Crow's Paradise

Chapter 86 The Missing Maibiak

Yao Yan could not determine what exactly this "wrongness" was.

He couldn't even determine where this "wrongness" came from or where it came from.

Or is it everywhere?

No, that's not right, that's not right either.

Yao Yan tried to find the exact location of the unknown thing that caused his reaction through Karina's eyes and the eyes of the crows.

But, he didn't find it.

However, at this moment, his thoughts suddenly stopped.

The three crows turned their attention to Karina's body.

In an instant, he found the source.

The sense of abnormality originated from Karina and from his body at this moment.

But something strange is that although the location has been roughly confirmed, the abnormality is still a bit hazy and illusory, as if there is an invisible barrier.

And all of this, this feeling, only happened after the bar owner Mai Biak said a few words.

Which sentence is it?

"Playing Karina, the young lady of the Winter family?"

"Mrs. Karina?"

"Looking for Fox?"

"Are you waiting here?"

Yao Yan cannot accurately anchor that sentence, and at most it excludes the last sentence.

After all, the first three sentences were said together.

He did react after the third sentence came out and halfway through the fourth sentence.

But the problem is, after the other party said this sentence, it took effect immediately. What triggered his reaction?

Is there any delay?

He is not so conceited that he would take it for granted that when he feels something is wrong, he is triggered.

It is even possible that it has nothing to do with these four sentences.

But no matter what, these four sentences are indeed the most obvious clues.

These four sentences pointed to the will of Yao Yan, and Karina's eyes also turned to the abandoned castle across the river next to the town.

Yao Yan waited in the bar for a long time, but until the scenery outside the bar completely darkened, he still didn't wait for McBiak to return to the bar.

Something happened.

Having already changed Karina out of her maid uniform and back into her original outfit, Yao Yan stopped waiting and walked directly out of the bar.

When we arrived in front of the bar, the light rain was still falling, making the ground in the town even more muddy.

There was no one on the street.

In the cold and humid air, Yao Yan's eyes swept around, trying to find traces of Maibiak's leaving footprints.

McBiaak said he was going to find Foster, but he did not say where the Foster family was.

Yao Yan was not even sure whether he went to Foster's house or not.

Sure enough, I should have followed him to have a look before, now I don't have to think about finding people by looking for footprints.

Moreover, it is more convenient to ask others for the location than to leave footprints.

After closing the door and opening the umbrella, Yao Yan walked into the rain.


At this moment, his thoughts were interrupted again.


Because the vague sense of abnormality that appeared before disappeared at this moment.

And the reason is precisely because

Left the bar?

Turning around, Karina's eyes followed Yao Yan's will and looked at the door of the bar.

Is there anything wrong with this bar?


The crow's eyes peeking out from inside the cuffs looked at other things.

Tentatively, Yao Yan opened the door again and entered the bar.

The rainwater flowed down from the umbrella and fell to the ground along the ribs of the umbrella. Yao Yan did not feel that hazy abnormality again.


Yao Yan's eyes swept over various items in the bar.

What caused that abnormal feeling, and why did it disappear?

Questions lingered in Yao Yan's heart.

Maybe he should raid the bar? Maybe there are some clues you can find in the bar?

Before, I was worried that Maibiak might come back at any time, so I didn't take any action and just waited in front of the bar. Now it seems that I was overly worried.

However, just when he was thinking about searching, a light came from behind him and landed at Karina's feet.

Turning his head, Yao Yan saw the light source approaching——

".Miss Karina? What are you doing here?"

Following the sound and the position of the light source moving downward, Yao Yan could clearly see the person coming.

It was Sheriff Stabler.

The other party was holding a lantern in his hand.

At this moment, she was standing at the door of the bar. There was no light in the bar, it was dark, and Maibiak was not there either.

Such a situation made the Sheriff's eyes immediately change:

"Miss Karina? What are you doing here?"

The same words, different tones, express different meanings.

Being treated as a burglary suspect by a small town sheriff is certainly not a good thing.

Yao Yan had a very natural reason.

Immediately, Yao Yan brought up the matter of being hired by Maibiak as a bartender, and used the fact that five or six drinkers had seen her as "evidence".

Oh, no, "bar maid" in Macbiak's terms.

"'Bar Maid'?" Sheriff Stabler was a little confused, but he didn't seem to be surprised by the title. "Does Macbiak plan to let you become an opera singer?"

"Yes." Yao Yan did not forget to type the message, "He asked me to play a character also named Karina. I heard that she was from the Winter family hundreds of years ago."

As he spoke, he directly told the story about "Foster":

"McBiak said he was going to find someone from Foster to find out about the Winter family."

After hearing Karina's words, Sheriff Strobol recalled something, seemed to remember something, and nodded, as if he knew why, and his words also proved this:

"Foster? The descendants of bastards are bastards too."

As he said that, he seemed to have thought of something and was about to leave quickly.

"Mr. Sheriff, wait a minute, I will come with you. After you find Mr. McBiaak, can you take me home?"

Yao Yan did not miss this opportunity. After closing the door, he used the excuse that it was not safe to go home and followed him.

The Sheriff originally looked at Karina with a little suspicion in his eyes. After Yao Yan took the initiative to act together, the suspicion in his eyes immediately faded a lot.

Although it cannot be said that there is no such thing, the thief did not choose to leave immediately, but followed the sheriff and police officers, which was too rare.

Holding an umbrella and led by Stebol, Yao Yan gradually approached the small river next to the town.

Not far from the river, there is a house that is roughly the same as the others, except that it is smaller.

Under the firelight of the Sheriff's portable lantern, Yao Yan noticed that the door of the house was open before he even got close to the house.

Noticing this, Yao Yan immediately glanced at the look of the sheriff next to him.

He obviously noticed that something was wrong, and Yao Yan noticed that his eyes quickly moved down and landed on the ground.

Yao Yan also followed his gaze and also discovered the problem.

The footprints at the door extend toward the bridge.

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