Crow's Paradise

Chapter 206 Paradise History

His so-called paradise, which only has more than a hundred people in total, is indeed not the only one.

If nothing else, having only three teams is enough.

Even if they can continue to replenish combat units with artificial humans inside the park, it will take time.

The original owner of Yao Yan's body, an artificial man named Jiali, as a combatant, did not have much information about the paradise itself.


There is a learning area in this park that stores information about other parks.

After a series of inspections, Yao Yan came to the study area and the library area where various study materials were stored.

Soon, Yao Yan found information about other paradises.

This paradise is not a real "paradise".

The real paradise is a huge underground rail ship, a city that can move underground.

There are gathered all the human beings before and after the "natural disaster" event.

The spherical "paradise" he is currently in, with more than a hundred crew members, should be called a dispatch warehouse.

Yao Yan carefully examined the descriptions related to Paradise.

However, at this moment, a voice came:

"Kerry, what are you studying?"

It was Ligil's voice.

Yao Yan turned his head and responded with the tone and attitude of the original owner:

"Captain Ligil? I, I'm looking for information about Paradise."


Hearing this, Lijier couldn't help but walked in and sat down next to the other party, glanced at the books on the table, and then said:

"What do you want to know?"

She didn't plan to be idle during the break, and she also planned to talk more to the survivors of this danger.

This is a nice kid.

"We are obviously not alone in paradise, so why haven't we found other paradises and the original paradise for so long?"

Yao Yan raised the question.

He wasn't worried about what the other party would suspect.

Unexpected and reasonable.

Lijier thought for a moment and responded:

"This is something none of us know, but some people have made assumptions."

She took the pen and paper from another place and began to draw:

"According to the descriptions of the original pilots of this paradise, they did not leave the original paradise, or in other words, they were not rational enough when they left the paradise."

As Ligil spoke, she drew dense lines on the surface of the sphere she had just drawn:

"They were sent out of the original paradise in biological tanks. When they were fully developed, they were educated and trained by the artificial intelligence instructor in the learning area, and then learned about the paradise in the learning area."

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but smile:

"There are no people in this paradise who have actually seen and understood the original paradise."

"However, as they gradually take control of the park, there is a lot to prove."

Ligil turned her gaze to the sphere itself:

"Various technical information, the paradise ship itself, and the underground tracks extending in all directions underground are all proof."

"And in the learning area of ​​the park, there is directly about the park itself."

Having said this, she came to another bookshelf, took down a book, put it on the table, and opened it under Yao Yan's gaze:

"The original park residents discovered that the underground tracks were limited to one area, not because only one area was built, but because the tracks from other areas were artificially disrupted."

Yao Yan listened to the other party listing various evidences and finally said:

"For these clues and evidence, we have three main speculations."

She looked at Yao Yan and said seriously:

"First, our Paradise Number itself exists as a seed and as the last hope. But until now, we have searched many places and have never found other Paradise Numbers in the nearby area."

"We're not sure we're the only ones."

"Second, we were sent to the Original Paradise to perform a certain mission, but we didn't find any instructions about the mission."

"Third, we may be escapees. The Paradise itself has no mission or goal to speak of, and the underground tracks connecting it to other areas were also destroyed by escapees."

As she said this, she seemed to smile:

"Of course, the first two guesses can also be explained by the lack of time to set mission goals and the like."

"In short, we know nothing, right? Apart from the name Paradise, we don't know the origin and specific circumstances of Paradise?" Yao Yan summed it up at the right time.

"It can't be said that I know nothing."

Ligil thought for a while and recited the history about the relationship between ancient humans and demons in the Paradise Reader:

".When the genetic age came, the ancient humans who created dangerous items like demons with the attitude of making playthings are undoubtedly related to the paradise. It can be speculated!"

Ligil shrugged.

Yao Yan couldn't help but shook his head in his heart.

Based on the memory, the contents of the book, and Lijier’s description, we can summarize it——

History books generally record how ancient humans used genetic technology to create demons after the advent of the genetic age.

The original residents of this paradise had no actual contact with the original paradise.

Various clues indicate that the reason why the Paradise ship is isolated from other areas and cannot travel to other areas is man-made, and it is uncertain who caused it.

What Lijier said is basically formed by the expansion of these three main pieces of information.

For Yao Yan, the information itself was not complete.

He needs to know how many paradises there are and what the original paradise was like.

Yaoyan's goal was to understand the history of the original world.

If we only use the information here to reversely map the history of the original world, peeling off the body and only looking at the skeleton, then it can probably be described as——

Human beings have created disasters that can destroy human beings. Human beings are forced to hide, or "human beings are forced to go underground" and act carefully.

If you put it back to the original world, it can be expressed as:

"Human beings have personally created hosts and pollutants, causing humans themselves to weaken and be forced to move into the dark."

But there are too many subjects that can be filled in, so we can’t be sure.

It can also be expressed as "the recipient created a contaminated body, causing the recipient to become weak and forced to move into the dark."

But considering that the source of the trial space is "ancient humans", it should be that humans created the crisis themselves, which led to their own weakness, and they were unable to solve it themselves.

Human beings will subconsciously incorporate various social changes into their creations.

Regarding the myths and legends of heaven and earth, there is a very obvious dynastic official structure.

Social changes and social history will be involved in people's subconscious.

It’s just that it’s impossible to clarify and quantify how much is involved.

While thinking, Yao Yan recalled the previous worlds.

The world of Mo Crow.

Hell world.

The world of Backfire Crow.

The world of the one-eyed crow.

The world of mechanical crows.

And what does the current genetic world and the history of these worlds represent about the conditions of the original world?

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