Crow's Paradise

Chapter 186 Invitation Letter to Detective

Perhaps because of the instinct of his own race, or perhaps because of other reasons, after sympathetically finding a temporary job for the Cyclops, Arnold rushed towards District 1.

Morning, District 1, East, Park.

Arnold met the person he agreed to meet in the park.

It is a humanoid creature with a thin body, said to be an elf, but if you look closely, you will find that there are some details between him and ordinary elves.

He knew the reason, after all, the other party was in a similar situation to himself.

He took off his concealing half-top hat, but did not take off the goggles that concealed his one-eyed eye. However, the mark he drew on his forehead was enough for confirmation.

"Good morning, Mr. Petro, I would like to cooperate with you."

And the elf-like man immediately replied:

"I reject."

"Refuse?" Arnold was a little stunned.

"Mr. Petro", who was dressed as an artist, with a fancy top hat on his head, and a minstrel-style light green trousers and windbreaker, put down the lute in his hand and responded in a deep voice:

"I know what you're trying to do, but it's too dangerous."

Too dangerous? Is it too dangerous to say it now? It's too late.

Arnold didn't attack, he also lowered his voice:

"Even if you don't help me, I won't give up."

Hearing these words, the elf tightened his grip on the trumpet-harp-like lute in his hand, raised it slightly and glanced at it, and then muttered:

"I will recruit a few people to be your assistants, but you must also remember not to be exposed."

He glanced around and then continued:

"Your excellence lies in your ability to collect intelligence. You are not good at reasoning and analysis. You only need to provide them with intelligence and let them take the lead to find out what you need."

During the conversation, he took the lead and walked out of the park, while Arnold followed behind him, pressed his hat tightly, held his cane tightly, and whispered:

"I'm curious how you identified it as related to the black market through that white mouse."

The elf named Petro plucked the strings of the harp, covering up the conversation between the two, and said with a smile on his face:

"As you can tell, it is an experimental animal that escaped from a black market laboratory."

"Of course it can be seen that its tone and movement habits are not like a consciousness transferer, but more like a child."

A serious answer that did not match the "cheerful" smile on his face came from Arnold's mouth:

"Transferees don't have this age."

Such an answer made Petro shake his head:

"It is indeed a clue, but you need to pay more attention to the smell on it."


"It has the smell of anesthetics that can only be found in places like hospitals. Of course, besides hospitals, it can also be found in other places."

"However, the smell of anesthetics on its body is strong enough to cause some small individual creatures to fall with it."

"Of course, by the time you find it, the smell on it will have almost disappeared."

Petro said, and then began to describe and introduce about different hospitals and regions, which hospitals use different types of anesthetics.

After describing the various anesthetics in detail and judging by the categories of anesthetics, he stopped.

Stopping in front of the steam locomotive station, he sighed and stretched out his hand to Arnold:

"I hope we still have a chance to meet."

"Of course." Arnold also stretched out his right hand and shook it with the other person's right hand.

After saying goodbye to Petro, Arnold got into the car. As the scenery outside the window flew by quickly, his thoughts were also racing.

Soon, the locomotive arrived at the site, and following the route told by Petro, Arnold came to a slightly old three-story building.

The poor lighting already shows the age of this house. Even if the sun is brighter today and there is no fog to block it, this building does not provide enough brightness for Arnold.

After entering the rather dark old cabin, Arnold walked up the fairly spacious stairs to the second floor.

Soon, he saw a group of people.

A group of people all focused their attention on him.

Another person said:

"Is this another one of our competitors? Or is it the organizer of our competition this time?"

Arnold looked around and saw nearly twenty men and women.

These detectives of different races and costumes occupied the space near the staircase exit on the second floor.

But at this moment, a suspicious voice sounded:


Arnold heard the sound and went away, only to see a birdman who looked like a hawk walking towards him with his claws spread out:

"I didn't expect to see you here. Are you coming to participate in the detective competition organized by the mysterious organizer?"

This is?

Although he was slightly familiar with it, Arnold was a little confused about this eagle man. He did not remember that he had contact with this eagle man when he was using the identity of Lycid.

However, at this moment, several more voices sounded one after another, and then they called his name with a tone of confusion or surprise.

Arnold looked back and found several detectives he had met when he was acting as Lycid appearing here.

The six people standing together in a team are the famous wolf detective team.

The short woman with three eyes was the magic-eyed person he was familiar with who lived on Sanyan Street.

Detective with a bug head

He glanced over one by one and found that in addition to the one who took the initiative to call him by the name of Licid's fake identity, there were also many other detectives he had met during his detective activities.

After he nodded in response, he walked next to the familiar insect detective and asked casually:

"You are here to compete too? How did you get invited?"


The insect detective nodded:

"I was burned during a fire investigation. I wanted to rest for a few days after being discharged from the hospital, but I thought the medical expenses would lead to insufficient living expenses. Then I found the invitation letter for this detective competition in the mailbox."

The lead detective of the Wolf Pack Detective Team who walked not far from him said:

"Originally, I was assisting the police in hunting down a fugitive, but when I returned home after chasing the fugitive, I found an invitation letter."

"After that participation, I received several more invitations, and this is the fourth time."

At this moment, a voice sounded from the crowd:

"Hey, there seems to be a piece of paper here? When did it appear?"

"Paper? How is that possible? I've just sat there before. Did I drop it?"

"No, it's not. What's written above seems to be about this competition!"

"What? Let me see?"

Amidst the constant chatter, other detectives around Arnold also came over one after another.

In order not to appear abnormal, Arnold also took the same action.

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