king.
On the contrary, the business of the gambling king is better.
Last year, the company paid 12 billion patacas in taxes.
“Macau is really a treasure land.
Now a lot of companies are competing and have the opportunity to develop into the center of Asian casinos! Luo Yuanpei looked up at Lisbon’s extremely famous buildings, giving it a feeling of endlessness.
Gao Jin narrowed his eyes and looked up at Lisbon.
He didn’t like the feeling.
He doesn’t like the feeling of watching someone or something.
Gao Jin is now expanding and can only be accessed by two of them.
Looking at the Lisbon casino, Gao Jin remembered the data he collected before and after he came.
He Hongsheng naturally did not say that Yongyin and Lianneng did not really gain a foothold.
As a result, most of the youth remains skewed towards SJ.
Last year, SJM paid a total of 14 billion patacas, which is 14 billion yuan based on exchange rates.
The tax rate for the gaming industry in Macau is very high.
The pure tax rate is only 35%, plus 5% for public benefits, etc., compared to Las Vegas, which is as high as 40%.
Sri Lanka is still too high.
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