Crow's Paradise

Chapter 148 The weight of cost-effectiveness

And in this blackness, there is another thing that looks very dark.

Like water, like some kind of fluid.

That kind of thing swallowed up the black things that turned into charcoal in an instant.

That is

dark night.

The human figure with intertwined light and shadow instantly realized what this thing was.

It was dark night.

However, what is different from the scene he has gradually become familiar with over the past month is that these darkness that can swallow up light and shadow are not separated from the world by a layer of protection like night, but directly pour into the world and begin to swallow everything. .

The light was swallowed into the weird darkness, and the color and shape also became distorted before being swallowed up.

However, compared to the distortion on his body, these twisted trees are bleaker——

Because color is swallowed up.

The Sunstone is also dimmer than before.

Because the fire was consumed.

The water reflected nothing.

Because the light is swallowed up.

Things swallowed by the constantly flowing darkness can still form rough and fuzzy outlines at the moment they are swallowed. Those countless indescribable outlines have an unusual sense of beauty at that moment.

However, he was unable and had no intention to appreciate this distorted beauty.

He will also be devoured.

If he is touched by these things, he will disappear directly and die immediately.

At this time, he also understood that he was definitely hostile to something.

The will of the world?

As a contaminant, he was immediately reminded of things he would encounter in certain worlds.

However, before he came in, he had never heard of a world will in this world!

Was it just formed?

Maybe you should be happy?

Are you glad that you have not met a worldly will with certain thinking ability and intelligence?


The human figure with intertwined light and shadow knows the horror of the world's will, the hostility directed against it by the entire world, and this power that strongly conflicts with his power.

Must leave.

He took out a gray-white stone disk from his intertwined body of light and shadow.

Facing the empty air, the figure of light and shadow slammed the stone circular plate into the air.

And the next moment, a huge crack opened in front of his eyes.

Without any hesitation, he rushed directly into the crack.

However, at this moment, he found a figure suddenly appearing next to him.

It was a body made entirely of flames, like a giant bird, but behind it, there was a long, narrow, snake-like tail.


At this moment, the light and shadow humanoid was stunned for a moment.

The experiences of the past month flashed rapidly in my mind, connected with the figure in front of me into a judgment——

"Ascended One!?"

However, the falling feeling that then enveloped his body and his consciousness prevented him from continuing to observe the flaming body, but only remembered the blazing fire beast.

"Did you make it?"

The strange fire beast, Yao Yan also gradually fell into the feeling of falling.

However, at this time, he saw more things than before——

His body, the body of flames he resided in, disintegrated and separated from him at this moment, and then formed a shrinking flame.

And then.

The flames formed stars in the sky.

Before his consciousness completely sank, Yao Yan saw the hazy and fuzzy glow of the star.

After an unknown amount of time, Yao Yan's consciousness recovered.

The starry sky and water surface once again appeared in Yao Yan's field of vision.

However, this time, his position was not close to the water, but much higher than the water.

When he woke up, Yao Yan's eyes immediately scanned the starry sky.

He is looking for something.

However, the tens of millions and countless countless stars dazzled him.


The strange and hazy giant crow closed its eyes. Yao Yan recalled his previous feelings and tried to find his target through this strange way of spiritual perception.

It wasn't smooth, but it didn't take too long, and he found it.

His gaze turned to the starry sky behind him, where he saw a star.

A silver star that is basically no different from other silver stars.

However, based on his previous feelings, he could feel that this star was the fire egg stripped from the body of the dead sun beast that he had possessed for ten years.

The new descendant of the Sun God.

Staring at the star, Yao Yan pondered.

He had never thought before that the body he brought out would become one of the stars.

However, this is not something unimaginable.

He had never known the origin of the stars. He originally thought that the stars were all trial spaces. However, now

What are those stars? There are more objects to refer to.


Yao Yan's eyes fell on the water below.

The reflections of stars that can be fished out of the water, and their relationship with the stars.

After thinking for a moment, Yao Yan shook his head. There was still too little information to make any effective judgment.


Yao Yan's paws gestured.

He is planning the most cost-effective route, the one that can capture the largest reflection of stars.

At his current height, the biggest star he can reach and pick up is that one.

Yao Yan's eyes passed over the water far ahead on the left.


This star didn't give him a high sense of intimacy. Although fishing out the reflection of a star should be the least wasted, he still wasn't inclined to this one.

If anything, what he likes more is an ability that he has become extremely familiar with over the past ten years.

The ability to peek into any corner of the world without being discovered.

Yao Yan's eyes turned to the right. There was a star close to his right rear. If he picked it up, it would be the most wasteful. However, this star gave him the highest sense of intimacy.

At this time, Yao Yan was in a bit of a dilemma.

The core of the code of conduct he follows now is "cost-effectiveness".

But what about this standard weighting of value for money?

We always talk about cost-effectiveness, but what is the comparison of cost-effectiveness?

What criteria are used as criteria for judging value for money?

Which criterion is important? Which standard accounts for what proportion, and what is the overall structural proportion?

Human beings, no, even now, they are vague about these standards and the distribution of weights.

Use your own "cost-effectiveness" values ​​to judge other people's values. Things that others think are unimportant are valued by another person. However, neither party knows this. The result is that there is something wrong with the other person's outlook and brain.

Yao Yan didn't think that there was ever a time when people fully understood each other, nor did he think that this time would ever come.

His gaze went back and forth between the two stars.

Closeness is the degree of closeness to one's own abilities.

The size of the star is the level of strength of the ability. Like the rumors and monsters in Dasheng World, the ability can affect all aspects of the outside world. In his case, it can only work on himself, and the power it can bring is limited and consumes a lot of money.

Capturing the height of the stars is the resource you have.

He doesn't care about the remainder. What he cares about is size and proximity. How should the weight be distributed?

One nine? Thirty-seven? Five-five? Seventy-three? nine one?

However, having said that, can he accurately assign weights to each value criterion?

Can you do it yourself?

The sense of closeness is related to the compatibility with one's own future development abilities. If the compatibility is not enough, there will be dangers and the path of one's development will be blocked. Yao Yan is also very clear about this.

But if the star is too small, the scope of its use will become very narrow, causing it to only work in certain aspects.

It's okay if he requires restrictions. The ability of "rumor" can help him break through the restrictions. It doesn't need to be like the pollutant, which must have a mirror and a third person other than himself to observe the scene in the mirror for it to be effective.

However, he can break through the required restrictions, but the effective scope is beyond his control.

Although there is a difference in the feeling of closeness given to him by the two stars, is this difference worth the difference of nearly two to one?

After thinking for a long time, Yao Yan finally chose the latter.

That star has a higher sense of intimacy, but there is another reason why I chose this star.

Compared to the other star, this star gave him a feeling that was closer to the star formed by the body's fragmentation.

He flapped his wings and slid towards his target location.

However, when he was sliding down, he looked at the sky again and looked at the star that his body was broken into.

I don’t know if my experiment will be successful.

Will the spiritual body from the trial space, and the worldview formed by his deliberate influence, form the abilities he wants as he wishes?

His thoughts flashed by and he shook his head. Yao Yan's attention was focused on the reflection of the huge star.

ps: This ability doesn’t feel easy to write. Although it is a very common thing, when used as an ability, it doesn’t feel very easy to write.

Speaking of which, do you want to understand the complete worldview of this world?

Before writing the book, I originally planned to write one by one, accumulating various inspirations, and accumulated the outlines of more than a dozen books. Because of my own unexpected situation, I planned to find a way to write them all.

Some are inspirations for short stories, some are inspirations for novels, there are about thirty books in total. I originally planned to write them in Night Crow ~ But now Night Crow has stopped. The longer I wait, the less I want to write. What is this kind of thing called? Giving up on yourself? I clearly remembered this psychological phenomenon before, but now I have forgotten it. Thinking of this, I am wondering whether to advance the roles related to "forgetting" and "memory" abilities.

As for Night Crow, I can only say that I’ll find time to continue writing Night Crow later, and I’ll have to shorten the update time.

Generally speaking, I can only say that things in the world are confusing.

Without this encounter, would I have had the chance to come up with a novel synopsis that I might never have used?


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