Crow's Paradise

Chapter 163 Sky Burial Ceremony

Although Yaoyan did not need sleep, this body obviously did.

After the physical fatigue disappeared, Yao Yan propped up his body with both hands, spread his wings behind his back, and spread the thin quilt.

Not a comfortable way to sleep.

Compared to birds, it has a body structure closer to that of humans.

The body is made up of human structures and bird body parts.

To be honest, this way of sleeping on your stomach is not very comfortable.

However, it was impossible for the arakkoa to sleep lying down.

According to the habit of the original owner Nord, he spread his wings twice, then cleared the fallen feathers into the trash can and then thinned them out.

It is not much faster than humans. Although it is said to have no teeth, it can also be said from another perspective that the entire beak is made of teeth.

Moreover, it needs special care when exposed to the outside.

Although it is not common, in this world's birdman-related industries, there is already a specialized category for bird beak maintenance.

Yao Yan opened and closed his paws.

If the arakkoa evolved naturally, then the arakkoa's predecessor should be a creature with six limbs.

After all, in general, the likelihood of adding extra limbs during natural evolution is extremely low.

Four-limbed animals like humans need to develop into a flying species, basically developing into a winged hand, just like birds.

Like now.

If the legendary griffin were an actual animal, it would indeed be possible to develop a body similar to his.

However, in this world, creatures like the arakkoa are artificial life forms.

After taking out the nuts from the cupboard and enjoying a nut breakfast, Yao Yan left the residence.

While standing at the door, one after another arakkoa with a similar body shape to him flew out from the sky apartment building where he was.

Standing in the corridor at the door, Yao Yan's claws gripped the corridor tightly.

The corridor is not flat, but is made up of pillars with gaps, like chopsticks spread out side by side.

His eyes glanced downward.

The arakkoa people's residence is located on the top floor of a high-rise building.

This is also required by law.

Most birdmen among humanoids live in high-rise buildings.

And it is also a high-rise residence for people in their 20s and 30s.

Standing on the top of the building, Yao Yan could overlook the other bird-man residential buildings in this copper-yellow steel jungle.

If you had a diorama, you might be able to see a panoramic view of this city with huge differences in altitude.

Creatures that live underground, creatures that live on top of tall buildings, creatures that live on the ground.

At this moment, his neighbor's door also opened.

With a squeaking sound of closing, another skinny arakkoa, which was similar to him in appearance, roughly black, and pale compared to his gray beak, walked out of the room.

Seeing Yao Yan, the crow man couldn't help but open his beak and said hello to him:

"Good morning, Nord."

"Good morning, Francisco."

As Yao Yan responded, he opened his wings and released a pair of claws from the corridor pole. As he kicked up, two large wings with a length of nearly five meters began to flap.

Almost at the same time as him, Francisco, who was holding two picture frames with his paws crossed on his chest, also flew up.

The two kept a tacit understanding of their distance to avoid the wind caused by each other from interfering with each other's flight.

However, Francisco's wing flapping movement was obviously a bit slow and he looked very tired.

"Stayed up late painting portraits?"

After Yao Yan's eyes passed over this copper-yellow city with a bit of steampunk style, he turned back to Francisco and asked.

"Yes, the faces of the two deceased persons yesterday were too severely damaged and it is too difficult to restore them."

"That's really sad news."

Yao Yan responded.

This Crow Man is a portrait painter at the Sky Burial Funeral Parlor.

Just like the name of the Sky Burial Funeral Home, it is not about cremation, but about driving and summoning crows to devour the flesh and blood of the corpse.

In this somewhat fantasy society, this sky burial funeral parlor is more of a ritual than a practical one.

Only some deceased who were influenced by some art or belief would come to this funeral home with only fifteen employees for sky burial.

In order to compete with other similar funeral homes, this sky burial funeral home has developed many additional links.

For example, artistic portraits—crows gathering in groups, hovering around corpses.

Or an artistic portrait of a crow covering various imperfections.

And Francisco is the painter of the Sky Burial Funeral Parlor.

If a Crow wants to engage in a career like a painter, they basically have to become a coroner related to police forensics, responsible for recording death scenes, or in criminal investigation, drawing suspects based on eyewitnesses' oral statements. .

The two of them were talking and flying, and not long after, they arrived at the Sky Burial Funeral Home.

The Sky Burial Funeral Parlor is located on the edge of District 3, itself close to a rocky hilly area that is difficult to transform into a residential area.

The funeral parlor itself is not too eye-catching, but there is a huge sign at the intersection indicating the location of the funeral parlor, so there is no need to worry about not finding it.

The funeral parlor occupies a very large area, but most of it is the area where the sky burial ceremony is performed and the external parking lot.

When the two came to the door of the funeral home, other Crow People had already arrived.

Seeing Yao Yan and the two of them, the crow man immediately came over, but the main target was Francisco.

Yao Yan also knew this and landed directly from the side.

He raised his paws and found that the feeling of landing was not as heavy as he had imagined. This allowed him to confirm that it was impossible for Yaren to fly on earth. The reason why they could fly in this world was indeed due to the difference between gravity and air density. question.

With such a small wingspan of five meters and such a degree of muscles, it is possible for such a large and heavy body to fly.

However, Yaoyan quickly moved away from the issue of bird-men being able to fly, because

have a guest?

"We have guests so early?"

As if to verify his idea, after another arakkoa came into contact with Francisco, Francisco let out a low exclamation.


"Yes, that Mr. Dopp does not plan to come to the funeral home to hold it, but plans to hold it in his own courtyard."

The arakkoa man with the claws on his paws sighed.

Hearing these words, Yao Yan walked over:

"Grego, do you want to go out for a funeral?"

After hearing his words, the arakkoa he called Grigo turned his head and nodded to him:

"Yes, it's a university in District 2 of Central City. It seems to be an art professor who asked us to let the original body have a sky burial after his consciousness was transferred."

Grigo, the Burial Master Crowman who was responsible for training the Sky Burial Crows, couldn't help but sigh:

"It's too far. When the sky burial is held, I have to bring the crows there."

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