Crusader Kings: Prisoners of War

Chapter 87 Gaul Situation

In the end, Orville looked around for a few days, but failed to find any suitable talents, so he had to give up recruiting staff. He only kept the unlucky "goblin".

After all, it was useful to pick a general from among the shortest opponents, and his management skills were not bad, which would come in handy in the future, so he kept the other party as a guard by his side, which could be regarded as a job to make a living for the other party.

This matter did not affect him, and he quickly began to prepare weapons and equipment for the soldiers. The dozen blacksmiths he had were able to maintain the equipment, but the equipment for one or two thousand people was just to tire them out, so he could only rely on buying it. .

Since the war mobilization had begun, several weapons factories in Rome were operating at high capacity. At this time, the royal status was useful again. He could join the queue for a while, and he could also get a friendly price, and others would give him face.

After all, it is the capital of the empire, and there are still one or two thousand sets of armor in stock. Orville bought one thousand, five hundred sets of chain armor and corresponding legion infantry weapons and equipment in one go, which can be regarded as meeting the equipment needs of all these people.

Shopping is a very pleasant thing, but the cost is also obvious - Orville entered a state of "poverty" overnight. The money he originally estimated to be enough was not enough because of the increase in the price of weapons and equipment. He had to ask Tiya I had to borrow some money to cover the hole, but I still don't know how to deal with the soldier's salary. He only has enough cash in hand for three months.

But he is certain that having warriors can create wealth; having wealth does not necessarily create warriors. He doesn't know when he will go to war in the future. He will not be frugal in military matters. At worst, he will go to Vespa or the Herodian royal family to borrow money. At least he will maintain two brigades of 1,200 elite infantry. Counting the five hundred Palfis and trying to get them together, there would be enough for two thousand people to follow him to the battlefield.

It would be a waste if Rome City, a high-quality source of troops, is not used more. I don’t know when the next opportunity will be to recruit troops freely in Rome City. You must cherish the opportunity.

He recruits basically veterans in their thirties and forties who are not very old or very good recruits. There is no need to worry too much about training. Give them a few months to almost get into the state, and let his subordinates train the army step by step. .


One day more than half a month later, Orville and Tiya were sitting opposite each other, both of them engrossed in reading a book about the Gaul region.

The two of them have a lot in common in this regard. They need to make adequate preparations before fighting. They need to fully understand the tactics, history, culture and advantages of the Gauls before they can better target them. This is what the two of them are doing now. Knowledge related to bad supplements.

Tiya also showed this habit during the Palphine War. During the war, she basically understood the most essential part of the Palphine culture, that is, their laws. , and now she's doing pretty much the same thing to the Gauls.

As for Orwell, he is only trying to fully understand the abstract history of Gaul in this world. There are many faults in the works of historians of the classical era, such as exaggeration, rhetoric, looking at issues from a standpoint, etc., but a basic understanding of the world line is more than enough. .

First of all, the belief in the "Eternal One" or monotheism is more popular in this world. There are also many Gauls who believe in this person. Of course, in terms of number, there are many more people who believe in the local mythology of Gaul.

During this period, the beliefs of the Roman Empire itself were relatively chaotic. Even among the top officials of the empire, there were many people who believed in monotheism or were very sympathetic to monotheism, such as Poppaea, the favorite mistress of the late Emperor Nero, and Domitian (Domitian) in the original world line. Ya)'s niece and niece-in-law, etc.

Rome has a relatively flexible bottom line in this regard. Although it promises freedom of belief, senior members, especially the royal family, cannot turn their backs on the Roman gods. Otherwise, they risk being exiled or even executed for the crime of wearing small shoes. At the same time, the policy towards foreign gods is actually a bit confusing if you look into it deeply. overbearing.

They could choose to accept or not accept gods from foreign nations, but except for those who were pardoned, such as the Parphis who believed in monotheism, conquered peoples sometimes could not refuse to accept Roman gods.

Although the Romans admitted that conquered peoples could have their own beliefs and allowed them to have some of their own cultural customs, the logic was this.

"Your XXX god is our Roman god XXX, so from now on, worshiping our Roman god will have the same effect as worshiping your own god. Worship us."

Because of this policy, people in later generations did not even know the names of the gods that the Gauls truly believed in. The Romans took it upon themselves to believe that the ancestral god of the Gauls was Hades, and the Gauls generally believed in Hermes (Mercius). Le), what are the real forms of the Gallic gods? Later history has long forgotten these. Even now, after many years of Roman occupation, many Gauls have begun to forget.

In Orwell's view, this is a cultural assimilation policy of boiling frogs in warm water. Now the province of Narpongaul in the southernmost part of Gaul is a cooked frog. It is already a posture where Roman Latin culture has the upper hand. In the province of Gaul for hundreds of years, the people here will become Romans culturally rather than continue to be Gauls.

Maybe people with insight saw this risk, maybe careerists saw the fluctuations in Rome's power and chose to take advantage of it, or maybe it was simply because the recent increase in taxes from the empire and the corrupt local governor made it difficult for the locals to survive. In short, it led to this This time the Gallic uprising.

Except for the occasional performance failure, the ethnic groups in this land have always been relatively stable, which is a tough nut to crack. Caesar's conquest of Gaul was also full of dangers and he almost overturned many times. He himself was also afraid of this, which can be seen from his attitude towards the enemy leaders.

Caesar has always been known for his magnanimity. He treated civilians and subordinates, political enemies, conquered nations, and even those who rebelled against him. He was very generous without exception. The only exception was Vercingetorix, the leader of the Gallic uprising. Caesar directly executed him after the triumphal ceremony. He was rarely afraid of a person in his life.

Just when Orville and Tia were reading with their heads covered and thinking hard about the essentials of fighting against Gaul, the guards standing outside the room came in and informed them of a message from the port of Ostia.

Ptolemy Auretes "the Flute Player", the king of Ptolemaic Egypt, died of old age and frailty. An envoy carrying his will came all the way from Alexandria to explain the situation to the Roman emperor and ask the emperor to ensure the execution of the will.

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